I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v9 Chapter 208: warn

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When high-energy charged particles enter the luminophore, they collide with the atoms (or molecules) in the luminophore, causing the excitation or ionization of the atoms. The electrons ionized from the atoms have great kinetic energy and can continue to cause the excitation or ionization of other atoms. , thus producing a large number of secondary electrons.

When high-energy photons flow into the luminophore, the photoelectric effect, the Compton effect and the formation of electron-positron pairs (X-rays mainly generate photoelectrons) will occur; these effects can also generate a large number of secondary electrons.

The above two excitation situations have common characteristics: a large number of atoms are excited or ionized on the path passed by the particle (photon), and a large number of secondary electrons are generated, so this excitation has high density and spatial inhomogeneity. Characteristically, they only occur near the trajectories of particles (photons), forming so-called excitation bands.

A typical example, for ZnS material, the diameter of the excitation band caused by α particles (about 5MeV) is only 10cm, the diameter of the band caused by β particles (about 1MeV) is only 1.8 × 10cm, and the band caused by X-ray (about 35keV) is only 10cm in diameter. Larger, 9×10cm.

These characteristics of radiative excitation make their luminescence quantum efficiencies well over 1; for example, for X-rays, quantum efficiencies as high as 1000 or more are not difficult to obtain.

These are features that are different from ordinary excitation and luminescence.

The secret source stone of the overclocking armor is radiation, and radiation is ubiquitous in the universe, and considering that this is the world of Azeroth, then the answer is the Void Lord.

But Zhou Wenwen thought about it, if this huge blue light-emitting material structure is really the Lord of the Void, then the trouble will be big.

Because the Void Lords are huge entities composed of pure shadow energy, these creatures are far more ruthless than mortals understand, driven by endless hunger, the Void Lords will spare no effort to devour all matter and energy in the material universe.

In their natural state, void lords exist outside of reality. Only the most powerful entities can appear in the physical universe, and stay there for very short periods of time.

In order to maintain a state of existence in reality, the Void Lords must consume an infinite amount of matter and energy.

From the moment the universe of Azeroth was formed, the dark spirits of the void have sought to warp reality into eternal purgatory.

These entities are the Void Lords. They have been spying on the Pantheon, watching them travel between worlds.

Jealous of their power, the Void Lords decided to corrupt one of the world-shaping titans into a tool to exercise their will.

To this end, the Void Lords strive to make their presence known in the physical universe, taking the opportunity to infiltrate their power into reality, twisting certain unsuspecting inhabitants beyond recognition.

However, those noble and kind titans are unshakable in the face of such insidious corrupting forces.

In the end, the Void Lord decided to infiltrate a titan when he was most vulnerable - before he woke up.

But the void lords don't know which worlds have sleeping titan spirits.

So they pooled their power to spread dark creatures all over the material universe, hoping to hit a world soul by mistake.

I don't know how many creations of the void lords poured into the dark void, polluting the mortal world, and spared no effort to search for the sleeping Titan.

Over time, these evil creatures became known as the Old Gods.

While the Titans are aware of the existence of void energy in the universe, they know nothing about the Void Lords or the Old Gods.

The Pantheon is now busy dealing with an imminent threat - the demon.

Ferocious demonic creatures born in the Twisting Void, driven by hatred and hatred, thirst to destroy all life in the universe.

However, the self-willed demon race was chaotic and low in combat power, and Sargeras could easily defeat it and win frequently.

As the war progressed, Sargeras suddenly realized that some demons had learned to control the energy of the void. By investigating these dark forces and their sources, Sargeras was surprised to find that there were evil intelligent organisms in the universe. Corruption spreads everywhere.

These intelligent beings are void lords, and they are far more powerful than demons.

The appearance of the Void Lord made Sargeras deeply worried. He thought about what kind of power they were plotting, and what the existence of these creatures meant to the universe.


Sargeras and Aggramar were still in pursuit of the renegade demons as the Pantheon searched for the sleeping world soul.

The two warriors agreed that they might as well act separately, so as to provide protection to more worlds, and then call on the other side to come and help at a dangerous moment.

So, they turned to divide their forces, and it was at this time that Sargeras understood the whole plan of the Void Lord's terror.

He was drawn to a remote corner of the dark void, where icy void energy was radiating from a parched black world.

There, Sargeras encountered terrifying creatures never seen before~lightnovelpub.net~ corrupting the surface of that world.

These beings are the Old Gods, who have integrated themselves into the planet and hid him with a layer of void energy.

Fear gripped Sargeras tighter and tighter, and he began to realize that this was unlike any world he had ever been to.

He had heard that World Souls dreamed while they were asleep, but these were not the sweet dreams Sargeras had seen in other World Souls—but dark and terrifying nightmares.

The tendrils of the Old Gods take root deep underground, enveloping the souls of the sleeping titans in shadow.


When: Friday, October 12, 2007 at 11:20 am.

Location: Port of Constantinople.

Under her authorization, the hunters remotely controlled 300 FA-1-A combat magic puppets in the river. At 11:30, they suddenly took off from the water and launched a dense amount of energy at the port of Constantinople. The beam, after destroying it, was divided into two teams. One was controlled by her and flew through Greece to Germany and France in the middle of Europe, while the other was controlled by hunters and flew to Turkey's territory in Asia Minor.

At this time, the hunter pretended to appear and intercepted the FA-1-A combat magic puppet, but because there were too many, she was unable to hide in the city, so she opened the energy barrier to block the attack of the FA-1-A combat magic puppet .

And because she didn't tell the Transformers base about this, when the FA-1-A combat magic puppet appeared, the particle wave detection satellite specially designed by the hunter and carried by the super eagle discovered it at the first time. The particle fluctuations of the FA-1-A battle-type magic puppet send a warning to the Transformers base.

Chapter 0209 Announcement of the electromagnetic railgun system group