I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v9 Chapter 174: Special silver blade

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Under the enormous pressure of their hearts, the blood spurting from the wound of the artery can even spray several meters away, and even the toughest werewolf cannot survive for twenty seconds after the carotid artery is slashed by a silver blade.

This refers to the time from injury to breathlessness. In fact, within two seconds, he will lose all his strength and can only lie on the ground convulsingly waiting for his breath.

So in fact, for the knife hunter, there is almost no danger of being injured and becoming a werewolf—or being killed by mistake, or succeeding in retreating without injury, which is quite extreme.

In fact, knife hunters usually use special silver blades. The first half of the blade is made of hard alloy, while the second half of the blade is silver.

The advantage of this is that the hard blade can tear the hard skin and insert it into the werewolf's body, and the silver blade that follows from the wound at the back can play the same role as the pure silver blade to prevent the wound from healing, causing huge damage to the werewolf.

The premise is that it cannot be stabbed on the flexible body hair. The blocking effect of "tough" on the blade is far more terrifying than "hard".

Another important function of this kind of silver blade is to make up the knife. Hunters will carefully separate the chest hair on the chest of the seriously wounded or just dead werewolf, insert the silver blade into their heart, and pierce the heart. Pretty much the only way to kill a werewolf completely.

If the heart is not damaged, even a werewolf who has lost a lot of blood and died can still be rescued. The specific method is omitted.

Even powerful hunters usually complete this step with a conical or triangular steel-silver drill to completely cut off the vitality of the werewolves they kill.

Power hunters usually choose two other methods to kill werewolves - breaking their neck bones or crushing their Adam's apple.

The amazing and strong vitality of the werewolf comes from the blood that the heart pushes through the whole body. The result of the fracture of the neck will make their heart lose the command of the central nervous system, unable to beat normally to maintain life, and soon die, and the result of the broken Adam's apple is The source of the werewolf's life energy due to rupture of the throat of the werewolf.

In this sense, the werewolf is actually closer to the human-God blows the divine breath into the nostrils of the human, so that the human has life, and when the breathing stops, the life also leaves the body. From a scientific point of view, it is probably that the loss of the energy supply of blood oxygen binding leads to the final death of the werewolf.

But the disadvantage is that the werewolves killed by this method usually struggle frantically because of great pain before they die. For hunters, this struggle is very dangerous and deadly.

Nearly 30% of hunters who use this method to kill their opponents die in the werewolf's "last struggle". In fact, no more than 10% are killed on the spot, and 20% of the hunters are polluted and forced to turn into werewolves. choose suicide.

A more alternative method is to insert a steel and silver drill from his eye socket into his mind when the werewolf grabs him, and stir it vigorously to make a mess of the werewolf's central nervous system. The principle and effect of this method are similar to breaking The neck bones are the same.

In addition, when the werewolf opened his mouth to bite himself, he used a steel and silver drill to insert it into his cranial cavity obliquely from the werewolf's mouth (the werewolf's mouth is still soft), destroying the central nervous system, but because the hunter is in the opponent's control There is almost no chance of surviving after a successful hunt, and it is usually the trump card of the hunter's dying struggle to fight for death after the hunt fails.

As far as human beings are concerned, it is generally believed that werewolves have no reason and feelings, only know destruction and killing, and are full of bloodthirsty desires. In fact, this view is wrong.

Werewolves only slaughter those who threaten their survival and their old enemies - vampires or vampires. They are very friendly to their own kind, and even sacrifice 70 to 80% of their strength to save a dying or just dying. .

This kind of warmth between companions is more obvious in the natural pure-bred werewolf. The werewolf who was bitten by the werewolf and transformed into a werewolf will completely lose his senses and madly attack all creatures of different types.

But it's not crazy all the time. Without exception, when such werewolves are fatally injured and are on the verge of death, they will recover their senses. This phenomenon is called God's "last mercy".


Chapter 175 Announcement of a special ceremony