I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v9 Chapter 211: Air battle over Europe

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When Kil'jaeden and Archimonde turned around to look for Velen, they found that he had led a small number of Eredars to build an interstellar spaceship under the guidance of Naaru and tried to escape.

Even though Kil'jaeden ordered the army to intercept Velen, Velen escaped Argus in time with the refugees.

Therefore, out of the anger of being betrayed, Kil'jaeden has since then repeatedly ordered the pursuit of this group of fleeing draenei exiles.

With Argus completely reduced to Sargeras' possession, Sargeras' demon army has been strengthened unprecedentedly.

Sargeras chose to set up the base camp of the Burning Legion here. At the same time, as he discovered that there was an unawakened Protoss sleeping inside Argus, the Burning Legion also began to build a military fortress Antorus in the depths of Argus. , to hoard the Legion's war machines, command high officials, and tame the Corrupted Spirit of Argus.

Sargeras never forgot the young Protoss named Azeroth that his brothers found, especially when he heard that it would hatch a power more powerful than any titan, Sargeras was more eager. Command the Burning Legion to search as they go on an expedition.

But because of the vastness of the universe, after years of searching, everything about Azeroth remains elusive.

One day, a strong signal connected to the Burning Legion.

This signal is from Azeroth, and the initiator of the signal is the most powerful person in Azeroth at that time: Azshara.

As the ruler of the Kaldorei, the largest elven empire in Azeroth at that time, Azshara not only possessed a powerful army, but also possessed extraordinary talent and strength.

After conquering Azeroth, she became obsessed with the study of the elven race's holy land: the Well of Eternity.

Azshara was fascinated by this well of power, full of Azeroth's powerful source of life, and she tried to possess it but was powerless.

In the research again and again, Azshara used his powerful power to attract the power of the Twisting Void, and through this wave, he affected Sargeras.

Sargeras quickly connected with the arrogant queen, and in his communication with her showed his mighty power, and responded with the same temptation: granting her infinite knowledge and power and helping to master the Well of Eternity .

Azshara complied and used the Well of Eternity with her men to open a portal to the Burning Legion.

Everyone knows the story after that. The famous ancient war broke out, and everyone knows the story behind it. Humans, trolls, blood elves, dwarves... It's worth the first orc war.

Back to reality, Zhou Wenwen's biggest problem now is how to solve this void lord...


The attackers sent messages to European, Asian, African, North American, South American, and Oceanian countries, including the Soviet Union, in order. The message contained the location information and photos of the FA-1-A combat magic puppet.

The supporters stayed at the base and controlled multiple satellite groups to track the FA-1-A combat-type magic puppet. At the same time, it also obtained the control of three sets of electromagnetic railgun system groups, and could attack the FA-1-A combat-type magic puppet at any time. fire.

The four most powerful stalkers and slayers of the four Decepticons sent Transformers to Europe, ready to join the battle at any time.

Soon, all the countries in the world who got the news of the attackers, although they were very shocking, still reacted quickly and mobilized their troops, especially the air force.

Soon, British, Dutch, Swiss, Norwegian, French, Italian, German, Western, Belgian, and American fighter jets and early warning crews took off from the airport quickly, waiting in the air for their allies to join in while they were in full force.


Since the end of World War II in 1945, the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation signed a peace and no war agreement with European countries. In the whole of Europe, except for the daily "escort" of fighter jets on both sides of the enemy, the rest was safe.

On the surface, because of the intervention of the U.S. military, the strength of European countries has been greatly reduced, and it is impossible to resist the Soviet-Russian alliance.

But when 150 FA-1-A combat-type magic puppets passed through the clouds from the high altitudes of Hungary, Austria, and Poland, and entered the clouds to attack the ground, European countries still sent teams to form a huge group of fighter jets.

They believe that this huge group of fighter jets will be able to pierce through the enemy like a sharp sword!

This huge fighter fleet consists of 15 Tornado ADV fighter jets, 30 Typhoon fighter jets of the Royal Air Force, 60 Tornado IDS fighter jets, 12 Tornado fighter jets, 12 Typhoon fighter jets of the Italian Air Force.

6 Typhoons of the Luftwaffe and 6 Typhoons of the Spanish Air Force.

The Tornado, the Panavia Tornado, is a two-seat, twin-engine, supersonic, variable-sweep-wing fighter developed by the Panavia Aircraft Company (UK, Germany, and Italy).

Tornado fighter is mainly used for close air support, battlefield interdiction, interception, air defense, sea attack, electronic countermeasures and reconnaissance, etc. It is developed to adapt to NATO's "flexible response" strategic thinking in dealing with emergencies~www.mtlnovel .com~ is mainly used to replace F-4, F-104, "Vulcan", "Canberra", "Marauder" and other fighters and bombers to perform conventional combat missions such as interception and attack.

It adopts tandem two-seater, air intake on both sides, conventional layout, all-metal semi-monocoque structure, variable swept wing, with full-span flaperon and leading edge slat, aluminum alloy overall reinforced skin, tail It is a full-motion elevon, built-in rudder, and uses a fly-by-wire system.

Prompted by the need for aviation strike power in the European military confrontation in the Cold War, because the East and the West relied on the large-scale deployment of nuclear weapons to form a "balance of terror" in Europe, the destructive effect of nuclear weapons made nuclear war a last resort, so conventional warfare It has once again become a combat method that military decision-making units of various countries attach importance to.

In the late 1960s, European countries began to change their operational thinking from a "massive retaliation" strategy of full-scale nuclear war to a "flexible response" strategy based on conventional weapons and backed by nuclear weapons.

The strategic change has made it urgent for the air forces of European countries to improve the technical level of the equipment in service, especially the need for high-performance tactical attack aircraft with deep strike capability.

After more than ten years of development after World War II, Western European countries have basically recovered their economy and technology from the ruins after the war. The needs of the Cold War made the armies of Western European countries need to develop their own air strike forces outside the United States.

In this case, the Tornado was developed in 1970 ...

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Chapter 0212 Announcement of Chogall's Appearance