I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 370: U disk is broken?

A few hours later, Chen Chen was examined by X-rays, and then changed into his clothes. All metal objects were removed. Two people in black took him to an empty room.

This room is a bit special, about twenty square meters in size. The top of the whole room is covered with more than a dozen light tubes, which are bright, and there is a table and two chairs in the center of the room, and the walls on the four sides of the room are all Full of half-length mirrors.

In the four corners of the isolation room, high-definition cameras are installed to monitor every corner of the room.

At this time, as Chen Chen entered, he was asked to sit on one of the chairs by a security guard.

However, unlike the chair opposite the table, Chen Chen's chair does not have a backrest.

Moreover, the seat surface is less than half of a conventional seat, and there is no crossbar to step on. It is not so much a chair as it is more like a stool.

Chen Chen once had a history of madly studying criminal psychology, so it seems that this room can understand at a glance, this room is by no means as simple as letting himself talk to the FBI.

A chair without a backrest loses part of its sense of security; it loses a certain amount of support where it has no footsteps; the room is cold-lighted, but it is extremely bright. If you stay in this kind of room for too long, it is easy to lose your mind.

As for the half-length mirrors around, Chen Chen knew at a glance that behind these mirrors, there were at least ten psychologists standing in front of him, analyzing his every move...

This kind of room is much higher-end than the police interrogation room.

After Chen Chen sat down on the seat, the two men in black stood with their hands behind them for a hundred years and stood behind Chen Chen. Although Chen Chen didn't have any shackles, it was almost there.

But ten seconds later, as the door opened again, a tall young woman in an OL outfit with a cold expression walked in from the door. She was wearing a pair of gold glasses, as she swayed. Stepping in, the smooth marble floor suddenly made a buckle sound.

Chen Chen only glanced curiously, then withdrew his gaze.


However, when the woman walked across from Chen Chen, she suddenly drew a whip and whipped it **** the table, frightening Chen Chen, and said coldly, "Chen Chen, male, 19 years old. A 20th grade student in the Department of Biological Sciences of the University, from Handu, who broke the school glass in the third grade of elementary school, and was punished by the teacher's education and inviting parents; the second grade of junior high school was given a warning by the school for fighting; the second grade of high school..."

The woman gushed almost everything about Chen Chen’s childhood, including some things that even Chen Chen couldn’t remember. The woman said coldly, "Chen Chen, you know what you are now Situation?"

Chen Chen couldn't help scratching his head when he heard the words, and said in confusion, "Sorry, I don't know, but I found out how you look like the actors in several love action movies on my computer? Are you trying to seduce me?"

"What are you talking about?" The woman raised her eyebrows and her voice became colder.

"I have to say that your Investigation Department did a very good job of investigating, even the types of movies on my computer have been investigated."

Chen Chen shook his head with a pity, "But you may not be clear. These * are actually the types that my elder Wang Wei likes to watch. A few days ago he wanted to lend his computer to his girlfriend. Those stocks stay with me, and I prefer pure students..."


Before she finished speaking, the woman slapped the table abruptly, and suddenly a loud noise reached Chen Chen's ears, causing Chen Chen's periosteum to hum.

Chen Chen subconsciously tilted his head, and then took out his ears, and at the same time his expression became cold, "Enough! Stop talking about this unhealthy topic. Does the FBI think that the number of missing students is not enough? Think about how this matter should be resolved."


The woman raised her eyebrows and became even more annoyed, but before she lost her temper, a middle-aged man's voice came from this interrogation room, "Shen Qi, enough."

The sound resounded from all sides of the room in a three-dimensional surround style. Chen Chen looked in all directions, but at this time the door of the interrogation room opened again, and a middle-aged man with gray hair and majestic expression walked in.

"Director, he..."

The seduced woman in uniform greeted him immediately. Just trying to explain something, the middle-aged man waved his hand directly. The woman reluctantly stepped aside and let the middle-aged man walk to the table opposite Chen Chen.


