I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 394: Quantum trap

As long as my calculation speed is fast enough, I can counterattack the opponent's computer with the entanglement of quantum! "

Little X said excitedly, and at the same time took out the USB flash drive taken out of Danny and handed it to Chen Chen, "I found that after entering the infected host, the quantum viruses destroyed themselves in just a few milliseconds, making me The source of the counter-invasion is lost, so if we want to counter-attack, the key is to start with this USB flash drive."

Chen Chen took the USB flash drive and took a closer look. There is a transparent shell on the outside of the USB flash drive. Through the shell, you can clearly see that there are a large number of small golden parts and gears inside. These gears are slowly rotating. , As complicated as a mechanical watch.

This level of exquisite exquisiteness, if it is regarded as a handicraft, is also completely qualified.

What Xiao X didn't expect was that Chen Chen suddenly fell into contemplation after hearing the words that could counterattack and seeing the USB flash drive in his hand.

This look is very familiar to Xiao X, and every time Chen Chen encounters certain problems, he will show this look, and after a while, he will solve all the problems one by one.

It used to be necessary to take NZT-48, but now, Chen Chen's dependence on NZT-48 is getting smaller and smaller.

Seeing this, Xiao X didn't speak again, but stood quietly in front of Chen Chen, playing with his fingers, while looking up at Chen Chen in thought after a while.

"Can't counterattack."

There was silence for about two or three minutes, and when Chen Chen raised his head again, his eyes had become extremely sharp, "If we decide to counterattack, the troops of the Earth Federation may be ushered in the next second, so we absolutely cannot counterattack!"

Little X suddenly tilted his head in puzzlement, and said in surprise, "No, I monitor the entire World Wide Web. If there is any change in the Earth Federation, I will be the first to know."

"The reason you didn't see the change is just because I didn't make the choice to counterattack."

Chen Chen sneered and explained, "If the other party is really that quantum computer, then we must look at the problem from the level of "Quantum Mechanics". Presumably you also know the "double-slit interference experiment" related to causality, right?"

"Yes, it is."

Little X nodded and solemnly said, "The so-called "double-slit interference experiment" is actually a kind of quantum effect. If you use "marble" and "water wave" as an analogy, use a marble launcher to launch Place an obstacle with two gaps in front of the device, and then use the marble launcher to randomly launch, then most of the marbles will be bounced away, and only a few marbles will pass through the two gaps and be on the wall behind the gap. Form two vertical line patterns composed of marbles."

"And if you use water waves to do a similar experiment, when the water waves pass through the two gaps, you will get two waves with a decreasing density from the center to the surroundings. Then the two waves will continue to interfere, and when they are finally projected on the wall, they will be Form a series of light and dark fringe interference patterns."

Little X said, "So, some people used the above methods to do microscopic particle experiments. They replaced marbles and water waves with tiny electrons. They thought that electrons should also form two vertical lines like marbles. The result is a fringe interference pattern like water waves."

"In the beginning, the experimenters thought that a large number of electrons would collide with each other to get the fringe interference pattern, so they changed a way, each shot of electrons, but unexpectedly, the result is still a fringe interference pattern. ."

"So the experimenter tried to use the instrument to detect how these electrons passed through the double slit, but after the instrument was used to detect, something even stranger happened. These electrons were again like a marble experiment, and they were shot on the screen. Line pattern."

"The experimenter has ruled out countless possibilities of error, and the final result is-if you don’t go deep into which slit the photon passes through, then you can see the double slit interference phenomenon, but if you want to know which slit the photon passes through Through the slit, then you can't see the double slit interference."

"In other words, just because of the observation of the observer, the electron changes its behavior. This rule is ultimately interpreted as "wave-particle duality". Everything in the world is composed of countless possibilities. The electron will collide with other possibilities of its own and display an interference pattern on the screen, but when you actively detect this collision, the electron is no longer associated with all possibilities, but a double line appears in accordance with common sense."

"Yes, you understand it well."

Chen Chen nodded, "This is the collapse of the wave function. When you do not observe, there are countless possibilities for the result. When you turn your head, the result is certain, which means that the observation will change the result, but it will not Change what has happened, but is that really the case?"

Chen Chen squinted his eyes, and continuously simulated scenes of quantum mechanics formula patterns in his mind. "If we emit an electron through a double slit, and then randomly decide whether to observe with an instrument, theoretically, the electron should have a certain probability. Shows volatility, that is, after the electron has passed through the double slit, whether observation determines the way the electron passed through the double slit before."

"For example, if there is a star 100 million light-years away, a photon was emitted to the earth 100 million years ago, and there is a galaxy between it and the earth. Due to the gravitational lensing effect, the light from this planet has to go around The galaxy bends to reach the earth, similar to a double slit."

"However, when a photon passes through a galaxy, we don’t make observations. The photon must pass through two roads at the same time. But 100 million years later, when the photon is about to reach the earth, we set up telescopes at both ends of the galaxy to observe the upcoming photon. See which path it took to reach the earth, so based on the interference effect, the photon was forced to make a choice, from passing through two roads at the same time and collapsing to passing through only one of them."

"So, have we changed history 100 million years ago?"

