I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 373: disappear

Chen Chen's words aroused the deep thinking of countless people.

Of course, there will be no religious believers who can work here. Even if they know that a large number of human disappearances violated the common sense of physics, they are only regarded as a phenomenon beyond the existing scientific system, and there is no association with ghosts and gods.

In other words, even if there is a **** standing in front of this group of people, the first thought of this group of people will not be to bow down and pray, but to analyze their material structure and try to draw a tube of blood for research.

Therefore, Chen Chen's explanation is completely in line with everyone's appetite and is clear at a glance.

As a result, the FBI assigned a total of 15 soldiers to Chen Chen. The 15 soldiers were divided into three groups. Five people in each group stared at Chen Chen for eight hours. They could not leave even if they were eating, sleeping, and going to the toilet.

This interrogation room was also turned into Chen Chen's standard room. Chen Chen not only placed a single bed, but also prepared a laptop for him to study and entertain.

After doing all this, Chen Chen stayed completely peacefully.

At the same time, in another city hundreds of kilometers away, this is Li Bo’s hometown. Unfortunately, as soon as Li Bo left the train, he was taken by the FBI to the local FBI branch.

Then, Li Bo said everything without hesitation.

After asking all the questions, the other party took Li Bo to a room and took away all his electronic equipment.

The room was bright, and the fluorescent lights above it flickered coldly. This kind of room looked like a guest room, but it was very simple, with only a single bed and a table, and no windows other than that.

This is a room like a confinement room.

Li Bo only felt that he had been detained for a long time. It seemed that there were seven or eight hours, or even more. It was fine at first, but gradually, Li Bo suddenly felt that something was wrong.

He looked in the wrong direction, but saw an inexplicable darkness under the table where the light could not be illuminated.

Suddenly, Li Bo felt uneasy in his heart.

He couldn't tell the source of this uneasiness, but as long as he stared at this dark place, he felt a sense of panic.

It was as if something was staring at him in the darkness.

"There will be nothing wrong, don't worry, nothing will happen..."

Li Bo comforted himself silently. He cautiously walked to the table and moved the table in one direction. Suddenly, the light above his head shone directly, dissolving the darkness completely.


Li Bo breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that after losing the darkness, the feeling of being peeked disappeared.

"Sure enough, I was scaring myself."

Li Bo went back to bed with some ease. In order to be distracted, he simply picked up a magazine on the table and took the initiative to read it.

If Li Bo’s father saw this, he would be so happy that he would jump three feet high. After all, although Li Bo belongs to the kind of talent who doesn’t study seriously and can read the books at critical times, he can pass the top few of the whole grade. It is still rare to see Li Bo look so serious.

But at this time, it was destined to be missed.

But after a few minutes of effort, drops of transparent liquid dripped from the magazine in front of Li Bo.

This is sweat.

Obviously the room is extremely cool, and even a bit cold because of the fact that there are few people living, but for some reason, Li Bo felt a peeping sensation on his back. This feeling was even stronger than before. He clearly didn't see anything. It made Li Bo sweat all over his body.

In the end, Li Bo had to slowly put down the magazine, and he raised his head again and looked in all directions.

I have to say that the light in the room is very bright, and there is almost no such dark place as the dead corner of the table, but this feeling has not disappeared, but has shifted.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen subconsciously looked behind him, but saw that there was a faint half-finger-wide gap between the bed board and the wall behind him. There was darkness in the crevice.

That kind of incomparable sense of peeking came from between the bed...

An irritability flashed in Li Bo's eyes. He simply got up from the bed, turned around and pushed the bed hard against the wall.

With only a click, the wall and the bed are seamlessly connected.

The feeling of being peeped disappeared again.

Li Bo suppressed the anxiety in his heart again, he sat on the bed again and picked up the magazine again, but the moment he picked it up, he was suddenly stunned.

What kind of magazine is this magazine?

Li Bo flipped through the magazine and looked at the cover, only to see that there were only five characters on the cover——

"I saw you."

I saw you? What kind of magazine is this?

Li Bo frowned. He seemed to remember that the magazine didn't seem to be called by this name before.

This room, whether it is light or darkness that cannot be illuminated by light, or even a magazine, all reveal an unusual weirdness...

Helpless, Li Bo turned to the page he saw just now, ready to finish reading the article.

When I turned to that page, a few drops of sweat were still in my eyes.

Li Bo looked at the content, and then there was a daze in his eyes again.

Because, many of the dense squares in the magazine turned into five repetitive words-I saw you.

At the same time, Li Bo only felt that kind of voyeurism hit for the third time, and this time, it came from Li Bo's front!

He quickly raised his head and finally saw that in the dark gap at the bottom of the door directly in front of him, a pair of blood-red eyes were faintly staring at him...

‘I saw you! ’

Li Bo's heart trembled. At this moment, he finally understood the meaning of the words in the magazine...


In the room, there was a terrifying howl. The moment he heard the horrible howl, a guard who was watching outside quickly ran to the door, unlocked the lock with a key and opened it quickly!


The guard looked in surprise, but found that there was no one in the room, only a literary magazine fell to the ground, opening and closing upside down on the ground.

The guard picked up the magazine strangely, only to find that there were a few water stains on it.

"It's dirty..."

The guard dismissed it in disgust, opened the trash can on the side, and threw the magazine in. After finishing all this, he shook his head and turned to leave, and at the same time closed the door again.

It was as if there was nothing unusual in the room.


At this time, in the hidden branch of the FBI, Chen Chen was looking at a book leisurely.

Chen Chen flipped through these books very quickly, almost swiping through them. In just ten minutes, he could read a book of more than 300 pages.