When the other party came in, Chen Chen began to look at the other party, and saw that this middle-aged man was about fifty years old, with a fierce temperament and a flat head, but his hair stood up like needles. The majesty of his body can be described He is the most important person Chen Chen has ever seen.

While Chen Chen was observing the man, the other party was also observing him. When the middle-aged man was seated, he spoke thoroughly and said with an indisputable tone, "Chen Chen, we have seen your transcript. We can do your request. Satisfy."

"Your level is not enough."

However, Chen Chen shook his head and said solemnly, "Director of the branch, I am still a little short of my request."


The woman called Shen Qi suddenly yelled, but was stopped by the middle-aged man raising his hand. He said indifferently, "Of course I know my level is not enough. You have to talk to the official core members of the Central Continent. We can meet the request, but I’m sorry, in view of the recent disappearance of Shangdu, those people cannot come in person, but I can arrange a video call between you."

Hearing this, Chen Chen was completely relieved, "Okay, I agree."


Seeing this, the middle-aged man finally flashed a touch of relaxation on his face, and at the same time he moved the seat under him to let himself sit to the side.

Chen Chen immediately realized something. He raised his head and looked at the front mirror, only to see that the mirror in front of him flashed, turning into pure black in an instant, and then he made a sneer.

This originally ordinary mirror turned out to be an electronic screen with an unknown technology tree!

The screen flickered, and then a scene of a small conference room appeared before Chen Chen.

Looking at the scene in the mirror, Chen Chen couldn't help taking a breath, because on the opposite side of the screen, Chen Chen actually saw five or six familiar faces, these are the big guys that can often be seen on TV!

This meeting room is surprisingly the highest level meeting in Zhongzhou District!

"How about it, does it meet your requirements now?"

Seeing this, the middle-aged man turned his head and asked again.

Looking at the whispering discussions on the screen, and looking at the people on his side from time to time, Chen Chen nodded, "Yes, if this is not true, then there is nothing more consistent, but from this point of view, you should already know U Did you get the news?"

"How do you know?" The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows.

"It's a bit reluctant to get me through the Presbyterian Church, just because of the spiritual disaster that Shang Capital has not completely deteriorated."

Chen Chen smiled and said, "I can be so valued by you, more likely because of the USB flash drive in my hand. Obviously you found Li Bo first, and asked from him that I have a USB flash drive that can ingest movie props. , This is the fundamental reason why you value it."

"You are very smart, it's a shame not to be a detective."

Hearing these words, the middle-aged man nodded and sighed, "From beginning to end, you are trying to keep the initiative of negotiation in your hands. This is the same now. In addition to showing your intelligence, It also indirectly expresses your inner anxiety. In fact, you don't have to do this at all. It is a better choice to give us the U disk, because you can't control it."

The middle-aged man pointed to the screen behind him, "Now that there are so many people witnessing, you shouldn't worry about my killing, right?"

"You don't need to say that I know, I have this kind of consciousness a long time ago."

Chen Chen frowned, "Otherwise, I wouldn't deliberately say in the transcript that I have a solution to this disaster."

"Spirit disaster, is this your name?"

The middle-aged man picked up the transcript that Chen Chen had talked about, nodded approvingly, "It's pretty good, so where did you put the USB drive?"

"Starting from the back entrance of Rome Holiday Hotel on Wuhe Street, walk twenty-five steps to the left, and lean to the bottom of the left wall. There is a crack in the wall where the USB flash drive is hidden.

Chen Chen replied without thinking, "As for the appearance of the USB flash drive, you must have known it from Li Bo."

"Very good, hope it's still there."

Seeing Chen Chen so easily let go, the middle-aged man also secretly relieved. He thought Chen Chen would make a lot of demands, but the other party's performance was once again unexpected.

For a while, he couldn't help but become curious about this young man who was very defensive and extremely calm at the same time.

"Chen Chen, according to what you said, your solution should be to use the power of a USB flash drive, but if you have a solution, why not use a USB flash drive to solve it yourself? For example, install a ghost-expelling movie and then take it. Ghost props?"