"Many people have always believed that time is a dimension. For example, four-dimensional space is three-dimensional space plus one-dimensional time. But in fact, this is fart, because the assumption just now directly overturns the causal law of "Relativity", so modern science has more and more. The people prove that time does not exist, and when we observe a result of existence, it causes the collapse of other possibilities."

Chen Chen spread his hands, showing a solemn expression, "Then go back to the original question, do you now understand why you can't counterattack?"

"Because we are in a process that has not yet collapsed?"

Xiao X suddenly realized, "If you give an order to counterattack at this moment, in other words, it is very likely that the quantum computer had predicted our counterattack a few hours ago or even when this plan was set?"

"Yes, that's what I meant. This USB flash drive is probably a trap, a quantum trap."

As Chen Chen said, he threw the U disk directly into the trash can, "The reason why you have not detected any changes in the regional federation is actually because I will not issue an order to counterattack in the future. If I issue this order, then Will the Earth Federation suddenly appear in the next second and arrest me directly?"

"But doesn't this mean that the quantum computer has noticed us?"

Little X was a little scared, "Don't we counterattack, the other party won't act on us?"

"That's why I said that this is actually a trap."

Chen Chen replied, "Because I have judged before, this quantum computer is used to predict all disasters against human civilization, and this prediction obviously requires a lot of calculations, so it will not actively predict us, that is Said that although the quantum computer is located in North America, it cannot be used alone by the North American region. It belongs to the Earth Federation."

"Perhaps, each continent can actually be used, but there is a limit on the number of times it must be used for some urgent matters, and our black light technology is not important enough to let North America waste an opportunity to make predictions. "

"In short, it was not the North American official who dealt with us this time, but a certain high-level inside the official, and this high-level position is high enough to have access to quantum computers. He set this trap to get rid of us. ."

Xiao X suddenly said, "It turns out that this is the case, but doesn't it mean that we can't take the initiative to work on that quantum computer. Once we do, the other party will know it first?"

"Yes, that's it."

Chen Chen replied, "However, judging from the fact that your'prophetic system' can predict the other party, while the other party's Quantum Ability God has not foreseen your existence for the time being, although it may be because the other party is not available, it can also be judged. Your ability should be on the same level as the other party. Even if it is weak, it is not too weak. In this case, as long as we collect more germanium metal and build a larger Gantz server, we can beat the other party. After all, the Gantz server's computing Efficiency is improved exponentially."

"In addition, if we can create antimemetic E-language codes, we can also hide ourselves to the extent that they will not be discovered by quantum computers. Otherwise, as we develop, we will be detected by the Earth Federation sooner or later. "


Xiao X nodded heavily, "I will try to analyze the E language."


Chen Chen seemed to have thought of something and asked again, "Is there no movement in North America and Europe? Have they discussed how to get my technology?"

"I analyzed some of the encrypted emails from the White House, and it seems that the other party is still discussing it. These people have given several solutions."

Xiao X said, "These include direct sanctions, such as using our acquisition of shares in that Alzheimer's company as an excuse, and then imposing sanctions on us with patent issues, and the specific sanctions are as you imagined. It’s the cut-off of equipment such as chips and lens light sources."

"anything else?"

Chen Chen nodded, not paying attention.

"There is also a plan that is supported by more people, that is, during this period of time, you will not take any action at all, letting you relax your vigilance, thinking that they will not do it to you. After all, that incident still made companies all over the world vigilant. Get up, and then until you go to the Nobel site in December to accept the prize, you will be arrested by the Swedish government in the name of fraud."

"It's so brave."

Chen Chen raised his eyebrows and couldn't help squinting his eyes. A cold light flashed in his eyes, "In other words, they want to impose personal freedom restrictions on me like Huawei back then? Force me to hand over technology?"

"Yes, most people prefer this approach. Although a small number of people think that doing so will lead to a crisis of trust in foreign trade, more people think that since they have done similar things before, there is nothing to do once more. It is more important to get these epoch-making technologies than reputation."

"They still have a reputation in North America?"

Chen Chen sneered, "I didn't expect that a continental government could be so shameless. Since they are shameless, then I don't have to show them shame. I won't go to Europe at the Nobel awards ceremony. Participated."

With that, Chen Chen stood up and paced slowly in the office.

"But if you don't participate, the other party probably won't award it to you."

Little X said, "After all, Nobel has a rule that no awards are awarded to those who refuse to accept them. This is the pride of the world's first award."

"I can declare that I am going to ~lightnovelpub.net~ until they publicly announce that I refuse to accept the award, can't it?"

Chen Chen spread his hands, "As long as I let the world know that I don't receive the Nobel because I disdain to receive it, not because I don't receive the Nobel prize."


Little X suddenly became speechless, "But then, people who don’t know the truth will scold you, saying that you are arrogant and arrogant, and you are not willing to receive the Nobel Prize. Even people in the Central Region will scold you. After all, you But he was the first Zhongzhou native to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology."

"Then let them scold it."

Chen Chen shook his head, "Do I care about these people? Moreover, with the status and influence of Blacklight Technology in the world, even if I scold me, it will not affect Blacklight Technology itself."

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