I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v9 Chapter 198: 10% of bleed air

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After synthesizing the 8 explanations of Jin Xing, Zhou Wenwen chose the power of the stars after some passes and choices, that is, Jin Jing's third explanation and Jin Jing's fifth and sixth explanations.

The power of the stars around Venus, the sun, and the moon.

First of all, let’s talk about the reasons for passing. Let’s first look at the first interpretation of Jin Jing, the spirit of the West.

We have mentioned the meaning of Western Qi before, so I won’t repeat it here, but let’s talk about the reason. If mortals introduce Western Qi into their bodies, they can become immortal practitioners. In that case, it must be wrong.

Similarly, Jin Jing's second interpretation of "Qin" can also be used to pass.

As for Jin Jing's third explanation and Jin Jing's fifth and sixth explanations, Zhou Wenwen thought about it for a long time and found it a bit complicated, so he decided to put it aside and look at the others.

The fourth interpretation of Jin Jing, an elixir in Taoist legends.

To be honest, Zhou Wenwen believed it for the first time. It can even be said that this thing has a very heavy and largest weight in Zhou Wenwen's heart.

But after reading Zhou Wenwen carefully and thinking about the source of this passage, he found that if this is the spirit of Jin Jing, then the cart before the horse is completely reversed.

So based on this, the seventh interpretation of Jinjing, another name for chamomile, was passed along with the fourth interpretation of Jinjing.

The eighth interpretation of gold essence: refers to water essence, crystals, and the chemicals rose acid and rose acid.

If there is no accident in this explanation, in fact, Zhou Wenwen should choose this one, after all, Jin Jing, but it is unexpected that Jin Jing's third explanation and Jin Jing's fifth and sixth explanations are unexpected.

The power of the stars around Venus, the sun, and the moon.

As for which planet it is, Zhou Wenwen intends to try them all.

Then the next sentence is "you enter the soul**".

To sum up, if the energy of the golden essence is the power of the stars, then the full text "Attract the energy of the golden essence, swim into the soul, and go back and forth for fifteen breaths. ’, as long as the power of the stars is substituted in, the meaning is actually very easy to understand.

That is to run the power of the stars, enter the soul in the shape of water, and continuously transmit it for thirty seconds.

Thinking of this, Zhou Wenwen did not hesitate again. While swinging his posture, he used his mental power to control the power of the stars to revolve around his body with all his strength.

At first, only a little of the power of the stars entered the body and was transformed, but as time passed, the concentration of the power of the surrounding stars increased, and the number of the power of the stars that entered the body and was transformed became more and more.

By the end, the number and size of the power of the stars circulating in Zhou Wenwen's body became the same as the blood vessels. When Zhou Wenwen saw that the time was right, he used his mental power to control the power of the stars again and attacked the soul!

"Introducing gold to water, and to fire to produce wood, earth is Yuan!"

Just when Zhou Wenwen suddenly said this sentence, a lightning bolt suddenly fell in the sky and rushed towards Zhou Wenwen, but at this time Zhou Wenwen could not move. You can only disarm the blockage of the overclocking weapon and eat the lightning with your own flesh.


The lightning struck the flesh and exploded, but Zhou Wenwen's body was still standing, and the lightning was absorbed into Zhou Wenwen's body.

After the lightning disappeared, Zhou Wenwen could already feel that a white golden pill was spinning in his soul, Zhou Wenwen was curious...


New Profile:

Zhou Wenwen, who had traveled to a parallel world because of a sudden death, thought that this generation could only live in such an ordinary and plain life, but the golden finger finally opened. He owns a store where he can buy technological items, magic equipment, and immortal cultivation skills. Law, to ensure their own survival.

But the danger that followed made him realize that this world is not ordinary, because there are Transformers, Marvel, orcs from the world of Draenor invaded, and demons and devils from **** and abyss invaded.


Chapter 199 Announcement of Taijinxing