I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v2 Chapter 36: Fighting Magic Golem

(The F-35A made its first flight in 2006)

Hearing the last sentence of the representative of Lockheed Martin, everyone present showed a surprised expression, even Zhou Wenwen was very surprised, because he only knew that in 2007, there was an F-35 "Lightning 2" Air Force version of the fighter. .

The representative of New Boeing, who heard the words of the representative of Lockheed Martin, was very surprised, but when he saw Zhou Wenwen really wanted to agree to the transaction, he quickly got up and said, so in front of everyone, the representative of New Boeing said higher price.

"Wait a minute, let's compete for the second one!"

"3 B-1 Lancers, 3 B-52 Stratofortresses, 3 F/A-18E Super Hornet single-seat fighter attack aircraft, 2 F/A-18F Super Large Wasp two-seat fighter-attack aircraft, 3 B-2 "Ghost" stealth bombers!" (estimated about 3.9-5.1 billion US dollars)

What, three B-2 "Ghost" stealth bombers? !

Hearing the "B-2 "Ghost" Stealth Bomber" from the representative of New Boeing, the representative of Lockheed Martin couldn't help being surprised, but before he could react, Zhou Wenwen, who was ecstatic, knocked on the hammer and agreed to the two deals.

Only then did the representatives of New Boeing and Lockheed Martin react, and they were tricked, but the deal had been reached, and the two representatives could only nod their heads and accept the deal.

At this moment, the forerunner, the hunter, the jaguar, the jaguar, the cougar, and the Geek who transformed into human form walked in.

And behind the five Transformers came a large group of agents and soldiers from the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, United States Secret Service, Air Force Intelligence, and Naval Intelligence, and these agents and soldiers were equipped Weapons and body armor.

The appearance of fully-armed agents and soldiers made these representatives from large companies panic instantly, and before these representatives were ready to protest and prosecute in their name, the hunters who were allowed by Zhou Wenwen jumped out and clicked on the representative. A few strange men.

Zhou Wenwen, who entered the overclocking state, discovered these strange men very early, and refused to reveal their true identities, but was limited by himself, so there was no attack.

And now, with the arrival of hunters, it is just right to complete the human thing.

"Representatives from various companies, I know that you are a little dissatisfied with my actions, but believe me, after today's transaction is over, tomorrow's Pentagon will receive a gift from me." Zhou Wenwen said in a deep voice.

Saying that, Zhou Wenwen left the place and went to the designated hotel to rest under the **** of the five Transformers of Forerunner, Hunter, Jaguar, Jaguar, Puma, and Geek.

Of course, it has also been taken over by agents and soldiers from the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, Secret Service, Air Force Intelligence, and Naval Intelligence, making it impossible for S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra agents to enter.

Only the agents and soldiers of the seventh district, who were also soldiers, were allowed in, but they could only reach the second floor, and were sent away by Zhou Wenwen saying, "Let's go to the Pentagon tomorrow."

This made the agents and soldiers from the seventh district have a headache, but they could only follow Zhou Wenwen's arrangement.

When the time came to 0:1, Zhou Wenwen also completed the video and ppt production for tomorrow's "promotion", just in time to observe the refreshed store, but to Zhou Wenwen's surprise, the chain task actually completed one .


store, version: 0.0.2.A.b.2.

Users can purchase items in the daily shop, weekly shop, monthly shop, quarterly shop, yearly shop, normal area of ​​restricted shops, and charging area with the rewards obtained from mission sidelines, legends, battles, etc.

Users can receive items for free in the free area.

Current users can receive items and rewards during daily check-in.


User: Zhou Wenwen, Level: 2.

Level 2 users can purchase 2 items each in the daily shop, the normal area of ​​the weekly shop, and the charging area with the rewards obtained from the quest branch, legend, battle, etc.

Level 2 users can receive 2 items for free in the free zone.

Level 2 users can enjoy a 99.9% discount when purchasing G-level items.

Level 2 users can now claim 1 additional daily quest on top of 1 daily quest, and 1 additional weekly quest on top of 1 weekly quest.

Level 2 users can now log in every day to get 1% fame and 1 G-level quest sideline.


Chain quest: "Finding the Darkness 1" quest evaluation: A.

Quest reward: 1 A-level quest mainline.

2 B-level mission mainlines.

3 C-level mission mainlines.

4 D-level mission branches.

5 E's quest branch.

Description: The road is a long way to go, and I will go up and down to search.

Spreading justice has always been a difficult task, and finding darkness is even more troublesome, but no matter how incoherent, someone has to do it.

Quest requirements: Kill the Dark Knight (0/3).

Find the source of darkness (0/3).

Kill the outsider warlock (0/3).

Kill the psychic (0/30).

Kill Undead (0/300).

Tip: When looking for the darkness, don't sink into it, or you will never be able to look back.


Serial quest: "Everyone Knows 2" (completed) Quest evaluation: B.

1 B-level mission mainline.

2 C-level mission branches.

3 D-level mission branches.

Description: You have successfully made your name and gained a lot of fame.

Quest requirements: Get 3000 fame (7200/3000).

Tip: Crazy water video is a good suggestion.

New daily quest: "Compete against a strong enemy" and "Unfinished" quest evaluation~lightnovelpub.net~ quest reward: 1 A-level quest mainline.

1 B-level mission mainline.

Description: A powerful enemy is about to arrive at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in 9 hours, leading a large number of puppets, to stop you, and muster the courage to fight!

Mission requirements: Kill 1 wandering warrior. (0/1)

Destroy 100 F/A-1-A Combat Magic Golems. (0/100)

Tip: The ability of wandering warriors lies in speed, and clever use of time frames can make wandering warriors lose their way.

A single F/A-1-A battle-type magic golem is not strong, and RPG is enough to deal with it, but when more than 2 F/A-1-A battle-type magic golems appear and fight together, the F/A- The combat power of the 1-A combat-type magic puppet will be greatly increased.


When Zhou Wenwen saw the content of the new daily mission, Zhou Wenwen couldn't help being taken aback and wanted to tell those agents and soldiers, but Zhou Wenwen quickly recovered and gave up the notification.

The reason is simple, test.



Als (Advanced Test) heavy fighter tank, Ark GOGO company, Als/F-2x super combat fighter, and even overclocking armor, all come from the book "Overclocking Armor".

But it is worth noting that the world Zhou Wenwen is in now, although it has contact with Ark GOGO, is not the Marvel world in "Overclocking Warriors in Meiman".

The world that Zhou Wenwen was in before had nothing to do with Ark GOGO.

And about everything, we will talk about it later.

Chapter 037 Announcement of two sources of fire