I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v8 Chapter 157: Looking for glucose (5)

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Glucose application fields:

(1) Fermentation industry

The growth of microorganisms requires a suitable carbon-nitrogen ratio. Glucose, as the carbon source of microorganisms, is the main material of the fermentation medium, such as antibiotics, monosodium glutamate, vitamins, amino acids, organic acids, enzymes, etc., which require a large amount of glucose. Raw materials for microbial polysaccharides and organic solvents.

(2) Food industry

At present, crystalline glucose is mainly used in the food industry. With the improvement of living standards and the continuous development of science and technology in the food industry, the application of glucose in the food industry has become more and more extensive, and the food industry will still be the largest market for a long time in the future.

(3) Chemical industry

Glucose is also widely used in industry. It is used as a reducing agent in the printing, dyeing, and tanning industry. It is also commonly used as a reducing agent in chemical silver plating industries such as mirror-making industry, thermos bottle silver plating, and glass fiber silver plating.

Application of glucose in the manufacture of chrome tanning agent in leather industry: chrome tanning agent is the best tanning agent for making light leather (shoe leather, garment leather).

Tanning with chromium salts has been around for 100 years. The leather produced has the characteristics of high shrinkage temperature, good elasticity, flex resistance, washing resistance, firmness and durability.

The chrome tanning agent is mainly basic chromium sulfate (basic chromium chloride can also be used, but its tanning effect is worse than that of chromium sulfate).

Its production method uses glucose or sulfur dioxide as a reducing agent, and reduces dichromate to basic chromium sulfate in a sulfuric acid solution, that is, a chrome tanning liquid is prepared. After the tanning liquid is concentrated and dried, powdery chrome tanning agent can be obtained. .

(4) Synthesis and transformation

Glucose can be synthesized or converted into other products by hydrogenation, oxidation, isomerization, alkaline degradation, esterification, acetalization, etc.

Such as hydrogenation to make sorbitol; oxidation to make glucuronic acid, diacid, etc., and can be further made into calcium acid, sodium acid, zinc acid and glucono delta lactone;

Isomerized into F42, F55, F90 fructose syrup and crystalline fructose;

It can also be isomerized into mannose (raw material for the production of mannitol), of which sorbitol can further generate vitamin C, which is widely used in clinical treatment, and mannitol 15% is clinically used as a safe and effective drug for reducing intracranial pressure , to treat cerebral edema and glaucoma.


After the jaguar, cougar, and jaguar left, Zhou Wenwen turned his attention to Hunter, Forerunner, and Geek, and said after thinking for a while.

"Seekers, Forerunners, Geek, your task may be very heavy, because you have to buy glucose and normal saline in human pharmacies and hospitals."

"Glucose and saline?"

Hearing the master's words, the hunter with the highest intelligence immediately figured out the master's purpose, but because of this, the hunter was surprised and asked.

"Yes," Zhou Wenwen nodded and replied.

Zhou Wenwen asked for normal saline, in fact, in order to prevent one, what he really needed was glucose.

Glucose, in English, is an organic compound that can also be synthesized naturally. Its molecular formula is C6H12O6 and its molecular weight is 180.16.

Glucose is the most widely distributed and most important monosaccharide in nature. It is a polyhydroxy aldehyde. Pure glucose is a colorless crystal with a sweet taste but not as sweet as sucrose. It is easily soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethanol. Insoluble in ether.

The natural glucose aqueous solution is optically rotated to the right, so it belongs to "dextrose".

Glucose plays an important role in the field of biology. It is the energy source and metabolic intermediate product of living cells, that is, the main energy supply material for living things.

Plants can naturally synthesize glucose through photosynthesis.

Glucose is also widely used in candy manufacturing and medicine.

Today, Zhou Wenwen wanted to use glucose to match the overclocking potion, but the reason why Zhou Wenwen thought of this was because when he was drinking Huierkang beverages containing glucose, the radiation level dropped.

Although the reduction in radiance is not high, it may even be a natural reduction, but at least this is a direction.

Chapter 158 Announcement of the Destroyer