I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v9 Chapter 175: special ceremony

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Almost all of the natural pure-bred werewolves have absolutely no liking for humans, and are unwilling to approach humans. This may be related to the countless hunting and killing of werewolves by humans in history.

Unless they face the crisis of a major family downsizing, they will never develop human beings to become their own kind, but if they accept the favor of human beings under certain special circumstances.

In particular, helping them rescue the dying of the same kind. This kind of behavior is more likely to touch the werewolf than directly saving him. In fact, in many cases, it is much easier for humans to rescue the dying werewolf than their fellow clans rescue each other, and the cost is much less. .

That is definitely a repayment of gratitude and retribution, and regards you as the most important benefactor and companion.

There is a special ceremony for a werewolf to make a relationship with a human. Once the ceremony is completed, he will completely treat each other as a companion. Don't worry, he will not bite you and force you to become a werewolf. From now on, he will follow the left and right, and obey the orders, as long as it does not violate the natural nature of the wolf clan. Discipline.

Until the end of human life, or choose to accept the gift of the werewolf and become a member of the wolf clan, then your status will be equal, the commandment of the wolf clan has the obligation to save the same clan, so he no longer has the reason to owe you love , your half-master status will naturally disappear.

During the ceremony, the werewolf will crouch down in front of you and let out a low roar from the throat, as if reciting some kind of contract, and then he will raise his head and expose his most tender and vulnerable point - the throat - to yours. In front of him, let you reach out and touch his Adam's apple.

This ritual is probably derived from the habit of wolves. Usually, after two wolves fight, the loser will stop struggling and lie on the ground, exposing its soft abdomen and throat to the other side. ”, and completely entrust your life to the other party’s hands unconditionally.

At this time, even if you attack him with bad intentions, the werewolf will never resist. In fact, when such a powerful behemoth crouches in front of you so tamely, entrusting his life into your hands, trusting yours wholeheartedly At times, it is almost impossible not to be moved by it.

additional materials:

In Western culture, there are various ways to become a werewolf. The most well-founded method is to be bitten by a transformed werewolf on a full moon night.

However, since most werewolves are no different from humans after transformation, it is difficult to tell them apart.

Some dark wizards put the fur of a real werewolf on themselves, and on a full moon night, they will become a werewolf when they step on the dewy footprints of a werewolf.

However, more powerful wizards will use polymorphism to make themselves a werewolf to some extent, but the two are very different and risky to do so.

The forms of werewolves are mainly divided into two categories, the first is ordinary wolves [mostly forest wolves], and the second is a half-wolf half-human creature.

In the second type of werewolves, they are also divided into werewolves and human wolves. The main physical characteristics of werewolves are that they are covered with hair all over their bodies. The structure of their bodies is more like a wolf. difference, but the biggest feature is that werewolves have claws.

Human wolves are on the contrary, their bodies are not necessarily all hair, their internal organs are more human-like, they have no or only very short tails, and their biggest feature is that they have nails instead of claws.

Werewolves generally live in forests, and some are bold enough to live beside humans.

Werewolves are irrational after transforming. Some werewolves can control themselves not to hurt people after transforming, but most of them will cause murders. After the werewolves change back into human form, they will not know what they have done.

But there is one thing, they know that they have transformed themselves, and they know the pain of transformation.

When a werewolf is transformed, it is very painful, because the change of the body structure is very uncomfortable [everyone who has had a cramp knows that], most of the werewolf's reason will disappear little by little during the transformation, just like fainting, the brain's The outer brain is closed, only the inner brain, that is, the part that controls hormone secretion and primitive instincts, is functioning, so it will lose its mind.

It is very easy to distinguish a werewolf. After a werewolf becomes a wolf, it usually seldom moves with the real wolf. There are many werewolves who will transform themselves into a deserted place before they transform, waiting for the dawn to avoid harming humans.

Werewolves are discriminated against in many ways. Ordinary werewolves have no friends, and most of them live silently on the fringes of society or simply stay away.


Chapter 176 Announcement Reprint Death