I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 407: Buddha said: Don’t say


   When Buckle Murphy passed through numerous tests and walked out of the laboratory, on the tarmac outside the laboratory, a small helicopter had been ordered to wait for a long time.

   Buckle Murphy stepped onto the helicopter, and the helicopter started quickly, and flew along a narrow winding road towards the outside of the forest.

Only after flying for a certain distance, the winding road under my feet completely disappeared, leaving only the endless dense jungle in front of me. There were even dozens of mountains to climb. The helicopter went forward for half an hour before leaving the forest. , Came to the end of the forest.

   Here, a large-scale military base is squeezed into the vision of Bucker Murphy.

   It wasn't until the helicopter landed that Buckle Murphy jumped out of the plane with the help of a few soldiers. At the same time, four or five people in the barracks before him greeted him.


   A middle-aged man with a ponytail walked in front, and when he saw Murphy he immediately looked attentive, "I brought you something, I believe you will be shocked after seeing it."

   "Don't sell it off."

Buckle Murphy waved his hand and walked towards the barracks in the whirlwind of the helicopter. As he walked, he said, "As a'shield bearer', time is very limited, and this week I am the chairman of the Quantum Power Conference. Duty, bring it as soon as you have anything."


  The middle-aged man walked into the barracks, then took out a text, and handed it to Buckle Murphy.

"what is this?"

   Buckle Murphy took the text, turned the first page gently, and raised his eyebrows suddenly, "James Watson's hospital history?"

   "Please keep reading, father."

The middle-aged man said solemnly, "This case is not simple. You should have heard that James Watson was assassinated two months ago. He should have died, but Blackwatch developed a new technology. , Unexpectedly rescued him abruptly."


   Murphy's expression became completely solemn when he heard the words, he walked to the side table in twos or twos, sat on the chair and looked carefully.

   At this look, the surprise in his eyes could no longer be concealed, and he even gradually frowned.

   Time gradually arrived at night from the afternoon, and the shining stars slowly rose from the end of the forest. The starry sky was extremely bright. This is a magnificent starry sky that can only be seen in Yellowstone Park.

   After the ground outside the barracks was filled with stars, Murphy rubbed some dry eyes and put down the case sheet in his hand.


The middle-aged man beside    immediately walked up.


   Murphy laughed lowly, "The AI ​​chip, nano-scale electrodes, and NSR implants that replace the brain... can even the brain injury be repaired?"

   "Father, do you think it is fake?"

  The middle-aged man was surprised, "In fact, we are not sure enough. If this technology appears in any research institution, I dare to assert that it is fake, but if it is Blackwatch..."

   "I don't know the true and false cases, I just want to know, what are these patterns?"

However, Murphy just shook his head, picked up one of the papers, and stood in front of his son, "I noticed before that there are patterns like patterns on every page, and they are not the same. There are three patterns."

   "This is a watermark."

   The middle-aged man is a little unsure, "It may also be an anti-counterfeiting mark inside Blackwatch, and it does not affect reading."

   "Really just a watermark?"

Murphy frowned, then put the three patterns together and kept comparing them, "This pattern has no symmetrical structure. It cannot be a logo or watermark. In my opinion, it is more like a password, or It's a code word..."


  The middle-aged man was startled, "Do you think there are other information hidden in these patterns?"

   "I'm just guessing. When you go back, you can ask a few professional linguists to analyze these watermarks and see what they mean."


   The middle-aged man had to answer.

   "If the case is a fake, it's fine, but if the contents of this case are true, then we will speed up the destruction of Blackwatch."

Murphy looked more serious, "This kind of technology has the potential to control human thoughts. The brain is the forbidden area of ​​the human body. Once our enemies master this technology, the consequences will be unimaginable. Therefore, this kind of technology is never allowed to appear in other than us. The forces are on hand!"

   "So, this company is really not easy."

  The middle-aged man suddenly realized, "It's no wonder that the spies we sent not only didn't get much news, but were damaged in the Life Science City, and didn't even know how they died..."

   Murphy did not answer, but he told the middle-aged man a few more words, then walked out of the barracks and returned to the helicopter.

   Until the helicopter lifted off again, Murphy still maintained a solemn look. For some reason, after seeing the case, he always felt prying.

   This feeling is very subtle, it's unclear, it's somewhere between being and nothing.

   "Illusion? Or am I being watched?"

   Murphy murmured in a low voice. At this moment, he once again recalled five years ago.

   On that day five years ago, when he was elected as a "shield bearer" and became a representative of North America, he was under the supervision of ‘Adam’.

"Adam" is a quantum computer. No one knows its origin. According to the earliest people, this quantum computer is like jumping out of a rock. At the beginning of the establishment of the Federation, the quantum computer " "Adam" appeared naturally.

   The program of the quantum computer is also set up. It is running all the time. From this moment to ten years later, all possibilities are calculated. Once any disaster that endangers human civilization is discovered, a crisis alert will be issued.

   How fast is the calculation of "Adam"?

   Measured by the Summit supercomputer, which has the fastest computing speed on the surface of the Earth Federation, the floating-point computing speed of Summit is 200 PFLOPS, which is 2 billion billion operations per second, while "Adam" is 300 billion times the computing speed of Summit.

  In other words, the time for "Adam" to calculate 1 second is the calculation amount of Summit 10,000 years...

   It is precisely this kind of sky-defying computing speed that "Adam" can assume the responsibility of inputting all the variables of the entire planet into it, thereby predicting all the crises of the Earth Federation in the next month or even ten years.

   Therefore, the quantum computer Adam is also called the "Holy Shield", and Murphy's current identity is the "Shield Bearer."

   Although "shield holders" have little power, they are representatives of the interests of all continents of the Federation. With a six-year cycle, each continent will choose three people to act as the "shield holders" of its own continent.

