I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v6 Chapter 62: The sixth generation of overclocking lib

It turned out that everything Zhou Wenwen did was for the sake of fame, and he did not intend to implement what he said. After all, it was much easier to talk big words than to do things down-to-earth.

Besides, he is not a politician in the West of this world. He cares so much, just for the sake of fame.

The leisurely Zhou Wenwen opened the mission again, but this time the two new missions to complete the mission and the new upgrade mission surprised Zhou Wenwen.

Serial quest: "Everyone Knows 3" (Completed) Quest Rating: A.

1 A-level mission mainline.

2 B-level mission mainlines.

Description: You have let the world know your name, but it's not enough.

Quest requirements: Get 10,000 fame. (18810/10000 legend)

Participated in two known wars. (2/2)

Hint: New York is a great place.


Serial quest: "Everyone Knows 4" (unfinished) Quest Rating: S.

1 S-rank mission mainline.

Description: Although the world knows your name, it's far from enough, let's take part in a big event! .

Quest requirements: Get 60,000 Fame. (18810/60000 legend)

Participate in a major event. (0/1)

Tip: Manhattan, New York, you deserve it.


"Complete" mission evaluation: C.

Quest reward: 1 C-level quest mainline.

1 D-level mission branch.

Description: Complete the task easily and you will get random rewards.

Mission requirements: Kill and capture 1 Drive Scout. (1/1)

Tip: Be careful with the light that drives the scout for stealth.


"Due to the Strong Enemy 3" "Unfinished" mission evaluation: B.

Quest reward: 1 B-level quest mainline.

1 C-level mission branch.

Description: A small group of orc soldiers and a mid-level orc warlock from the world of Draenor will descend on Manhattan, New York, ready for battle!

Mission requirements: Kill and capture 1 intermediate orc warlock. (1/1)

Kill and capture 5 or more orc soldiers who drank the blood of demons. (0/5)

Hint: Be careful with the demonic summons of the Orc Warlock.


Upgrade the chain quest "Challenge Yourself 1" and "Unfinished" quest evaluation: X.

Quest reward: 1 X-level quest mainline.

? (not unsealed)

Description: Find ways to go to another world, challenge yourself, break through limits, and improve your strength

Mission requirements: ? (not unsealed)

? (not unsealed)

hint:??? (not unsealed)


The simultaneous appearance of 5 missions made Zhou Wenwen quit in a state of triumph, and he became much more awake. He realized that he was still very weak.


So after Zhou Wenwen hurriedly found an excuse to slip away, he came to an open field for the stalker to land, flew him away, and prepared to go to Afghanistan to rescue Tony Stark, who was about to become Iron Man.

Of course, because of the existence of the "Stop Hydra" mission, hunters, forerunners, jaguars, cougars, Geeks, jaguars, slayers, strikers, supporters, and destroyers will also accompany them, but they can only Arrive in Afghanistan in various ways, after all, the stalker can't bring much by himself.

Mission: "Stop the Hydra" (in progress) Mission evaluation: C≈B.

Quest reward: 1 C (B) level quest mainline.

1 C-level mission branch


Hydra members lurking at the US military base in the Middle East found that S.H.I.E.L.D. was cooperating with the US Army, Air and Navy deployed in the air to search for Tony Stark.

With the cooperation of several Hydra infiltration members, they found the word Tony Stark in the satellite line, and the location happened to be the Ten Rings Gang who had dealt with (arms sales).

At the order of a certain Hydra executive, a group of more than 900 Hydra soldiers are gathering in Pakistan, preparing to sneak into Afghanistan, attack the Ten Rings Gang, and kill Tony Stark.

Mission requirements:

Intercept the Hydra Soldier (0/1).

Destroy the Ten Rings base (0/1).


This is a great opportunity to test your transoceanic combat prowess, although failure will cost Iron Man's life.

At the same time, please be very careful, the enemy has unknown help.


Although Zhou Wenwen wanted to sneak into the battle, but at this time London was under air control, the Transformers could only take care of themselves, but Zhou Wenwen had no choice but to let the hunters go first and find a way to "hitchhiker".

But don't tell me, Zhou Wenwen really hitched a ride. Three C-17 Globemaster 3s on the UN food delivery mission took off from London, flew over Italy to refuel, and then flew to Pakistan.

Although the people on the plane had some doubts, Zhou Wenwen, who felt that he could not get through, decided not to mind his own business after seeing people so calmly agreeing to hitch a ride. He found a place where no one was around, put on the earphone alarm clock, took a nap and waited for 0:00. arrival.


"It is now 0:00:01 on Monday, October 3, 2007 Beijing time. Do you want to turn off the alarm clock?"

When the earphone alarm clock made by the hunter made a sound, Zhou Wenwen woke up immediately to welcome the refresh of the daily store and the weekly store.


Weekly Shop:

User: Zhou Wenwen, Level: 2.

Level 2 users can purchase 2 items each in the normal area and the charging area of ​​the weekly shop with the rewards obtained from the quest branch, legend, battle, etc.

Level 2 users can receive 2 items for free in the free zone.

Level 2 users can enjoy a 99.9% discount when purchasing G-level items.

Level 2 users can now receive 1 additional weekly quest on top of 1 weekly quest per week.

Level 2 users can now sign in to ~lightnovelpub.net~ every week to get 1% Fame and 1 G-level quest sideline.


Inventory: 19188.1 Legend.

1 S-level quest line, 3 A-level quest lines, 5 B-level quest lines, and 2 C-level quest lines.

2 A-level quest branches, 3 C-level quest branches, 3 D-level quest branches, 2 E-level quest branches, and 2 G-level quest branches.


This time, Zhou Wenwen didn't go to browse the new daily tasks and weekly tasks first, but opened the weekly shop first, but what Zhou Wenwen didn't expect was that this item would be in the charging area.

And the item that surprised Zhou Wenwen was the overclocking liberation potion that once saved Zhou Wenwen's life and almost killed Zhou Wenwen.

Charge area:

The 6th generation overclocking liberation concentrated potion bottle, quantity: 3 bottles, 600 ml. Item classification level: B-level, price per bottle: 1 C-level quest main line or 1 C-level quest branch line plus 4500 points of fame, not purchased.

Each 1ml of overclocking liberation concentrated potion should be stirred 600 times with 300ml of warm water and 0.1g of edible salt, and then divided into 15/30/45ml of overclocking liberation potion before it can be eaten.

After drinking 15/30/45ml of the 6th generation overclocking liberation potion, the stability of the user and the overclocked armor will increase by 90/60/30% within 15/30/45 minutes. The rate of descent per second will increase by 12/24/36% per second, and the existing radioactive erosion of the user's body will be permanently reduced by 18/15/12%.


Chapter 063 Preview Old Companion: Overclocking Armor Equipment Package - Discharge Metal Spear