I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 118: Decide

   "Alzheimer's disease?"

   Looking at the message from Wang Wei, Chen Chen couldn't help but recall the old man with a hearty smile, who was used to drinking tea with a beaker and always running a train in class.

   Professor Wang Xi was originally a senior academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and has a reputation in academia. However, after the age of 65, he reluctantly withdrew from the front line of scientific research due to physical reasons.

   It’s just that I didn’t expect that the professor who was humorous on the podium, the top scientist who was able to lead biology, would have this kind of ordinary disease...

   Chen Chen sighed secretly, then raised his head and said, "X, please check with Professor Wang Xi of the Zhongzhou District Commercial Capital Jiaotong University. I want to know everything about him now."

"Roger that!"

  Xiao X's voice immediately came from the speaker, and then Chen Chen's computer automatically turned on, and the computer screen flickered like a flower.

   The windows popped up and closed one by one, but within half a minute, a piece of detailed information appeared on the computer screen.

   "Department of Neurology, Central Hospital Affiliated to School of Medicine, Shangdu Jiaotong University, Alzheimer's Disease."

   Seeing this line of words, Chen Chen already understood that what Wang Wei had judged was true.

   Recalling the help Professor Wang Xi had given him at this time last year, Chen Chen immediately made a decision in his heart.

   Thinking of this, Chen Chen gently stroked his left hand. On his left index finger, there was a thick brass ring.

   As Chen Chen flicked the ring lightly, it seemed that he had touched some mechanism, and the ring surface bounced away, revealing a few transparent pills inside.

   Chen Chen took out a pill and swallowed it gently, then gently closed his eyes and entered a relaxed state.

   One second, two seconds, three seconds...


   The familiarity with all things in the world returned quickly, Chen Chen suddenly opened his eyes and began to recall all the information about Alzheimer's disease.

   The so-called Alzheimer’s disease is the senile dementia as the saying goes in the Central Continent, that is, neurodegenerative diseases of the brain that may occur after reaching a certain age.

   This disease does not seem to be fatal, and it is accustomed to it because there are too many examples around it, but many people are not aware that it is actually the second largest killer of human life after cancer.

There are many causes of Alzheimer’s disease. The most obvious factor is age. Starting from the age of 50, the incidence rate increases significantly with the increase of age. When people reach the age of 80, the incidence rate is even higher. two over five.

  As for age, there are too many factors. Genetics, mental illness, head trauma, and even external factors such as widowhood, living alone, financial difficulties, and life turbulence may become one of the triggers of Alzheimer's disease.


   In other words, so far the academic community has not even found the cause of Alzheimer's disease.

   The medical community has always believed that "Aβ deposition" and "abnormal phosphorylation of Tau" are the main culprits of Alzheimer's disease, but with the development of some drugs, these arguments have long been questioned by the academic community.

   It is now more recognized in the medical community that "Aβ deposition" and "abnormal phosphorylation of Tau protein" are only manifestations of Alzheimer's disease, but not the root cause.

   The so-called Aβ deposition refers to β-amyloid protein deposition, which is a kind of intracellular pathology, which can lead to mitochondrial damage, and even cause many fatal diseases such as apoptosis.

   This kind of deposition phenomenon first appeared in the cerebral cortex, and will spread to the depths of the brain as the disease gets worse, until it destroys the human brain.

   Among the six internationally recognized therapeutic drugs, except for one NMDA receptor antagonist, the others are all acetylcholinesterase inhibitor drugs.

   To put it simply, all the drugs in Advanced International can only slightly slow down the disease and make the patient live for a few more years, but nothing else.

It is said that a drug for Alzheimer’s disease has recently been launched in the Mid-Continent District, which is advertised as the "first international brain-gut axis drug". Although the name is very big, it can be said to be a kind of intestinal bacteria medicine.


   I won’t talk about this.

   At present, Alzheimer's disease is still irreversible, even with medication, because the cause of the disease is the death of a large number of brain nerve cells.

   In the later stage, the patient’s brain has completely shrunk and there is no consciousness. In Chen Chen’s view, there is no consciousness, even if this person is still alive, what is the difference between death?

   Therefore, if you want to treat Professor Wang Xi, you can't delay it.

   Thinking of this, Chen Chen quickly got up, walked towards the electric power control room, and commanded as he walked, "Little X, download the first part of "Rise of the Apes" for me."

   Then, Chen Chen walked out of the office door and entered the elevator.

   If you want to treat Professor Wang Xi, you have three methods:

  One, and the easiest way, is to use a USB flash drive to get information about the drug ALZ-112 in "Rise of the Apes".

  ALZ-112 is a virus with specific genes that can regeneratively repair neural circuits by infecting the brain.

  Different from the later ALZ-113, ALZ-112 is not contagious, and there will be no extinction of the virus in the movie.

  The disadvantage is that ALZ-112 only temporarily treats Alzheimer's disease, but it cannot cure it.

   However, Chen Chen didn't have high expectations for the first method, because the U disk cannot extract any life, and the virus is also a kind of life, so he can only extract the ALZ-112 data.

   The scene of the data only appears for a moment in the movie, and the data is not guaranteed to be complete.

   2. If the first method fails~lightnovelpub.net~Chen Chen can try to make a movie about Alzheimer's disease and extract the drugs from his movie to solve the problem through this almost cheating method.

   This is also Chen Chen's new attempt on the function of U disk.

   Of course, the chance of success is extremely close to zero in Chen Chen's eyes.

   Because if this method is really successful, then Chen Chen can make an energy movie and set up a prop like ZPM in "Stargate" at will. Wouldn't it have endless energy?

   In this way, the law of conservation of mass and energy is broken.

   However, although I understand that the probability of this happening is basically zero, I still have to try.

   While trying the second method, Chen Chen will also simultaneously carry out the third method-active research.

   After all, Chen Chen has the trump card of NZT-48. Previous experiments have learned that NZT-48 has a certain effect on Alzheimer's disease. If it is not possible, Chen Chen can make a breakthrough in this area and supplement it with neural stem cell therapy.

  The human body does have the ability to regenerate brain nerve cells, but this ability will decrease with development. When humans reach adulthood, the central nervous system will not undergo regeneration and repair after damage.

   The reasons are that one is the lack of necessary cytokine stimulation, and the other is that the dead cells are degraded and filled with other cells to produce steric hindrance.

   This is the irreversible root of Alzheimer's disease.

   However, neural stem cells can break this rule.