I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 29: Permanent Immunization Injection

   In order to prevent accidents, Chen Chen eats and drinks at the factory every day.

   His purpose is to be optimistic about the U disk, to prevent people from approaching here and discovering their secrets.

   However, Chen Chen has not been idle during this time. In addition to exercising every day, he teaches himself assembly language, C language, C++, java and other computer languages ​​on the Internet.

   After all, with the effect of NZT-48, Chen Chen can achieve extremely high concentration and perseverance in everything he does.

   and Chen Chen discovered that the effect of NZT-48 is not only reflected in the thinking aspect, in fact, the control of the body by this drug is far beyond ordinary people.

   For example, when running, which muscle is more efficient to contract; when punching, which muscles and bones act to mobilize more power;

   These can be felt when taking NZT-48.

   For this, Chen Chen bought a treadmill and several barbells.

   Now Chen Chen exercises on the treadmill for two to three hours every day.

   After some time, the results are even more obvious.

   Chen Chen’s weight has increased from 130 kg to 140 kg, and his body is more symmetrical. Although there is no change in appearance, if you take off his coat, you will find that Chen Chen’s body is covered with solid muscles.

   After all, there is a saying that goes well: the body is the capital of the revolution, and researchers like Chen Chen who will take the path of research in the future need a good body.

   While exercising, Chen Chen also had the idea of ​​developing an APP.

  App, the abbreviation in English, is application software, usually refers to the application software of mobile phones such as iphone and Android.

   Among them, mobile phone application software is divided into communication, office, entertainment, sports, shopping, etc. several major fields, each field is controlled by one or more leaders.

  A leader in a field can create more than tens of billions of wealth.

  If you develop well, you can quickly complete capital accumulation with this APP, and promote yourself from leek to the capital of cutting leek.

   At that time, whether it is stock trading or other methods, I have countless options, and I am not as embarrassed as I am now.

   However, it is not easy to develop an APP. Today's mobile phone software market is already saturated. If you want to get a share of it, you can't do it without certain strength.

   Chen Chen thought for a while, and soon came up with an idea.

   You can develop an instant translation app by yourself.

   This is the idea that Chen Chen thought of when he was learning C language.

   As Chen Chen learns more C language, the more he discovers the general trend of communication in today's society.

   When the Internet just emerged more than ten years ago, the concept of "global village" came into being.

   With the rapid development of modern technology, the space-time distance on the earth is constantly shrinking, and international communication is more frequent and convenient.

   However, language barriers have always plagued many netizens who want to see the outside world.

   Chen Chen checked on the Internet. Nowadays, the most recognized translation software includes Google Translate, Microsoft, Promt, SDL, Yahoo Translate, etc.

   But in Chen Chen's view, all translation software nowadays is a joke.

   Because although all kinds of translation software have existed for a long time, these softwares often have a "machine translation" problem.

   When many people look at "cooked meat", they often say "this passage must be a machine translation" when they look at the arrangement and logical errors of the words.

   This is actually a limitation of artificial intelligence AI.

  Because AI is not very intelligent, it can only be used mechanically and cannot have complete logic processing capabilities like humans.

   What's more, when a person browses a foreign-language webpage, it is impossible for him to translate every sentence of the webpage, which is a time-consuming and laborious task.

   If Chen Chen can come up with an APP that automatically replaces all foreign fonts on web pages, he will surely be able to rule the market immediately and bring him amazing profits, right?

   It's simple to say, but even Chen Chen who took NZT-48 didn't dare to say that he would be able to do it, because the technology involved here is very complicated and can't be changed by one or two geniuses.

   However, although Chen Chen cannot produce it with his current ability, if a similar finished product is placed in front of him, Chen Chen can quickly understand it.

   Yes, finished product.

   Chen Chen involuntarily looked at the USB flash drive on the transformer.

   In science fiction movies, there are many artificial intelligences similar to Jarvis, Sonny in "Mechanical Enemy", Skynet in "Terminator", Red Queen in "Resident Evil" and so on.

   If these artificial intelligence can be brought into reality, it must be a very interesting thing.

   Thinking of this, Chen Chen raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he checked the time.

   Now three months have passed since the lease of the factory, and the lease will expire in these days.

   During these three months, Chen Chen took a photo every day for the USB flash drive.

   In the photo, the USB flash drive has really recovered its luster from its incomparably old state as he had imagined. Now, it is no different from when he discovered it.

   "Can it be fully charged in three months?"

   Chen Chen thought silently, but he immediately denied the idea.

   Because the U disk seems to have turned into a dark black color a month ago, but it is still absorbing power and has never been saturated.

  In the past three months, Chen Chen spent nearly 800,000 in factory rent and electricity bills, and only 200,000 yuan was left on the company's accounts.

   I have to say, sometimes money is really not spent.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen didn't hesitate anymore. He turned to open the power distribution room and completely cut off the power supply to the factory~lightnovelpub.net~ Then, putting on insulating gloves, he pulled out the U disk from the copper ingot after three months of absence. .

   The U disk is cold.

   Chen Chen couldn't help being a little surprised. He tried to touch the copper ingot again, but found that the copper ingot was as hot as a fire.

   But the fact is that the hotness of the copper ingot has not affected the U disk at all.

   is so horrible that it can absorb heat?

   Chen Chen's heart moved. In this way, solar energy is actually in the range of energy that can be absorbed by the U disk. Could it be said that throwing the U disk into the magma can also absorb the energy of the magma?

   However, this thought only stayed in Chen Chen's mind for a moment, and Chen Chen discarded it from his mind. Now, this is not what he has to consider.

   Chen Chen took the U disk and quickly inserted it into his laptop, then clicked on the "Never Ending" TV series in the folder again, and opened the last episode.

   At the same time, he dragged the screen to the close-up of the "Permanent Immunization Injection" screen.

  On the computer screen, a needleless syringe with a length of 134 centimeters and the thickness of three or four fingers appeared in front of Chen Chen.

   Chen Chen stared intently, while diverging his thoughts, imagining that the immune injection on the screen appeared in reality.

   Suddenly, the screen seemed to turn into a puddle of clear water, and the permanent immune injection slowly sinked and floated in the water, making ripples.

   Chen Chen raised his hand again and slowly grabbed the metal syringe!

   At the moment of grasping, Chen Chen only felt a cold touch on the palm of his hand, he gently held it, and then lightly twitched.


   On the computer screen, the movie still closes automatically.

   At the same time, the tube of immune injection originally located on the computer screen was completely brought into reality by Chen Chen.

   Finally, it succeeded...