I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v2 Chapter 83: Electromagnetic double field

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"You Decepticons, Transformers, why should you obey the orders of a human?"

"OristhisthetrickofStarscream, Megatron, shockwave, sonic, you"

"Or, is this the trick of your Decepticons, Starscream, Megatron, Shockwave, Sonic?"

"SA, it'shardtosay, because Ididhavesucha--"

"Sarah, it's hard to say, because I did have such a plan--"

With this voice, a Transformer who surprised Drift and Super Eagle appeared in front of him, because he was Starscream!

"But after that, Igaveupbecauseadulthumansaretoocomplextocontrol."

"But after that, I gave up on this plan, because adult humans are too complicated to control," Starscream said with a wicked smile.

With the sound of Starscream's voice, dozens of Transformers from the Decepticon faction appeared beside Starscream, and the giant ferocious troops and shock waves that appeared among them caused Drift to take a deep breath.

The monstrous army is made up of Decepticon primitive warriors who have disappeared for millions of years, they are older than Megatron, they left Cybertron shortly after the outbreak of the civil war, and later wandered around the earth, taking the form of earth beasts. The form is a deformed form, and it has been free for millions of years in the jungle of the Cenozoic.

After Starscream landed on the earth, he immediately discovered the giant ferocious troops. After he risked his life to subdue these rebellious beasts, he immediately transformed them into powerful warriors, and could combine them into dragons.

Shockwave is Megatron's adjutant. In a sense, the appearance of shockwave means that Megatron will also appear.

However, as early as the outbreak of the ancient Cybertron war, Shockwave was already Megatron's adjutant, and his loyalty and ability have been affirmed by him.

Before Megatron led his troops to pursue the Autobots, he was entrusted with the task of staying on Cybertron.

In the long years that followed, although Megatron disappeared, Shockwave still dutifully took his place and maintained the Decepticon's rule over the planet, so in the Autobots, sometimes Shockwave was more than Megatron. Even more terrifying.

Drift, who recognized the identities of these Decepticons Transformers, could not help but exclaimed in a low voice, "WhydidyouleaveCybertronandcometoearth?"

"Why did you leave Cybertron and come to Earth!"


"Could it be that--"

Drift said something, and remembered something. At the same time as his face became ugly, his body was changing into a vehicle shape and wanted to run, but Starscream suddenly appeared behind him. He grabbed the light wave hot sword and stabbed the body behind Drift at the same time. , and following Drift's words, Starscream sneered:


New quest: "Choose Light and Darkness" quest evaluation: S.

Quest rewards: 2 S-level quest mainlines.

Description: Although you have obtained Ultraman Arreat's Earth, Flame, Dawn, and Frost power forms, you have not unlocked Ultraman Arreat's Light Power Form Card and Ultraman Arreat's Dark Power Form Card.

But what is even more desperate is that Ultraman Arreat's mortal enemy, the celestial demon, is chasing after the earth. Before the mortal enemy celestial demon comes, get one of the two powers as soon as possible and start a confrontation with it!

Mission requirements:

Unlock Ultraman Arreat Light Power Form Card (0/1) or Unlock Ultraman Arreat Dark Power Form Card (0/1).

Seal the mortal enemy, the demon of the heavenly realm (0/1).


Light and darkness can only choose one of the two, and they cannot be changed unless they see life and death and embark on the road of chaos.


Soon, Zhou Wenwen finished the mission and saw Ultraman Zeta looking at him stupidly. Zhou Wenwen grinned in his heart, but he stepped forward on the surface. After Zhou Wenwen confirmed that Ultraman Zeta could not escape, Only then did he draw the power of the earth, and after trapping Ultraman Zeta, he immediately made a big move.

Electromagnetic double field!

Shake the shock wave!


The electromagnetic double field is that Ultraman Arreat uses the power of the earth to create two mutually positive and negative electromagnetic fields, causing the target to fall into a chaotic state, unable to move or use its abilities.

Chapter 84 Announcement of Polar Freeze