   On the day he became a shield bearer, the quantum computer detected everything about him, including his birth and death, and the quantum computer "Adam" gave restoration and prediction.

   At that time, Murphy felt like being watched...

Murphy looked more gloomy. He knew that this feeling could not have come from "Adam". Although "Adam" was calculated extremely fast, its resources were still extremely precious. It is said that only about three hours per year could be squeezed out. Computing time, the remaining time must be used to compute the crisis events of the Earth Federation.

   In this way, Adam’s calculation accuracy rate is still very reluctant. The forecast within ten years can only give a general trend. If you want to really get a more accurate forecast, you must perform calculations on a monthly basis.

   So, without Adam, there are only two possibilities—one is that all of this is an illusion, and the other is that a quantum computer similar to Adam is predicting itself.

   At this moment, Murphy thought of Blackwatch.

Since he started targeting this company two years ago, he watched the company grow bigger and bigger, and dozens of spies he sent and the indirect resistance organization White Embers were all shattered, even those who joined in. The members of the chaebol family are beginning to experience accidents.

   Many of these spies who encountered unexpected encounters were extremely secretive, and the only channel that could be exposed was the Internet.

As a result, Murphy gradually came up with a bold conjecture that Blackwatch Company is likely to have a quantum computer similar to that of the Commonwealth. Only by relying on that computer monitoring network can this company continue to grow and be able to find it accurately. Out of all hidden enemies.

   So, he simply set up a bureau and ordered an agent to bring a USB flash drive containing Adam's quantum virus to the Life Science City and try to insert the USB flash drive into the opponent's intranet.

This quantum virus can be regarded as a major achievement of the federal research "Adam" for many years. Its function is also very simple. It is to copy all the data in the other party's computer without any connection, and those data will be copied to Adam. .

   In that way, the existence of another quantum computer will inevitably be detected by the Federation.

   Even if the agent fails, the quantum USB stick will still fall into the hands of Blackwatch, and the other party will still have the opportunity to insert the USB stick, causing the same result.

   It’s just that nothing happened in the end.

  The agent was indeed exposed, but the USB flash drive belonging to North America was missing. It was like throwing a meat bun to hit the dog. The dog was fine, but the meat bun was swallowed by the dog.

   So he still doesn't know whether his guess is right or wrong.

   After learning the news, the North American officials were finally anxious. Since they secretly shot and couldn't do anything about the other party, they had to tear their skin and set up a plan to arrest the head of the Blackwatch Company.

   And all this is done in secret, the Earth Federation Headquarters and the officials of other continents do not know, otherwise it will be another conflict of interests between you and me.

   All these thoughts flashed through Murphy's mind, and this kind of peeping feeling made Murphy think a lot.

   "Could it be that the other party discovered my existence?"

   Murphy felt cold for no reason, but then a sense of absurdity struck. As the shield holder of the Earth Federation, would he fear a private company?

  Although he has to admit, that company is indeed a bit too mysterious. There are endless biotechnology, which solves the crisis of life and death. Once the number of times increases, it makes people psychologically afraid of three points...

   So, is this really an illusion?

   Murphy doesn’t know, and now he can’t do anything. He can only wait for the genius named Chen Chen to leave Life Science City in December and arrest him after attending the Nobel Prize ceremony.

   These thoughts echoed back and forth in Murphy's mind. About an hour later, he returned to the Quantum Ability Laboratory in the deep forest and returned to his post.

   But Murphy didn’t know. The moment he saw those watermarks, he was stared at by a pair of eyes tens of thousands of kilometers away...


   At this time, all the thoughts that emerged in Murphy's mind, as well as his childhood experience, also appeared in the prophet system of Little X.

   "Just restoring a person's experience will consume so much power..."

   At this time, Chen Chen looked at the terrifying number of consumed electricity, and couldn't help but frown, "It seems that the time for the third inertial fusion reactor is on the agenda."

   "But the Minaret Experimental Base is already full, and our use of the base's space is as high as 95%. It is impossible to squeeze out the extra space to build a third reactor."

   Xiao X reminded.

   "In that case, expand it."

   Chen Chen did not hesitate to decide, "The Minaret Experimental Base is originally an underground space formed by limestone due to karst action. As long as the structure is not changed on a large scale, it will not cause structural hazards."

"it is good."

Little X nodded, and then chuckled, "Then this is the'Bucker Murphy' now. I didn't expect that the people who had been stumbling on us were hidden behind the quantum computer and had to use nonsense. Only when you find him by physical means can you calculate everything about him."

   "Strictly speaking ~lightnovelpub.net~ he is only a representative, representing the most important force against us, but by no means the last."

   Chen Chen calmly said, "But now that we have found the righteous master, then we must find a way to get the X-ray structure of his whole body."

   Chen Chen turned around and looked behind him.

   Behind him is a strangely shaped device.

And this set is composed of several large pieces. One of them is a transparent container the size of a coffin. Inside the container is a 3D printer-like device. The most striking and huge one is about five meters high and three meters wide. There are three rows of huge pipes on the machinery.

   This set of equipment costs all the electricity that Chen Chen has accumulated since owning two nuclear fusion reactors, and their source comes from a movie called "Nether".

   Although he returned to the pre-liberation period, Chen Chen didn't have any distressed expression on his face, instead a cold smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

   "Your Excellency, what is your plan? If it is only for Bucker Murphy, there is no need to use this device, right?"

  Xiao X is still very puzzled, and can't start the prophet system to make predictions, so he can only ask, "Is your plan really aimed at that quantum computer?"

   Hearing this, Chen Chen just raised a finger and shook his head at the same time, revealing a secretive look:

   "Buddha said: Don't say..."

   Reading URL: n.