I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v9 Chapter 216: Space-based weapons unveiled

Location: Over the Italian-French border in Europe.

When: Friday, October 12, 2007 at 1:10 pm.

After shooting down more than 60 FA-1-A combat-type magic puppets through a dive and rocket attack, the pilots were not greedy and immediately pulled up the fighter to maneuver and climb. Sure enough, as expected by the pilots,

When the FA-1-A combat magic puppet recovered, it immediately attacked the fighters. Three Tornado ADV fighter jets and two Typhoon fighter jets of the British Royal Air Force, six Tornado IDS fighter jets and one Typhoon fighter jet of the Italian Air Force were successively attacked. It was hit, but fortunately the pilot on the fighter jumped in time and successfully opened the parachute.

At this moment, six green light beams with thick arms passed through the boundless starry sky and hit the FA-1-A battle-type magic puppet group. In the next second, 10 FA-1-A battle-type magic puppets fell into the sky. Ground explosion.

The rest of the FA-1-A combat-type magic puppets instantly turned into birds and scattered, and flew to France, Denmark, and the Mediterranean Sea respectively.

The pilots at the scene naturally wouldn't miss the opportunity to shoot down the water dog. The fighter jet engine fully opened up to catch up with the FA-1-A combat-type magic puppet, and killed the FA-1-A combat-type magic puppet through air combat maneuvers, outputting a burst of output.

With the efforts of the pilots at the scene, they cooperated with the French Air Force Rafale fighter jets that arrived in time, the Dutch and Danish Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter jets, as well as the Italian Air Force and US Air Force fighter jets from the Mediterranean Sea to wipe out these 150 fighter jets. FA-1-A Fighting Magic Golem.

Another reason why the battle was so easy was that she saw the Transformers use space-based weapons and decisively gave up the continued manipulation of these FA-1-A combat-type magic puppets.

Even those FA-1-A combat-type magic puppets that went to Asia Minor did not continue to operate.


The war and destruction of the tribes seems to satisfy the Old Gods, so they should continue to cooperate with other clans to conquer the world.

Over the next few weeks, Cho'gall strengthened his connection with the Old Gods, imprinting the Twilight's Hammer prophecy on the bodies of the white ghost orcs, then turning their flesh into pages and binding them into a book A tome that integrates the Way of the Void.

The tome is called The Twilight's Ode, and has been regarded as a source of strength and motivation by generations of loyal followers of the Old Gods.

After the failed battle in Redridge, agents of the Shadow Council discovered the existence of elemental lords and followers within Blackrock Mountain.

Before the Shadow Council declares full war on Ragnaros and his minions, Cho'gall decides to resolve the dispute by peaceful means.

He used his connection with the ancient gods to enter the depths of Blackrock Mountain, and had many long talks with the dark iron dwarves and Ragnaros' elemental servants, and finally the two sides reached an agreement.

The Old Gods were satisfied with the progress of the Horde's war, and they wanted to help, but they were reluctant to give their power to the Orcs, the puppets of the Burning Legion.

After all, Sargeras and his army are at odds with the power of the Void.

However, they promised to provide a small shelter for the Shadow Council - the Blackrock Spire on Blackrock Mountain.

If Warlock could stay there, it would be undisturbed by Ragnaros and his followers.

Gul'dan was disappointed not to be able to claim the entire power of Blackrock Mountain, but he couldn't help but admire Cho'gall's diplomatic talents.

But if Gul'dan had known the true intentions of the ogre magician and his newfound adoration of the Old God, he might not have been so happy.

Orgrim Doomhammer began to deal with the Shadow Council after overthrowing Blackhand, and to show his allegiance to him, Cho'gall helped Orgrim and Gul'dan create the first death knights, presided over the construction of the Altar of the Storm, and Start training ordinary ogres to use magic.

Soon after, Cho'gall set off to capture Grim Batol's oil fields. When Cho'gall and his troops crossed the barren land of Khaz Modan, they encountered a group of soldiers from Strom Grim Batol's oil fields helped the Horde take Khaz Modan.

In the heat of the war, Cho'gall led the Twilight's Hammer to flee the Horde with Gul'dan and the Stormreaver to the Tomb of Sargeras in the Broken Isles.

Gul'dan's betrayal led to the rout of the Horde in Lordaeron, and the furious Orgrim sent Red Blackhand and Maim Blackhand to lead the Blacktooth Laughing clan in pursuit of Gul'dan.

However, the Tomb of Sargeras had just risen out of the sea, and the Blacktooth Laughing Clan had already approached the island.

Gul'dan had no choice but to order Cho'gall and the Twilight's Hammer to hold back the enemy and lead the Stormreaver clan into the tomb tower.

Cho'gall was seriously wounded in the battle, but survived thanks to the help of the Twilight's Hammer followers, and several clan members took the wounded ogre aboard and fled to sea.

The ship was blown by the wind to the uncharted waters to the west. The Twilight's Hammer was nearly wiped out in this battle.

After disappearing from sight for a long time~lightnovelpub.net~ Cho'gall and Twilight's Hammer came to the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj in southern Kalimdor, and deep within the temple, he found the Old God C'Thun's corpse.

But Brian Bronzebeard and the troops that went deep here defeated C'Thun, but they didn't expect that the Old God wasn't really dead, he was still affecting the Twilight's Hammer.

The Twilight's Hammer suffered heavy losses in the Broken Isles. After arriving in Kalimdor, the Twilight's Hammer could no longer be called a clan. Chogall reorganized the Twilight's Hammer, and soon Twilight's Hammer began to accept Ai. Among Xerath's followers of the Old Gods is the Forsaken Stasia Fallen Shadow.

Stasia, gifted with ancient languages, saw a prophecy in a scroll about Garona the Orc and her son Med'an, and she captured Garona in Duskwood and took her to the city. in front of Chogall.

Cho'gall was pleasantly surprised to discover that the spell the Shadow Council had used to control Garona still worked.

The leaders of both the Alliance and Horde at that time: Varian Wrynn and Thrall will hold peace talks in Theramore, Cho'gall decides to control Garona to sabotage the negotiations, and her primary goal is to assassinate King Varian , then Anduin Wrynn and Thrall.

Once Garona fails, Stasia and the Orcs from Twilight's Hammer will attack the Alliance, and the Alliance will go to Thrall's own troubles, both sides will blame each other, and eventually it will develop into a state of war, so that both sides There's no way to notice that the Twilight's Hammer is rising in southern Kalimdor.

And if Garona is captured, they are happy to see Garona die at the hands of humans, and even if the humans don't kill her, Stasia will take her life.

Chapter 0217 Preview the meeting with the people of Stormwind