I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v2 Chapter 22: lock after launch

In 1987, the U.S. military used the M2 "Bradley" chariot chassis to modify the "Adaz" air defense missile system for air defense.

However, because the "Adats" missile system considers the dual combat purposes of air defense and anti-tank, the missile adopts high-precision laser guidance technology and a heavier combined warhead. Therefore, in terms of air defense, it is not as good as fully active or semi-active infrared guided air defense missiles. Flexible, easy to operate and low cost.

Therefore, the U.S. Army later abandoned the "Adats" air defense missile program and changed it to the "Vengeance" air defense missile system installed on the "Hanma" high-mobility multi-purpose wheeled vehicle based on the "Stinger" and installed in the "Stinger". The "Forward" air defense system on the "Bradley" tank.

And retain all other weapon systems, including the 25mm M242 "Viper" electric chain-fed cannon, and after modification, the "Bradley-Defender" can be used to provide fire support, strike lightly armored targets and air defense. combat purpose.

This shows that the design ideas of the "Adac" missile system still meet the needs of combat.

The abandonment of the U.S. Army led the Canadian Army to adopt the Adaz missile system, also known as the Low-Level Short-Range Air Defense (SHORAD) system, in 1988.

With operational networking and real-time information sharing, the Canadian Army will combine several separate Adaz missile systems into a combat network and operate together.

The "Adats" missile system is the main component of the "Canadian low-level air defense system" and is installed on M113 armored vehicles.

The Canadian Army procured a total of 36 systems, with the first system delivered in 1988 and all completed in 1994.


Under the control of several Hydra drivers, three ADATS anti-aircraft and anti-tank tracked armored vehicles drove out of the building, and while driving out, the pulsed Doppler X-band on the armored vehicles The dual-beam radar has captured and locked the signal of the Super Eagle F-117A.

However, the Super Eagle is not comparable to those F-117As that are about to retire. Although the Super Eagle was captured and locked by radar at an altitude of 300 meters, the Super Eagle still opened the magazine and quickly threw 6 AGM- After the 88A Hamm high-speed anti-radiation missile, it quickly turned into a human shape. In the no-landing mode, it forcibly landed at the ground exit of an underground parking lot and slid into the underground parking lot.

In the case of losing the target, several Hydra drivers had to point the "Adaz" air defense and anti-tank tracked armored vehicle at the 6 AGM-88A Hamm high-speed anti-radiation missiles that flew in. After launching the "Adaz" air defense missile, quickly turned off the radar and started maneuvering.

But he didn't want to, the trick of "Adaz" turned off was of no use to the 6 AGM-88A Hamm high-speed anti-radiation missiles.

AGM-88 anti-radiation missile, referred to as: HARM, also known as: "HARM", is the third-generation anti-radiation missile.

The Hamm high-speed anti-radiation missile adopts the inertial navigation device, even if the enemy radar is turned off during the flight, the "Ham" can still fly to the target by proportional guidance according to the calculated flight trajectory.

Therefore, the "Ham" missile can use three attack methods:

First, it is self-defense.

This is the basic attack method of "Ham". After the radar warning receiver mounted on the "Ham" missile aircraft detects the radiation source signal, the airborne launch command computer will classify, threat judgment and attack the radiation source target. Sequence, and then issue digital instructions to the missile to load the relevant parameters of the identified key target into the missile and display it to the pilot.

As long as the target enters the missile range, the missile can be launched. No matter whether the target is within the field of view of the missile seeker, the missile will fly according to the predetermined trajectory under the control of the digital autopilot to ensure that the missile seeker can intercept the target.

This method belongs to "lock after launch", that is, LOAL, LockOnAfterLaunch.

The second attack method is the preset method, which is to launch the missile to the position of the known radiation source target, which is also a "lock after launch" method.

The missile seeker searches, identifies, and classifies all the detected radiation sources according to the predetermined procedure, automatically locks to the predetermined target, and tracks it until it is destroyed. If the missile fails to hit the target, a self-destruct device in the missile warhead will cause the missile to self-destruct for secrecy.

The third attack method is the casual method.

During the flight of the aircraft carrying the "Ham" missile, the missile seeker will be in a working state, using its much higher sensitivity than the general radar warning receiver to detect, locate and identify the radiation source, and display the relevant information to the pilot. information, the pilots target the most threatening targets and fire the missiles.

This method belongs to "lock before launch", namely LOBL, LockOnBeforeLaunch method, but the chance of finding the target in this method is limited by the field of view of the seeker.

Whether it is locked after launch, locked before launch, or preset, the 6 AGM-88A Hamm anti-radiation missiles "thrown" by the Super Eagle have been ignited and run in the polysulfide rubber sr113-tc-1 The dual-thrust solid-fuel rocket motor flies at a speed of 633 meters per second~lightnovelpub.net~ and this speed is still rising.

By the time the Adaz missile ignited and flew out, the six AGM-88A Hamm anti-radiation missiles had already fallen.

With the sound of several booms and explosions, the two Adaz tracked armored vehicles were blown up by the missile, and the fragments broke off the tracks and caused a fire under the impact force.

As the fire intensified, the diesel fuel on the armored vehicle was also ignited and detonated, and the Hydra drivers in the two armored vehicles instantly turned into black carbon.

Only one "Adaz" tracked armored vehicle was lucky. Under the control of the Hydra driver on the vehicle, the "Adaz" tracked armored vehicle stumbled out from the black smoke produced by the incomplete combustion of diesel. , trying to get back to the Hydra Defense Building.

But at this time, the Super Eagle who came to the underground parking lot had already returned to the ground, turned around with a grin, and fired the AGM-65 "Cub" air-to-surface missile at the "Adaz" tracked armored vehicle.

With a bang, the AGM-65 "Cub" air-to-surface missile flew out at a speed of 408 meters per second, driven by a dual-thrust solid rocket motor, in less than 3 seconds, the AGM-65 "Cub" "The air-to-surface missile hit the "Adaz" tracked armored vehicle, boom!

After the Super Eagle launched the AGM-65 "Cub" air-to-surface missile, it did not stop. After contacting Jaguars and Forerunners, Xun learned that they were blocked by another Hydra defense building and could not go there. In the shopping mall, the Super Eagle quickly transformed into an F-117A and rushed over.


At this time, the head of the Hydra base was still a little confused. He couldn't understand at all, who would attack them in the United States, the FBI? SHIELD?

Chapter 023 Prediction of Radiation Erosion