And around Chen Chen, there were five soldiers standing there at this time, surrounded by Chen Chen in a ring, silently watching Chen Chen's every move.

After a while, Chen Chen suddenly got up from the table and walked outside the door, but these soldiers did not have any intention of intercepting them, but followed them one by one without leaving any step.

After Chen Chen left the interrogation room, he didn't walk around randomly, but directly found the toilet and walked in.

Even so, the soldiers did not hesitate at all, followed directly, and watched Chen Chen pee in the urinal.

Immediately, Chen Chen and the five soldiers returned to the isolation room.

"48 hours have passed."

Looking at the time in his hand, Chen Chen sighed, even though he looked very leisurely, in fact he was extremely vigilant.

In the past two days, I don't know if the curse of external grievances has erupted. If it has erupted, the whole earth is really not saved by the gods.

"Forty percent of the group of students who you said were suspected of being infected with the meme have disappeared in their respective isolation rooms."

At this moment, the director of the FBI came over, and he sighed a little, "What the **** is going on in this world, I don’t even know that such a deadly existence appears. Fortunately, we have already removed these people I was detained, but in the past two days, there have been people missing in my room."

"This is the terrible thing about the memetic effect."

Chen Chen smiled, "Where are the people who take care of them, don't they also step into the rooms of the dead?"

"of course not."

The middle-aged man shook his head, "But what is sad is that of the more than 20,000 students, more than 2,000 have been'missed'. All of these people can be judged as dead."

"You only detained more than 20,000 students?"

Chen Chen was taken aback and asked quickly. After all, the school has 30,000 students. If you add the number of teachers and staff, it would be even more.

However, if only more than 20,000 are detained, there will inevitably be fish that slip through the net, and then the grievances will spread quickly through the society along the group of people who are not detained in the school.

Everything before will become useless, and the destruction of human civilization is imminent.

"There are 23,100 students in the school. I still remember this number."

However, the middle-aged man's answer exuded Chen Chen's expectation, and saw him smile, "Don't question my professionalism. I am specifically responsible for handling this case. How many students do I know about the school?"

Chen Chen showed a weird look, "Mr. Director, you really should take a look again."

Seeing Chen Chen's unbelief, the middle-aged man simply walked to the computer, opened the search engine proficiently, and began to search for the question: How many students are there at Shangdu Jiaotong University?

Just a search, the answer immediately appeared on the first row, I saw it marked: There are 23,100 students in the school.

After Chen Chen saw this number, he was startled, and suddenly he was puzzled.

"Look, am I right?"

Seeing Chen Chen deflated, the middle-aged man burst into laughter. At the same time, before Chen Chen could answer, he changed the subject directly. Someone is watching you silently, now it seems to be fruitful?"

"Obviously, yes."

Speaking of this, Chen Chen did not worry about the number of people in the school at all. He just gave out his own analysis, "Forty-eight hours, that is, two days. According to the frequency of my previous attacks, forty-eight hours is enough. Most people have been killed, only a few can escape and start another life in fear."

"But now I am still alive. Obviously, my guess should be correct, at least mostly correct."

Chen Chen thought, "In this way, Kayako really can't affect the form of life under the gaze of a third party. In other words, as long as I can live under the surveillance of everyone, I won't even enter the outbreak period in my entire life?"

"But this is a waste of manpower and material resources."

The middle-aged man gave a wry smile, "It's okay for a short time, but after a long time, let alone yourself, even this group of soldiers will have mental illness, right?"


Chen Chen nodded, "The most urgent task now is to find a way to curb the grievances. By the way, what are you going to do?"

Chen Chen suddenly asked again, "How much power has the U disk charged in the past two days, and what are you going to take?"

"This is a secret."

The middle-aged man shook his head, "But what I can tell you is that, as of now, the USB flash drive is still being charged with electricity. We calculated based on the ratio of one gram of substance that you gave to 120 Baidu. I am afraid it will take a few days to produce props that can overcome the memetic effect."

"It's not anxious to delay it for so long. It seems that there is really no fish slipping through the net now."

Seeing this, Chen Chen couldn't help but shook his head, no longer paying attention to these, but instead asked, "How is Li Bo in the dormitory with me, is he still alive?"

"Li Bo?"

However, something unexpected happened to Chen Chen. Only the middle-aged man looked strange. He looked at Chen Chen and thought hard, "Who is Li Bo?"

"Li Bo, isn't it the student who said that I have a USB flash drive? He was in the 404 dorm with me."

Chen Chen frowned, the middle-aged man's business ability is a bit too bad.

Seeing what the middle-aged man still couldn't remember, Chen Chen also came to the computer altogether, entered Li Bo's name, and started to retrieve the school information of Chen Chen's 404 dormitory with the authority of the middle-aged man.

However, when the information was completely printed out, Chen Chen looked even stranger when he picked up the paper.

I saw the information page with black characters on a white background, with hundreds of densely packed dormitory building information on it. There are three names behind the 404 number plate——

Shepherd: Wang Wei.

Dormitory: Chen Chen, Zhou Jie ~lightnovelpub.net~ The dormitory materials that were retrieved did not contain Li Bo's name.

Something is wrong.

Chen Chen's expression became completely serious. He simply said to the middle-aged man, "Mr. Director, are you sure you really don't remember Li Bo?"

"No, it's not that I don't remember, but in my memory, there is no such person as Li Bo. I still know this very well."

The middle-aged man shook his head and said solemnly, "Chen Chen, I don't know what is wrong with you, or do you have any other guesses?"


A cold sweat gradually appeared on Chen Chen's forehead, and he solemnly asked, "Mr. Director, if you don't remember Li Bo, then I would like to ask, where did you learn about the existence of the USB disk before arresting me?"


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