I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v9 Chapter 132: Transformers battle three

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Time: Time: Sunday, October 7, 2007 at 18:20.

Location: Over the airfield of the US military camp in Qatar in the Middle East Peninsula of Asia.

When Vertigo landed on the ground, Vertigo did not hesitate to change shape after Vertigo confirmed that there were no annoying cars around him. Under the fire of a group of U.S. soldiers who were scared to death, Vertigo took the human form from the helicopter and launched the attack from the very beginning. attack.

The 20mm artillery shell spewed from the M61 Vulcan cannon in the right hand drowned the US soldiers at this moment. After seeing all the US soldiers who were surrounded by dizziness falling down, they turned the muzzle and aimed at the airport. Two of them were Bell V-22 The Osprey tiltrotor transport is also within muzzle range.

At this moment, next to the M60 Patton tank, the defender who transformed into a wheeled chariot chose to attack and attacked the stun, bang! boom!

With the sound of the cannon, the two armor-piercing shells were pushed by the extended-range gunpowder at the bottom of the shells. When they broke free and flew out of the two 120mm electromagnetic railgun barrels on the defender, the speed of the two armor-piercing shells The sudden acceleration suddenly increased the speed by 1000%. When the two armor-piercing shells passed through the stun wing, the two Transformers, the stun and the defender, did not respond.

It is a pity that the two armor-piercing shells do not have an explosive counterattack reaction department, so the two armor-piercing shells can only inflict stun shock damage, and can only make the stun "stun", but it doesn't matter, because the defenders have already picked up the double-pointed spear. He stabbed at Dizzy, shouting as he stabbed, "For the Decepticons, for Lord Skywalker!"

He was stunned by two armor-piercing shells and was "stunned". He was wondering who attacked this place when the defender jumped out and his words, which made Dizzy furious. Resisting the "stun", he raised his right hand to face the defender. Fires 2 ion bombs in a row.

biu! biu!

Just when I was stunned and thought that these 2 ion shock bombs could defeat the Defender, facing the Defender who was shooting at such a close range, only after the 2 ion shock bombs flew in front of me, did I hand over the star shot 1 to A. defense.

Energy shield, open!

The moment the two energy groups flew out from the nozzle of Star Strike 1 to A, they formed a shield and resisted 2 ion bombs. The defender took the opportunity to pick up the light mesh shield with his left hand, and stabbed the stunned with a double-pointed spear in his right hand. .


In the face of the defender's attack, Stun shouted angrily, and when he raised his right hand to fire the ion bomb again, the light mesh shield suddenly flashed.

"Ahhhh..." (movie stun sensor broken by flashbang)


The super eagle that escaped stealthily fell to the ground without flying very far because of injuries and energy problems. In order to repair the body and replenish energy (electricity), the super eagle decided to sneak into the human area, so the super eagle came to the place where the battle took place before the departure. In the small town, I hope to get the resources he needs from here.

And just as Super Eagle hacked into the roadside camera line to black out the picture of its existence, while stealing electricity, several humans suddenly appeared in its field of vision, Super Eagle suddenly felt bad, and quickly dressed up as a huge robot around , stop moving.

"Boss, is this what he (Holy Lord) said is here?"

Hearing this, Wa Long, who was holding the glittering (green) tortoise back, turned his head angrily and scolded his subordinates, "How do I know, since what you said is not, then let you come to find it!"

Saying that, Wa Long put the turtle's back in the hands of his subordinate Zhou, and then retreated to the back of Zhou. Although Zhou's expression was distressed when he got the turtle's back, it was because of the boss's face and the three ghosts who followed behind. The ninja of the Corps had no choice but to enter the Grand Theater.

Only then did Wallon turn his head, and he was actually talking to himself against the wall, but he was actually hearing about the Holy Master.

"Holy Lord, I hope you will keep your promise and tell us the location of the treasure so that I can continue to be the boss and revive the Mafia.

It turned out that the person who spoke was named Wallon, the current boss of the mafia.

Mafia, Mafia.

The term Mafia originates from the Sicilian uprising on March 30, 1282, the day before Valentine's Day.

When Sophia, a teenage girl from Palermo, was killed by a French soldier on her wedding day, the Sicilians began a frantic revenge, attacking every Frenchman they saw, saying "," (meaning "It is Italian to destroy France" craving”), and Mafia is an acronym for this slogan.

Meanwhile, Mafia means "place of refuge" in Arabic.

The Italian name of the Mafia is "Mafia" (transliterated as "Mafia"), and the Chinese call it the Mafia. In fact, the word Mafia has nothing to do with the meaning of the Mafia.

It's just a legend that the former mafia elements used to leave some marks on the scene after committing crimes, such as a black hand and crossed skeletons. Therefore, the Chinese used to call them mafia.

It should be said that this name is more vivid and more appropriate than its original Italian name.

The English "Mafia" of the Mafia comes from Arabic, which means "fleeing".

The term was borrowed to refer to a loose group of middle-aged men living in Sicily.

At that time Sicily was occupied by Turks and Normans~lightnovelpub.net~ They organized to protect their families from the harassment of these invaders.

Later, this group of people evolved into a group of people who privately enforce the law for revenge, and then evolved into a criminal organization.

In the local area, it is an honor to be a member of the mafia, and it will be called "", which means "manofhonour" (gentleman).

The origin of them becoming the mafia is not long, and Tian Wei has nothing to do with the secret organization in the Middle Ages.

In fact, the rise of the Mafia was closely related to the unification of Italy in the late 19th century.

They mainly gather in the dark green coastal areas of Sicily, where local rich people are concentrated.

Between the modern capitalist export enterprises based on the idyllic citrus and lemon groves outside Palermo.

Palermo is the heart of this somewhat down-to-earth island, where its power and capital are concentrated, and it is in these orange groves, in this land, that the Mafia has developed its means: paid Protection, murder, territorial domination, and gang cooperation.

So, gradually, the Mafia began to assert its status as a tool of local government governance.

Partnerships and paid protection are common among the mafia and landowners.

The Mafia needs the landowners, but equally the landowners need the Mafia.

Local governments are also often complicit in this relationship. The Mafia, like employers, dominates the people who work for them in the land, and as a result, their power, along with those international trade from citrus groves, thrives.

The Mafia has been an organization that advocates violence since its inception.

Chapter 0133 Teaser the Battle Between Transformers 4