I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v10 ~: two hundred and forty-four

The composition of the solar cell module and the functions of each part:

1. The function of tempered glass is to protect the main body of power generation (such as battery), and the selection of light transmission is required: the light transmittance must be high (generally more than 91%), and ultra-white tempered.

2. EVA is used to bond and fix the tempered glass and the main body of power generation (such as batteries). The quality of the transparent EVA material directly affects the life of the module. The EVA exposed to the air is easy to age and turn yellow, thus affecting the light transmittance of the module. , thereby affecting the power generation quality of the module in addition to the quality of the EVA itself.

The lamination process of module manufacturers is also very influential. For example, the adhesiveness of EVA is not up to standard, and the bonding strength of EVA to tempered glass and backplane is not enough, which will cause EVA to age prematurely and affect the life of the module. Mainly bond and encapsulate the power generation body and the backplane.

3. The main function of the cell is to generate electricity. The mainstream in the power generation market is the crystalline silicon solar cell and the thin-film solar cell, both of which have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Crystalline silicon solar cells have relatively low equipment cost and high photoelectric conversion efficiency. It is suitable to generate electricity in outdoor sunlight, but the consumption and cell cost are high.

Thin-film solar cells have very low consumption and battery cost, very good low-light effect, and can generate electricity under ordinary light, but the relative equipment cost is relatively high, and the photoelectric conversion efficiency is more than half that of crystalline silicon cells, such as the solar energy on the calculator. Battery.

4. The function of the backplane, sealing, insulation, and waterproofing (generally, TPT, TPE and other materials must be resistant to aging. Most component manufacturers have a 25-year warranty. Tempered glass and aluminum alloy are generally no problem. The key lies in the backplane. and whether the silicone can meet the requirements.

5. The aluminum alloy protective laminate plays a certain role in sealing and supporting.

6. The junction box protects the entire power generation system and acts as a current transfer station. If the component is short-circuited, the junction box automatically disconnects the short-circuit battery string to prevent the entire system from burning out. The most important thing in the junction box is the selection of diodes. Different types of cells have different corresponding diodes.

7. Silicone sealing function, used to seal the junction between the component and the aluminum alloy frame, the component and the junction box.

Some will use double-sided tape and foam to replace silicone, but most of them generally use silicone, which is simple, convenient, easy to operate, and low cost.

The basic characteristics of solar cells are the polarity of solar cells, the performance parameters of solar cells, and the volt-ampere characteristics of solar electric environmental protection cells.

The polarity of solar cells is that silicon solar cells are generally made of P+N type structure or N+P type structure. P+ and N+ represent the conductivity type of the semiconductor material of the solar cell front illumination layer; N and P represent the backside substrate of the solar cell. The conductivity type of a semiconductor material.

The electrical properties of solar cells are related to the properties of the semiconductor materials used to make the cells.

The performance parameters of solar cells are composed of open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, maximum output power, fill factor, and conversion efficiency.

These parameters are indicators to measure the performance of solar cells.

The volt-ampere characteristics of the solar cell are P-N junction solar cells consisting of a shallow P-N junction formed on the surface, a front-side ohmic contact with strips and fingers, a backside ohmic contact covering the entire backside surface, and an anti-reflection layer on the frontside layer.

When the cell is exposed to the solar spectrum, photons with energies less than the band gap Eg do not contribute to the cell output.

Photons with energy greater than the forbidden band width Eg will contribute energy Eg to the battery output, and energy less than Eg will be consumed in the form of heat.

Therefore, in the design and manufacture of solar cells, the influence of this part of the heat on cell stability, life, etc. must be considered.

The solar AC power generation system is composed of solar panels, charge controllers, inverters and batteries; the solar DC power generation system does not include the inverter.

According to the crystalline state, solar cells can be divided into two categories: crystalline thin film type and amorphous thin film type (referred to as a- below), and the former is further divided into single crystal form and polycrystalline form.

According to the material, it can be divided into silicon film shape, compound semiconductor film shape and organic film shape, and compound semiconductor film shape is divided into amorphous shape (a-Si:H, a-Si:H:F, a-SixGel-x: H, etc.), IIIV group (GaAs, InP, etc.), IIVI group (Cds system) and zinc phosphide (Zn3p2), etc.

According to the different materials used, solar cells can also be divided into: silicon solar cells, multi-compound thin film solar cells, polymer multilayer modified electrode solar cells, nanocrystalline solar cells, organic solar cells, plastic solar cells, among which silicon solar cells Solar cells are the most mature and dominate the application.

Silicon solar cells are divided into three types: monocrystalline silicon solar cells, polycrystalline silicon thin film solar cells and amorphous silicon thin film solar cells.

Monocrystalline silicon solar cells have the highest conversion efficiency and the most mature technology. The highest conversion efficiency in the laboratory is 24.7%, and the efficiency in mass production is 15%.

It still occupies a dominant position in large-scale applications and industrial production, but due to the high cost of monocrystalline silicon, it is difficult to greatly reduce its cost. In order to save silicon materials, polycrystalline silicon thin films and amorphous silicon thin films have been developed as monocrystalline silicon solar cells. alternative products.

Compared with monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon thin film solar cells have lower cost and higher efficiency than amorphous silicon thin film cells. The highest conversion efficiency in the laboratory is 18%, and the conversion efficiency in industrial scale production is 10%.

Amorphous silicon thin-film solar cells have low cost, light weight, high conversion efficiency, and are convenient for mass production. directly affects its practical application.

If the problem of stability and conversion rate can be further solved, amorphous silicon solar cells will undoubtedly be one of the main development products of solar cells.

Polycrystalline thin film batteries cadmium sulfide and cadmium telluride polycrystalline thin film batteries are more efficient than amorphous silicon thin film solar cells, and their cost is lower than that of single crystal silicon batteries, and they are also easy to produce on a large scale. The environment causes serious pollution, therefore, it is not the most ideal substitute for crystalline silicon solar cells.

The conversion efficiency of gallium arsenide (GaAs) III-V compound cells can reach 28%. The GaAs compound material has a very ideal optical band gap and high absorption efficiency. It has strong radiation resistance and is insensitive to heat. It is suitable for manufacturing High efficiency single junction cells.

However, the high price of GaAs materials limits the popularity of GaAs batteries to a large extent.

Copper indium selenide thin film battery (abbreviated as CIS) is suitable for photoelectric conversion, and there is no light-induced degradation problem, and the conversion efficiency is the same as that of polysilicon.

Chapter 0237 Announcement of Energy Conversion Device