I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v9 Chapter 277: trade

In U.S. administrative law, formal hearings usually have opposing parties selected by lottery and presided over by an administrative judge appointed by the administrative agency.

Hearings completely clone court arguments, with both sides not only expressing their opinions, but also presenting their own witnesses and documents to support their views.

In the end, the administrative judge must make a final decision like a court trial, and the decision must respond to the views of both parties in detail, otherwise the decision may be invalidated due to procedural issues in judicial review.

In foreign countries, hearings are often used in legislative proceedings.

Hearings in legislation are relatively casual, and hearing representatives selected by lottery express their views on a certain bill, which will become an important reference for lawmakers when they vote.

Hearings in the legislative process are not as binding as those in the administrative process due to the immunity of members of parliament for speech and voting.

In other words, MPs can completely ignore the opinions of the hearings, but in a democratic system, MPs have to think about the votes, and the hearings reflect the opinions of the voters, so few MPs ignore the existence of these opinions.

In China, in addition to the hearing system in administrative procedures, there is also a hearing system in legislation. Many local people's congresses have held hearings when formulating local regulations, and the People's Committees have also held hearings when revising the Individual Income Tax Law.

But Zhou Wenwen estimates that the content of the conversation will not be spread.

And of course, all this was done without the agents of the Seventh District and S.H.I.E.L.D. interfering. This is also what Zhou Wenwen told the U.S. military about the existence of the Hydra defense building and the sub-base.

The U.S. military didn’t believe it at first. It was time to send a special strike team (non-special force) to the Hydra defense building and sub-base. In less than 15 minutes, the special strike team was with the base and the building. The remaining Hydra soldiers exchanged fire and were completely wiped out under the siege.

And the American soldiers who happened to be present could hear the gunshots and screams from the radio communication channel, which confirmed that Zhou Wenwen's words were correct.

The result can be imagined.

With the military support of Zhou Wenwen, the runaway U.S. military has been "overcoming obstacles" all the way. The dark fort that could only be destroyed by drilling into the ground in the past can now be destroyed with a single shot of a 105mm caliber electromagnetic gun.

The U.S. military, who had tasted the sweetness in the process, immediately asked Zhou Wenwen if they could sell these robots after the battle.

The clever Zhou Wenwen neither refused nor passed, but sideways expressed that he had feelings for these robots and was unwilling to sell them, but Zhou Wenwen could cooperate with the US military to develop such robots.

The experienced U.S. military immediately understood (misunderstood) Zhou Wenwen's "words", saying that their country is very open.

As a "deposit" for cooperation, the two sides also provided very "luxury".

As in the past, Zhou Wenwen came up with a new stealth coating technology and named Boeing to buy it.

Boeing will quote, 3 F-15CMSIP fighters, 3 E-3A "Watch Tower" early warning aircraft, 3 Boeing C-17 Globemaster III, and the new stealth coating technology, Zhou Wenwen will point out 80% of the crack.

Because Zhou Wenwen provided 4 pieces of metal armor that fell from the wings of the Super Eagle, which was a layer higher than the stealth coating and could absorb various signals such as radar.

The F-15CMSIP fighter is based on the F-15C single-seat air superiority combat model, and is a model under the life extension or mid-term improvement plan. Its avionics equipment has been fully upgraded on the F-15C, including the replacement of radar, Cockpit displays, electronic warfare systems, and digital computers, among others.

BoeingE-3SentryAWACS, E-3 "Watchtower" early warning aircraft, is an all-weather long-range airborne early warning and control aircraft developed by Boeing according to the US Air Force AWACS program. It has the ability to look down and monitor manned aircraft and unmanned aircraft over various terrains. Ability.

The Boeing C-17 Globemaster III transport aircraft is a large-scale strategic tactical transport aircraft developed by Boeing, commonly known as Boeing C-17 Globemaster III, or C-17.

The C-17 can be adapted for strategic transport that rapidly deploys troops to major military bases or directly to forward bases, and is also capable of tactical transport and airdrop when necessary.

2 C-17 "Globemaster" transport planes are enough to carry hunters, jaguars, jaguars, cougars, Geeks, and Forerunners, and go thousands of miles to conduct transoceanic operations.

3 F-15CMSIP fighter jets, 3 E-3A "Watchtower" early warning aircraft, 3 Boeing C-17 Globemaster III, valued at 2.2 billion US dollars.

Although Boeing's wave is four years old, in fact, the metal armor provided by Zhou Wenwen can make Boeing's research on stealth technology take a big leap.

And complete the development and production of the Fx-a/x aircraft ahead of schedule, to reverse the unfavorable situation that the F-15 Eagle fighter will be replaced by the F-22 Raptor and the F-35 Lightning 2 in the future.

For Zhou Wenwen, these armor pieces are as many as you want. Anyway, the wings of the Super Eagle have to be replaced regularly.

Because Zhou Wenwen did not encounter Drift this time, the second thing Zhou Wenwen took out was not the drifting samurai sword that he pierced with the electronic cycle device~lightnovelpub.net~ but the 105mm electromagnetic on the forerunner. Railgun.

The reason why Zhou Wenwen took out this 105mm electromagnetic rail gun was actually because the quality of the gun was poor, and the remaining lifespan was less than 30 rounds, so Zhou Wenwen wanted to sell the gun for a return before it was scrapped.

Since it is a gun, this thing is of very low value to Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Grumman and other people who mainly sell aircraft, but it is of great value to tanks such as Rheinmetall and GM.

Therefore, after representatives of Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Grumman tentatively proposed the price of half a plane, Rheinmetall, General Dynamics, etc. all proposed very high prices, while the price of General Dynamics is still strange.

2 Seawolf-class fourth-generation attack nuclear submarines, 2 Burke-class destroyers, 3 M1A2 main battle tanks, 2 F-16XL "Fighting Falcon" fighter-bombers, and 6 F-111C fighter-bombers.

The reason why it is strange this time, except that General Dynamics sold its F-16 production line to Lockheed in December 1992, is the F-111C fighter-bomber.

The F-111 is a supersonic fighter-bomber developed by General Dynamics. It is also the world's earliest practical variable-sweep-wing aircraft. It is mainly used for interdiction and nuclear attack missions at night and under complex weather conditions.

The F-111A was delivered in 1967, and on July 26, 1996, the F-111 was retired, and now only Australia has the F-111C fighter-bomber.

So after the representative sent by General Dynamics said this sentence, while Zhou Wenwen was still thinking about what was going on, all the representatives sent by the big companies present turned their strange eyes to the representatives sent by Lockheed Martin and Representative from General Dynamics.

Chapter 0278 Heralds Herbs and Potions