I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 230: T version of the black knight

   Looking at the caravan from far and near, everyone inevitably became agitated.

   The helicopter quickly approached, hovering over everyone's head, and the severe wind pressure made everyone unable to lift their heads.

   And the other party's armored car and truck finally stopped on the opposite side, and the helicopter finally fell down, and a man wearing gold glasses and combing his head got off the helicopter.

   That is Qian Wenhuan from Zhongzhou, the general manager of Blacklight Technology!

   Brad has seen this Midlander on TV many times, or it can be said that the probability of seeing this person on TV is greater than the probability of seeing the president of his country.

   Brad was a little shocked in his heart. He couldn't imagine that these felons were all transported to Blacklight Technology, but what did the other party want these prisoners to do?

   For some reason, the words "human experiment" suddenly came to his mind.

   He almost forgot that Blacklight Technology is a biological company. Since it is a biological company, the purpose of using heavy criminals is almost obvious...

   "Mr. Qian."

   The captain on Brad's side got off the truck and shook hands with the opponent, "All the goods you want are here."

   "Very good, let them all come down."

   Qian Wenhuan took out two cigars and handed one to the captain, and then someone stepped forward to light them.

The captain made a gesture to the two trucks, and Brad came back to his senses. He jumped off the truck, opened the baffle, and pointed the gun at the group of felons. "Everyone will give me. Come down!"

   Seeing this, the group of serious prisoners jumped out of the truck one by one numbly.

A dozen heavily armed soldiers walked out of the armored vehicle of    Black Light Technology, and escorted the group of heavy criminals to their truck.

   "Mr. Qian, there are fifty people here, no problem."

   After a while, a soldier walked up to Qian Wenhuan and whispered.

   "Very good."

   Seeing this, Qian Wenhuan clapped his hands, and another soldier came over with a thick suitcase and handed it to the captain.

   The captain showed a sorrowful smile, and took the suitcase.

   "If you don't worry, you can order a little bit." Qian Wenhuan said.

   "No, even if I don't believe in others, I can't believe in Mr. Qian."

Captain    waved his hand quickly.

   "In this case, it would be nice to ask your minister for me."

   As he said, the general manager of Blacklight Technology suddenly took out a thick envelope from his pocket and handed it to the captain again, "This one belongs to you and the brothers behind you."

   "Thank you Mr. Qian."

   The captain's eyes suddenly brightened, and he accepted it without shy. "In that case, we will leave first."

   "Go slowly."

   After the two sides left, Brad climbed into the truck under the command of the captain, and then everyone turned back blankly.

   Seeing the group of people gradually moving away, Qian Wenhuan turned around and waved, the armored vehicles and the escorted trucks began to turn around and drove in the direction they had come.

   Soon, the convoy here drove back to Life Science City. The two armored vehicles turned in one direction and drove towards the other side, while the truck drove into a huge warehouse.

   Then, it is the standard process of entering the minaret experimental base.

   After waiting for half an hour, all the fifty heavy criminals have been sent to the Minaret Experimental Base and detained here.

   "Your Excellency, the ‘delta-level experimental subjects’ purchased from the Namibian government are already in place. Do you have permission to apply for the subjects to participate in various experiments in the Minaret Laboratory?

   "Turn on."

   Inside the Spire Lab, Chen Chen suddenly heard the voice of Little X coming from the Bluetooth headset. He nodded in agreement, and then looked at the life incubator in front of him.

   Different from ordinary clone life incubators, the size of this row of life incubators is much larger than that of ordinary people, with a light diameter of 1.5 meters and a height of three meters, which is twice that of ordinary life incubators.

   What’s even more amazing is that in each incubator, there is a huge figure curled up in it. The figure of those figures is far beyond ordinary people. Not only are their bodies covered with muscles, they are more than two meters tall.

   "Boss, you can see that this is what the fertilized egg injected with T virus looks like after two and a half months of development."

   Hannibal looked amazed, “This virus called Tyrant does have a very strong metabolic rate. After injecting the virus into the fertilized egg, and then through our hormone regulation technology, the cultivation time is greatly shortened.”

"Originally, our hormone regulation technology allowed clones to grow from a fertilized egg into adult life in half a year, but now the injection of T virus can also speed up life by three months. The only drawback is that the newly generated clones become This look..."

   Chen Chen heard the words and walked to one of the life incubators, and looked inward through some turbid liquid inside, but couldn't see anything clearly.

   "Turn on the observation light!" Before Chen Chen spoke, Li Lei on the side began to command.

   Suddenly, inside the originally turbid life incubator, as the lights came on, the huge figure inside was completely exposed.

   Unlike the cloned human being who is a black man, the fertilized egg injected with the T virus developed into a monster with pale skin.

   This monster has a high nose bridge, no **** lips, and no trace of hair all over the body.

In addition, there is a very obvious feature, that is, this huge humanoid monster, its heart is actually exposed~lightnovelpub.net~ From Chen Chen's perspective, we can only see the monster in front of me. His heart beats vigorously, and the sound can even be heard when it is closer. You know, this is the thickness of a layer of tempered glass, which can be heard clearly, which is enough to show how hard the other party’s heartbeat is. Strong.

   "What is his blood pressure?" Chen Chen suddenly turned his head and asked.

   "High pressure 480mmHg, low pressure 400mmHg."

   Hannibal replied, "Probably four times the size of a human being, but he hasn't grown to a mature stage yet, and he should grow stronger as his size increases."

   Li Lei also added, "At present, it seems that this big guy can grow to at least three meters in height."

   "Too high is not good."

   Chen Chen frowned, "The size may have an advantage in the cold weapon era, but our goal is to make special forces. If it grows too tall, it can only become a target."

   "Understand, this is the first batch of T virus black knights in our experiment, and then we will try to solve this problem through genetic debugging."

   Li Lei apologized.

   "It's okay, I just express my opinion, and I don't mean to blame you."

   Chen Chen waved his hand, turned and walked out of the laboratory.

It seems that the black knight optimized by the T virus is still in the initial research stage, but Chen Chen is very surprised by the fact that the T virus can accelerate the growth of biological tissues. The time has been shortened from half a year to three months, which represents the cultivation of black The Cavaliers' time has doubled again.

  In this way, Chen Chen will sooner or later have a black knight army with personal qualities that crush the world...