I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v9 Chapter 180: I'll make up the head

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Looking at the 1.x version of the Overclocking Armor Supplementary Parts - Flight System Package, Zhou Wenwen's expression was a little subtle. He did not expect that the overclocking armor, which has always used environmentally friendly electricity and energy, turned out to be oil powered.

And this combat radius and combat time are comparable to "airport defenders".

In the end, Zhou Wenwen still received the 1.x version of the overclocking armor supplementary component-flight system package. Although it was not very good, it was free after all. He continued to look down, and what appeared in front of him this time was very interesting.

C-level Decepticon Transformers three-in-one upgrade A combination fire source, item classification level: A level, price: free, not received.


Three D-level Transformers with different shapes can be activated with a three-in-one upgrade A combination fire source, so that they can be promoted to A combination C-level Decepticon Transformers. This promotion status can be canceled at any time and return. original form.

For the three D-class Transformers integrated into one body, the consciousness program will be retained and will not be obliterated. After returning to the original form, the consciousness program will also return.



I'll make up the head!

I will make up the body!

I'll make up the feet!

Transformers, unite!


3 D-class merged into 1 C-class...

Hey, did I make a profit or a loss?

Zhou Wenwen thought in his heart, but the movement in his hand did not stop. After he directly received the source of fire and stored it in the storage warehouse, he continued to swipe the page. This time he came to the charging area first, but this time he appeared in front of him. It made Zhou Wenwen stupid.

Tollarea/Toll Area:

Galactic Knights Practice Breathing Method Basic Air-entraining Chapter - Nose Part, Item Classification Level: D-level, Price: 1 D-level quest main line, not purchased.


Among the many knights practicing the breathing method, the knights of the galaxy line are the easiest to practice, but it also takes the longest time to graduate.


Use the secret method to attract the power of the stars, so that the power of the stars enters the nose back and forth once, so that the nose can absorb the energy particles brought by the power of the stars, and then strengthen.



The number of Star Powers attracted when using this method on a rainy day.


Knights practice breathing! !

Knights practice breathing!

This is the knight's practice of breathing...

Seeing Bai Zhou Wenwen's words about the knight's practice of breathing, he jumped up with excitement, and thought to himself, "Heaven, the earth, finally gave a body strengthening without side effects, look at what you gave before!"

But as Zhou Wenwen's excitement passed, when Zhou Wenwen recited the knight's breathing technique for the third time, he suddenly realized something.

Because, this breathing method only has the nose part!

After seeing this, although Zhou Wenwen was very disappointed, he still used a D-level quest line to buy the "Basic Air Bleeding of Galaxy Knights Practice Breathing Technique - Nose Part", holding hope, Zhou Wenwen looked down.

And this time, Zhou Wenwen finally got a big treasure, a sword.

Tollarea/Toll Area:

Zhou Tianxingchen Swinging Demon Sword, item classification: S-level, price: 1 S-level quest main line, not purchased


This sword is forged by a certain powerful person who is capable of removing the possessed demons. It is forged with the power of the stars and stars in the sky and the stars.

But Naihe's lack of skill in the art of spelling turned the purification into a retrospective, allowing the great master to return to the hours before his death.

Although the almighty did not give up but seized this opportunity to get rid of the possessed demon, but after the incident, the almighty still threw the Zhou Tianxingchen swinging demon sword into the long river of stars, making it float in the river of stars. in the stars.

Fortunately, the King of Heroes who passed by the stars found Zhou Tianxingchen's magic sword and brought it back to the main world.


Zhou Tianxingchen swings the magic sword every hour...


Chapter 181 Announcement of Zhou Tianxingchen swinging the magic sword