I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

v9 Chapter 95: my generation first

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Write at the beginning:

When writing this chapter, because wps suddenly collapsed, although I found it, hundreds of words have been lost, which made the author angry and lost his mind, so please understand this chapter.


Under the influence of Yijia's water and Bingding's fire, one of Zhou Wenwen's pupils turned light blue, and the other pupil became fiery red, but even so, Zhou Wenwen firmly shouted "Xiandao two The next sentence of "Bang Mang" is not a perfect complement to the second sentence of the poem.

"Xiandao is boundless, my generation should be the first!"

"One qi and five are already thunderous, A, B, C, Ding and Wu!"

And with the words "One Qi, Wu Ji, A, B, C, D, Wu!", the lightning of Wu Ji formed in the sky under the influence of Yijia's water and Bingding's Hokage slashed down on Zhou Wenwen and turned into a lightning package. Live in Zhou Wenwen.

When the thunder light disappeared, Zhou Wenwen's skin surface was covered with wounds split by the lightning of Wu Ji. Fortunately, these wounds gradually recovered as new skin grew.

But for Zhou Wenwen, the biggest surprise was the appearance of three golden pills in Soul Water Science: Water of Yijia, Fire of Bingding, and Thunder of Wuji.

It turned out that when one of Zhou Wenwen's pupils turned light blue and the other pupil became fiery red, the two powers of the five elements, the water of Bingjia and the fire of Bingding, had already been refined in Zhou Wenwen's soul water science. Out of gold pills.

However, because of the conflict between the two five elements, the water of Bingjia and the fire of Bingding, Zhou Wenwen's life is also in danger. He may explode at any time due to a mistake, so that he "shatters his body and bones".

Fortunately, with the thunder of Wu Ji, which can "wash and purify" everything, the two powers of the five elements, the water of Bingjia and the fire of Bingding, are completely separated, and Zhou Wenwen has time to refine the golden pill.

But now, in addition to the ten ordinary golden pills, Zhou Wenwen's soul water study includes six water of Yijia, six fire of Bingding, and two of the five elements of the thunder of Wuji, which are left in physical strength. A golden pill, a total of twenty-four golden pills.

Zhou Wenwen opened his eyes, and under the eyes of the spiritual power, he found that there were still a lot of star power around him. He felt that it was too wasteful. Thinking of this, Zhou Wenwen chose not to waste it. While swinging his posture, he used his mental power to control the power of the stars. Around the body, fully run the "Five Elements Forming Pill Sutra" Qi-inducing chapter method.

"Introducing gold to water, and to fire to produce wood, earth is Yuan!"

At first, there was only a small stream of the power of the stars that entered the body and was transformed, but as time passed and the concentration of the power of the surrounding stars was released, the number of the power of the stars that entered the body and was transformed became more and more, like a big river.

By the end, after the power of the stars had completely disappeared, Zhou Wenwen's soul water science had made forty-five ordinary golden pills, plus ten ordinary pills, six of the water of Yijia, six of the fire of Bingding, and the thunder of Wuji. Two golden pills, a total of sixty-nine golden pills.

At this time, Zhou Wenwen was free to explain why the unknown number A and the unknown number B would be the water of Bingjia and the fire of Bingding, and the unknown number C could not be found now. ', 'Physical Refinement', 'Spirit Refinement', and 'Foundation Building', find the unknown C Ruoshui.

In the past, Zhou Wenwen set the reverse water as the unknown number A, Lihuo as the unknown number B, and weak water as the unknown number C, and added the unknown number X, but did not give Y to form a three-dimensional quadrant.

Although only the plane quadrant can be calculated in this way, the formula is obtained by mistake.



But such a formula cannot allow Zhou Wenwen to solve the next step in a normal way, he can only re-estimate.

The first is the calculation and formula of the first sentence.


When the unknown A advances, the performance value of the unknown B is positive.

When unknown C is added, the performance value of unknown B should be negative.




Zhou Wenwen then crossed out the unknown X in the first sentence, that is, covered the unknown X with his hand, and then went up to see this formula, then we would get:



Put the calculated results aside for now, and let’s look at the calculation and formula of the second sentence.


When unknown A is added, the performance value of unknown B is positive or negative.

When the unknown C advances, the performance value of the unknown B is positive.




Variation number one:



Second variant:



Zhou Wenwen is now crossing out the unknown X in the second sentence, and then looking at this formula, then we will get:



Compared with ①②:



From this, a new relationship can be established on the plane quadrant.

When the reverse water is greater than or equal to the distance from the fire, the distance from the fire must be positive.

(X(A≧B), Y(+B)) in the first quadrant.

When weak water is less than or equal to Lihuo, Lihuo must be negative.

(X(C≦B), Y(-B)) in the second and third quadrants.

Then there will be a problem, what about the fourth quadrant?

Don't worry, let's look at the full sentence again.

"When it flows against the current, it is separated from the fire, and when the weak water is connected, it is separated from the fire. 』

"When it is connected against the water, it is connected with the fire; when the weak water flows, it is born from the fire. 』

Writing this, the answer is actually quite clear. Zhou Wenwen only needs to find out the two five elements that meet this point in the chapters of "Aspirating Qi" and "Forging Qi" in the "Five Elements Pill Sutra" ~lightnovelpub.net~ force.

And Zhou Wenwen was lucky and quickly found them, namely the water of Bingjia and the fire of Bingding.


During Zhou Wenwen's "immortal cultivation", the weather in the city of Detroit also ushered in drastic changes.

Before, Zhou Wenwen's cultivation was outside, so the surrounding buildings were not greatly damaged, but now in the city, the surrounding buildings are naturally affected.

The first was air pressure, and the poorly constructed house began to vibrate, but nothing major.

However, with the appearance of the six waters of the second class and the fire of the third one, the sultry torrential rain fell in an instant, almost submerging the car city of Detroit.

Fortunately, the rainstorm disappeared directly with the thunder and lightning, but no one knew that the person in the production area that was hit by the lightning was already dead.

Except for the U.S. troops and Transformers stationed there.

With the equipment provided by the hunters, the U.S. soldiers stationed (surveillance) put on the lightning jacket and escaped the disaster.

The Transformers, the hunters, are not afraid of lightning at all. On the contrary, under the command of the hunters, the transformers used the lightning to wake up the Transformers Geke, Forerunner, and Stalker, who were put into dormancy by Ye Chunqiu.

Zhou Wenwen, who was unaware of all this, saw that it was 16:17 immediately, and wanted to maintain a good mood, he ended his cultivation, and instead studied the items seized from Chen Date and Li Peinan.

The items seized from Chen Date and Li Pei-nan were a simulated copy volume, a town hall building similar to the Warcraft 3 Orcs 3 stores, a crystal that gave power, and a moving towards here. Star map coordinates.


Chapter 96