I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v2 Chapter 29: The target is the sky!

Witnessed by the six Decepticons Transformers—Super Eagle, Forerunner, Puma, Jaguar, Jaguar, and Hunter, Geek made his own oath while introducing himself.

In this regard, Super Eagle and others naturally agreed, but just as Super Eagle was about to speak, a flash of lightning suddenly penetrated the clouds and fell somewhere in the town.

Seeing this scene, Geck's face became ugly, and at the same time he said softly, "Master..."


Although Geck's voice was small, at this time, the six Decepticons Transformers, Super Eagle, Forerunner, Puma, Jaguar, Jaguar, and Hunter were all beside Gek, so naturally they heard this sentence and said: Immediately reacted and realized that the master was where the thunder and lightning fell.

The seven Transformers, who felt bad, quickly transformed into vehicles and ran to their owner Zhou Wenwen.


When the Transformers were talking about Drift getting out of the shuttle, the U.S. military had resumed operations.

The reason why they suspended operations before was because they were on the transport plane and received a UFO fall warning from NASA.

Therefore, the U.S. military made an emergency landing on the ground and made preparations for impact prevention. The accompanying fighter jets went to the nearby air force base. At the same time, NASA and the Army also urgently called military satellites to observe the town.

But because Hydra was well prepared over the town, NASA and the Army's military satellites did not find the town at all.

After the U.S. military reported the town again, NASA and the Army found that the problem was serious. NASA decided to call in more satellite observations, and the Army asked the Ministry of Defense for help.

After receiving the request for help, the Ministry of National Defense immediately ordered the Air Force to mobilize aircraft to reconnaissance from the air bases around the target, and to dispatch bombers and fighter jets as soon as they were verified.

And because of Hydra's advance action, the air base mission responsible for dispatching aircraft reconnaissance and bombers and fighter jets immediately became a 100% infiltrated air base mission by Hydra.

So under the direct order of Hydra, in addition to the 3 Predators taking off at this air base, there are also 3 F-15E "Strike Eagle" fighter-bombers and 9 F-16C-block52 single-seat fighters to follow the battle.

The F-15E "Strike Hawk" is a two-seat supersonic all-weather fighter-bomber designed by McDonnell-Douglas on the basis of the F-15 with ground attack as its main mission.

This is the F-111 successor aircraft developed and put into production according to the US Air Force plan in 1982. It has both ground attack and air superiority capabilities, and is called a dual-mission fighter.

But no matter what Hydra's air force plans, this US Army combat team has arrived at the gate of the town, ready to enter the town, and the battle is about to start!


Among the Autobots who set out with Optimus Prime, except for Da Huang Feng, Tin Hide, and Jazz, almost no one could stop the Decepticons, which made Drift worry about the safety of the ambulance.

In order to ensure the safety of the ambulance, Drift decided to take the first step and reach the earth first, and before the Decepticons arrived, he took the source of fire from Starscream and escaped back to Cybertron.

No matter whether this plan will be successful or not, what Drift can do and do is only this!

What surprised Drift was that as soon as he entered the earth, he felt the energy fluctuation of the source of fire (Zhou Wenwen activated Geek), so he immediately changed his direction and changed the location of the land from New York to here.

But, why is the source of fire energy in the little "alien" in front of him?

With this little doubt, he connected with the drift of the American Internet Society English and asked Zhou Wenwen.

"Little one, why does the energy of the source of fire linger in you?"

Hearing Drift's words, Zhou Wenwen didn't reply first, but turned around and found that there was a camera, entered the overclocking state to make sure the camera was working, and Zhou Wenwen answered Drift's question.

"Autobot, I'm not a trifle. I'm a human being, and I'm also the oldest guardian of this earth, an ultra-frequency warrior. As an alien and an invader, what qualifications do you have to ask me?"


While speaking, Zhou Wenwen pressed the button on the armor on his left hand to project the data.

At this time, Zhou Wenwen's body was still under the efficacy of the first-generation micro-overclocking liberation medicine, so he could still retain his fighting power.

Stability: 182%, remaining energy supply: 7.2.

Stability decline rate per second: 0.9%, 1s, body shows radioactive erosion: 27.2%.

Radioactive erosion per second rising speed: 0.9%, 1s, radioactive erosion per second falling speed: 2.1%, 1s.


"And I really don't understand, where is the Rubik's Cube you're talking about, the Rubik's Cube that can give life to mechanical metal objects?!"

In order to accomplish his goal, Zhou Wenwen deliberately said in a low voice, and what happened next was exactly as Zhou Wenwen expected.

Hearing the drift of Zhou Wenwen's words, he understood the meaning of Zhou Wenwen's words almost instantly, and realized that Zhou Wenwen had seen the source of fire, otherwise it would be impossible to tell the function and appearance of the source of fire.

Thinking of this, Drift was just about to say something when he saw the villain in front of him suddenly disappeared, he couldn't help turning his head and glanced around.

Zhou Wenwen, who suddenly disappeared, was already in the sky at this time, because in the last second, he made a brief query? After Ash Energy launched the 0.1 system, Zhou Wenwen took advantage of the speed brought by the 182% overclocking state~lightnovelpub.net ~ Before this 1 second has passed, he came to the sky above Drift.

?Ash energy launch 0.1 system:

Maximum stored αβ energy: 3000αβ.

Now stores αβ energy: 201αβ.

Maximum storage electron: 1000A.

Currently stored electrons: 75A.

Seeing that the stored current is 75A, and the stored αβ energy is 201αβ, although Zhou Wenwen is very happy, if the opponent is a guy like Transformers, this power may not be enough.

But at the moment, Zhou Wenwen can only pin his hopes on this move. Thinking of this week, Wenwen no longer hesitates, presses the button of the left arm armor again, takes over the αβ electron absorption cycle, converts the emission? Ash energy 0.1 system, and calls out 201 degrees of αβ energy And 75A current, it is quickly introduced into the acceleration tube and circulated.

The time setting is to launch after 3 seconds, and the target this time is the sky!


Driven by the turbojet engine behind him, Zhou Wenwen, who came to the sky above Drift, stepped on the released Ark A1 Dragoon, turned around and jumped away, and threw three second-generation discharge copper short spears at Drift in a row.

And the short spear made of electric discharge copper that flew out of Zhou Wenwen's hands at high speed did not fall to the drifting joints to cause electric shocks to drift. Instead, it rubbed a spark along the drifting surface metal and inserted it into the ground.

The real battle begins now.

Zhou Wenwen, who thought that he was attacked by drift, no longer scruples, and slashed into the air with his sword, but because the speed of drift was too fast, Zhou Wenwen, who entered the 161% stability range of the overclocked armor, seemed to be flying towards him. Knife light.

In desperation, Zhou Wenwenqi...

Chapter 030 Announcement of the coming future