The woman named Shen Qi behind her asked again, "Is there any restrictions on the USB flash drive?"

"It's an energy issue."

Chen Chen nodded. In order to show his sincerity and save himself, Chen Chen stated the location of the USB flash drive without any resistance. At this time, it doesn't make any sense to compete, so he said directly, "U flash drive ingests items. It needs energy, and now the U disk has no energy after releasing the existence in the four horror films."

"What is the source of energy? How do I charge it?"

This sentence was not asked by Chen Chen, Shen Qi and the middle-aged man, but by a man on the opposite side of the video.

Chen Chen was silent for a while, he thought about it, and did not say that there was anything in his mind about the rules of the U disk, but pretended to be uncertain and said, "It should be the battery."

"How much battery is needed?" the person on the video continued to ask.

"very many."

Chen Chen smiled, "How much is needed, can be calculated by Einstein's mass-energy equation."

Hearing this sentence, everyone's complexion changed. If you calculate according to the energy conversion material, every gram of material consumed requires at least one hour of electricity in an international metropolis.

Chen Chen didn't say that he didn't actually need so much. The reason for this is because Chen Chen still hopes to arouse the urgency of this group of people. After all, he is still infected with the curse of Jia coconut.

Suddenly, there was silence in the interrogation room.

But at this moment, a man in a suit and leather shoes suddenly walked in. He walked directly to the middle-aged man and whispered a few words. The middle-aged man suddenly felt refreshed. He nodded and said to Chen Chen, "U disk I have found it."

As he said, he stood up and bowed deeply to Chen Chen, "On behalf of the Central Continent and the Earth Federation, I thank you for your dedication. If the USB flash drive is as you said, then it may be a high-tech. The product, this item is absolutely significant for us humans!"

"Don't be happy too early."

Chen Chen shook his head, "Don't play with these imaginary ones. We still need to find a way to charge the USB flash drive. Our first priority is to solve the curse of "The Grudge". Otherwise, tomorrow morning, you will find that it is not only the business capital. In metropolises, there will be very strange cases of disappearance in the entire Zhongzhou District."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was also completely solemn, "We have already thought about this problem. At this time, all those who left the school have been temporarily quarantined by us. Even those who leave by train or plane will be isolated by the local security department. They, and even the civil servants who have entered the dormitory, are isolated by us. You don’t have to worry about that."


Hearing this sentence, Chen Chen realized that he had been worrying too much. Sure enough, once the state apparatus was in operation, the power that burst out was not something he could understand. Tens of thousands of people would be isolated when they said isolation, and even the outside world would have confiscated even a little wind. To.

Just as Chen Chen secretly sighed, the door of the interrogation room was opened again with a bang. A man in black ran in in a panic and said loudly, "No, we tried to charge the USB flash drive just now, but The USB flash drive is broken!"


Chen Chen's expression changed, and his face turned pale.

Obviously, in the rules that the USB flash drive has passed to you, there are rules for charging with electricity, and no matter how much current it is, it cannot be damaged. How can it be broken when it is charged?

The FBI is deceiving the Presbyterian Church. The middle-aged man is a foreign spy. He wants to transfer the U disk?

In an instant ~lightnovelpub.net~ Chen Chen thought of this possibility, but the next second Chen Chen overthrew it again.

Although the name of the Earth Federation is almost dead in name, the FBI, which should have been directly under the jurisdiction of the Earth Federation, has become the manpower of all continents. With great power, how could the top leader not be restrained?

Could it be that there are other spies inside?

For a time, countless thoughts flashed through Chen Chen's mind, but they were all rejected because they were too far-fetched.

At this moment, not only Chen Chen's face changed, but also the middle-aged man in front of him and everyone in the video. The eyes of several of them suddenly became extremely sharp. They did not look at Chen Chen, but with a scrutiny. Looking at the middle-aged man on the side, he looked at the middle-aged man in cold sweat.

Obviously, according to the inertia of their thinking, they also suspected that it was a middle-aged man at the first time.


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