I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v2 Chapter 94: angle shot

Book friends group 777314382, welcome to join the discussion of the plot, the group owner will send photos from time to time.


"Here is the No. 45 M1A2SEP main battle tank at 5 o'clock. The CO2 laser range finder has been confirmed! The distance is 1077 meters, and the CITV commander's independent thermal imager has locked the target! After 3 seconds, the number of rounds fired is a lean-axis bomb- High-explosive rounds - armor-piercing rounds!"


"Here is the No. 1 Challenger 2 main battle tank at 6 o'clock. The laser rangefinder has been surveyed and mapped! The distance is 927 meters, and the laser is aimed to lock the target! In the order of the armor-piercing low-shaft rounds, 3 shellings are carried out in sequence!"


"Here is the No. 60 Challenger 2 main battle tank at 7 o'clock. The laser rangefinder has been surveyed and mapped! The distance is 1077 meters, and the laser is aiming to lock the target! After 1.8 seconds, follow the armor-piercing low-axis bomb to the armor-piercing high-explosive bomb- In the order of the armor-piercing low-shaft rounds, 3 shellings are carried out in sequence!"

bang bang bang bang bang...

Intensive gun sounds rang out one after another. Under the advancement of the gunpowder propellant, the poor shaft shells, high-explosive shells, brick armor shells, and armor-piercing shells flew from the L30 type 120mm rifled tank gun and the 120mm 44-time diameter M256 smoothbore gun. The high-explosive projectile and the armor-piercing low-shaft projectile flew out at an initial velocity of more than 1 kilometer, hitting the body of the F/A-1-B support type magic puppet in the blink of an eye, followed by an explosion in the next second.

Boom boom boom!

After three rounds of shelling, 45 M1A2SEP and 60 Challenger 2 main battle tanks were immediately maneuvered to prepare for the second shelling.

But something unexpected happened. When the smoke from the explosion dissipated, what appeared in front of me was no longer the F/A-1-B support magic puppet, but...

Chapter 95 Announces that this is a trap!