I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v6 Chapter 149: Change of plan, new collection address

Book friends group 777314382, welcome to join the discussion of the plot, the group owner will send group friends photos from time to time.


If Zhou Wenwen wanted to dispense medicine, his plan to fly the convoy directly would have to be abandoned and re-deployed the battle plan. Zhou Wenwen couldn't help but fall into a choice.

But if Zhou Wenwen went to fight Tony the Iron Man in this state, even with the help of powerful Transformers like Stalker and Destroyer, Zhou Wenwen still felt that he would suffer a great loss if he fought in this state.

Thinking of this, Zhou Wenwen decided to dispense the medicine first, so he relied on the jet port behind him. After the jet rose and stopped, he immediately opened the built-in map software and searched nearby pharmacies, hospitals and pharmaceutical factories.

In the overclocked state, Zhou Wenwen quickly found fifteen places with the items he needed on the map and through the network verification.

Zhou Wenwen hurriedly connected the communication channel and called Stalker, Hunter, Forerunner, Jaguar, Puma, Geek, Jaguar, Destroyer, Striker, Supporter, and Destroyer to fly over.

"The plan has changed, this is the meeting address, coordinates: X33-29-30, Y72-59-16, all come here," Zhou Wenwen said.

"change, thisisthecollectiveaddress, coordinates: x33-29-30, y72-59-16, allover."

"Allright, master. We\'llberighthere."

"Okay, master, let's come here," the jaguar, cougar, jaguar, hunter, forerunner, and stalker who received the order said quickly.

"I have changed my position, and it is expected to arrive in 30 seconds."

"Changed, expectedtoarrivein30"

Because of the channel interference, the fighter, the striker, the supporter, the destroyer, and Geek were delayed for a second before speaking, but Zhou Wenwen, who received the news, said that this sentence is a bit handsome.

Handsome aside in advance, after Zhou Wenwen landed in embarrassment, the fighters, strikers, supporters, and destroyers in the air appeared in front of him, and Geek in the form of a car appeared on the ground.

Then, jaguars, cougars, jaguars, hunters, pioneers, and hunters arrived.

The time at this time is 0:42 on Monday, October 3, 2007.

Glancing at the time, Zhou Wenwen turned to take a deep look at the Decepticons and Autobot Transformers standing in front of him, took a deep breath and said.

"Listen, turn on the camera and record it. Because time is tight, I only intend to talk about the task once. Can you hear it clearly?!"

"Listen, turnonthecameraandit.Becauseofthetimeconstraint,Ionlywanttotellyouthetaskonce.Doyouhearmeclearly?"

"Listen, turn on the camera and record it. Because time is tight, I only intend to talk about the task once. Can you hear it clearly?!"

"Listen, turnonthecameraandit.Becauseofthetimeconstraint,Ionlywanttotellyouthetaskonce.Doyouhearmeclearly?"

Zhou Wenwen repeated it twice in both Chinese and English, and the Transformers who heard Zhou Wenwen's words responded immediately.

Chapter 149.1 Trailer Archives, Jaguars, Cougars, Jaguars