I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 205: Biogene Core Laboratory



   There was a louder sound than before, and the pillar of fire directly penetrated the entire passage, and the aftermath even reached the gate at the end of the passage.


   But this new explosion came fast and went fast. When Chen Chen turned his head again and looked inside the passage, he found that the glass of the whole passage was completely shattered, leaving only a fragment of debris.


   The gate at the end of the passage was also twisted by the explosion.


   Chen Chen waved his hand again, and the remaining black knight walked in and placed the explosive on the deformed gate.


   With the last blast, the passage to the computer room was finally opened after the red was isolated.


Chen Chen walked in when he saw the blasted tunnel. The main control room of the Red Queen was a dark blue room surrounded by four square metal pillars, and in the center of the room was a circle. Metal platform.


   Chen Chen lightly stepped on the center of the metal platform, and immediately the metal platform began to open to both sides, revealing a circular device.


   This is the main box of the Flame Queen.


   Before Chen Chen could speak, the black knight on the side began to control the instrument. It was controlled by the ai in the **** chip and was able to use various technologies. Now these tasks are naturally extremely skilled.


   But, just as the Black Knight was about to find the Red Queen motherboard, a 3D holographic projector above Chen Chen's head suddenly turned on, and a red light flashed all over his body, and a figure like a ten-year-old girl appeared in front of Chen Chen.


   "Go out, go out, you can't come in!"


   The little red girl kept repeating, "Invaders, you must get out of here!"


   Everyone who has seen the movie knows that this little girl is the red queen in the movie.


  It seems that there is such a one in its ai setting. When human beings have entered the computer room and are about to be unstoppable, they will use the last method of confusion.


   It's a pity that Chen Chen doesn't have a habit of making copper.


   What's more, I'm used to Xiaox's words with strong personality characteristics, and then look at this red queen, although it has an extra appearance, it is still very rigid, and I know that the level of intelligence is not high.


   This is just a weak artificial intelligence.


   Seeing the continued movement of the black knight, the red queen finally begged, "Turning off me will cause the hive to lose its main power and the laboratory will stop working!"


   But the black knight, who doesn't even have a brain, would naturally ignore it. It pried open the red motherboard and docked the hard disk in its hand with the red motherboard.




   Suddenly, the red queen let out a scream, and the holographic image quickly became blurred!


   The simplified version of "X" is like a computer virus, and it starts to attack the Red Queen.


   The lights in the room were extinguished, and the power system of the entire hive became very unstable, as if it had been disturbed. This is the two AIs grabbing control of the hive.


   However, this struggle did not last long. In the past ten minutes, there was a sudden beep, and the red light on the hard drive suddenly changed to green.


"Did you make it?"


   Chen Chen looked at the Red Queen host in front of him, but saw that the black knight began to verify the 128-digit secret key.


   As a series of secret key numbers flashed from the black knight's instrument, the black knight turned around and nodded to Chen Chen.


At the same time, the holographic projection once again flashed the image of the red queen, but at this time the little girl who was flashing red turned her face and said to Chen Chen, "Your Excellency, x-112 reports to you. I have replaced After the Flame Queen, he took control of the entire Honeycomb Laboratory."


   In the ‘Spire’ Experimental Base, the laboratory control is the ‘x-111’, so this clone is the ‘x-112’.


   Chen Chen nodded. These clones of little x are not as emotional and life-like intelligence as the little x's body, but are similar to the red queen, just a piece of program and code.


  Although they are all top artificial intelligences on the market, they are still inferior to Xiaox, who is infinitely close to the level of intelligent life.


   But now is not the time to think about this. Chen Chen said to the illusory 3D image in front of him, "x-112, show me everything in the hive, such as the dangers in the hive, and various data."


"Please wait."


   Following Chen Chen's order, the little red girl in front of her paused slightly, then she spoke again


"No signs of moving objects were found in the hive. The current temporary storage of electricity in the hive is 60%. The 100 licker incubators in restaurant b have been damaged, the elevator is damaged, the laser channel is damaged, the tram is damaged, and the 13 airtight test The office is destroyed, the three office areas are destroyed..."


   After some reports, Chen Chen asked again, "Is there a level 4 genetic engineering laboratory with functions and well-equipped instruments?"


   "The program is confirmed, and the target is the sixth-tier biological gene core laboratory."


   As x-112 spoke, the little girl standing in front of Chen Chen suddenly turned into a three-dimensional map of a honeycomb drawn by a blue grid, and the laboratory in it was expressed in the form of a red block.


   It was not until then that Chen Chen saw that the so-called sixth floor was the sixth floor from top to bottom, and the area of ​​the laboratory alone occupies one third of the entire sixth floor.


  Because the honeycomb is in the shape of an inverted trapezoid, the area becomes smaller as it goes down, but even if the area is smaller, it occupies one-third of the entire six-story, it is still very huge.


   If there is no wrong guess, the t virus was researched from this laboratory.


   These laboratories are airtight laboratories. When the Red Queen killed all employees, sarin gas was used in the office area, and irrigation was used in the laboratory. As a result, many laboratories were scrapped due to water ingress.


   But luckily, there was no one in the biological gene core laboratory, so the equipment in the laboratory escaped.


Now that the target was found, and the red queen was replaced by a small x, Chen Chen stopped staying here, but let another black knight stay here, while walking and saying, "x-112, the hive restored its previous energy saving Status, only power the biological genetic laboratory, and at the same time extend your tentacles to see if you can connect to the outside Internet."


   "Return to your commander, but did not find the outside Internet." x-112 responded.


   "Sure enough, is it because the outside world has become the doomsday?"


   Chen Chen nodded. Obviously, if it were not for the end of the world, such a strategic underground experimental base would not have been abandoned for so long.




   Chen Chen suddenly thought of a question and asked as he walked, "Check all the records in the laboratory. How many years was the day when the hive virus leaked, and how many years is it now?"


In the world view of the movie, ~lightnovelpub.net~ has never revealed the specific date of the outbreak of Resident Evil, but there are games. The Raccoon City explosion occurred in September 1998. It is not known whether the movie date and the game date are the same. the same day.


   "The leak date of the hive virus is September 5, 1998, and the actual date is March 27, 2005."


   At this time, Chen Chen had re-entered restaurant b and walked up the stairs, while the voice of x-112 came directly from Chen Chen's mobile phone.


   is almost the same as the timeline of the game.


   After hearing these words, Chen Chen was startled, and then showed a thoughtful look.


   It seems that movies and games still have a certain connection.


   Thinking of this, Chen Chen did not continue to speak, but quickly climbed the stairs.


   It took more than ten minutes before Chen Chen passed through countless abandoned laboratories and came to the door of the biological gene core laboratory on the sixth floor.


   On the door of the laboratory, there is also a yellow warning sign of biological contamination.


   This laboratory is obviously more rigorous than the previous laboratory. There are no longer floor-to-ceiling observation windows around it, but the whole body is made of metal.


   With the arrival of Chen Chen, under the control of x-112, the door opened quickly, revealing the dressing room behind the door.


   The regulations are the same as those of Chen Chen’s Level 4 biosafety laboratory. If you want to enter this level of laboratory, you must wear a closed isolation suit...