I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 436: Phobia

"I have a Super Body U Disk (

"And I am known as Wang Sicong of Dachang, donating a building is not sprinkling water?"

In the 404 dormitory, a tall and thin young man was just bragging with his roommate. When he saw that the roommate was choked by him and rolled his eyes, he suddenly sneered, "Don't believe it? I'll let you know soon."

As he said, he closed the Steam game, picked up the backpack hung on the bed and unzipped the zipper. Suddenly, the bits and pieces of the backpack were exposed, "See? These are all the huge price I paid. I bought it from the Vatican!"

The tall and thin young man took out a slapped cross from it and flicked it on it, proudly saying, "Holy cross, pure silver, specially used to prevent ghosts from entering the hunting mode!"

Then, he took out a pack of incense and blew it up in front of everyone, "Holy Wood, personally blessed by the Pope, can also prevent being hunted by ghosts."

Then, the tall and thin young man took out a camera again, and at the same time showed an inscrutable look, "The realm of photography, you guys who only play equipment will never understand..."

Everyone didn't bother to pay attention to the young man in front of him, only a handsome young man next to him said, "Actually...I suspect you may have been cheated."

"No way?"

The tall and thin young man showed unbelief, just about to continue to show the "sacred object" in his backpack, suddenly turned his head and stared at the computer in front of him.

"what happened?"

The handsome young man on the side asked subconsciously.

"The situation is wrong!"

The tall and thin young man raised his palms and made a silent motion, "I was arguing with you on purpose just now, because I found from the camera at the door that a sneaky guy was listening in front of us for a long time. I didn't leave until just now!"

"real or fake?"

The other three people in the dormitory gathered together. Sure enough, they saw an extra figure on the computer screen of the tall and thin young man. The figure put his hand on the 404 dormitory, and it took a while to turn around and leave.

"The other party is eavesdropping on our conversation!"

The tall and thin young man looked solemn and solemnly said, "Did you not notice? When the opponent walks, he always touches the ground with his heel first. This shows that the opponent has received military training, because only military training can achieve this effect;"

"At the same time, the other party's left hand hangs down at all times. This is probably because there are guns hidden in the sleeves. Only when you kill someone, your wrist will shake and the gun will fall from the sleeve to the palm of your hand..."

"and also……"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but roll their eyes and disappeared.

"Hey, there's more, why don't you listen?"

Seeing that everyone ignored him, the tall and thin young man turned and glanced downstairs. Sure enough, he saw that the man had walked out of the dormitory building and was walking in the direction of the teaching building.

Seeing this, the tall and thin young man simply picked up his backpack, turned and left the dormitory, silently following.

The other person's walking speed was not fast, and the tall and thin young man followed far behind and finally came to the front of office building 1.

The tall and thin young man waited for a while until the other person walked in the door, and only followed when he heard the sound of the elevator coming from inside, but he saw the elevator descending continuously and finally stopped at the third basement level.

Seeing this scene, the tall and thin young man frowned and realized that things were not simple.

"Why go to the basement, is there any ulterior secret?"

The tall and thin young man hesitated, and after about five minutes passed, he slowly walked down the stairs...

I have to say that Office Building No. 1 has been around for a long time. As the tall and thin young people descended a little bit, gradually, the air began to smell of moldy.

Not only that, even the voice-activated lights at the bottom of the stairs were broken. When we got down to the second basement floor, the entire corridor was already pitch black. Seeing this, the tall and thin young man immediately opened the backpack and took out a bright flashlight from the backpack. .

Hearing a click, the flashlight emitted a violent light, illuminating the road leading to the third underground floor.

"His, something is wrong..."

However, the tall and thin young man still felt uneasy. He only felt an inexplicable feeling coming. That feeling could not tell what it was, but it made him frightened.

So he took out a yellow thermometer from his backpack again and pressed it toward the front.


With just one beep, the LCD screen of the temperature measuring gun displayed the words 6.3 degrees Celsius.

"Huh, fortunately, it's not bitingly cold..."

Seeing this, the tall and thin young man breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to walk down.

When he reached the third floor underground, the tall and thin young man finally saw the light, but just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, there was a rustling sound from the corridor, as if there were tens of thousands of insects climbing on the wall Crawling, it sounds creepy!

The tall and thin young man moved the flashlight and shot it towards the wall, only to see that the wall covering was rapidly aging and decayed, but it fell off completely in the blink of an eye, turning into a rusty and dirty appearance.

At the same time, there was a sound of screaming and running from the depths of the corridor at the same time, and it seemed that a dozen people ran towards here together.


The tall and thin young man couldn't help taking a breath of air, but he immediately calmed down in the next second. He quickly opened the backpack, took out the cross and placed it in front of him, and then quickly ran upstairs!

"Oh, fortunately, I have two years of experience playing "Honorary Syndrome", so leave here first!"

The tall and thin young man ran upstairs while talking, but when he felt that he had already reached the first floor, he was completely dumbfounded, because the scenery on the first floor was still the same as the third floor underground.

And at this time, the tall and thin youth finally saw that a dozen men and women ran out from the depths of the corridor screaming, and then ran over themselves and ran up the stairs.

However, before the last few of them ran up the stairs, they saw the first few who ran in from the stairs that stretched down from the side, as if the space had fallen into a weird cycle.

This is a scene that only happens in horror movies, and everyone is dumbfounded.

"Ghost hit the wall!"

Someone yelled, these people hurriedly found a new way and ran toward the elevator door.

Fortunately, with just one click, the elevator door opened immediately, revealing the bright and clean space inside.

The dozen or so people rushed up, scrambling to squeeze into the elevator.

However, after all, the elevator has a tolerance range. As a result of a dozen people squeezing into it, no one can go.

"Go in!"

"Squeeze inside and let me in too!"

"Don't squeeze, it's overweight, you wait for the next wave of elevators..."

"Get out of here!"

Seeing that the small elevator became a battlefield for more than a dozen people, but at this moment, there was a toothless metal tearing sound from the top of the elevator. At the same time, the entire elevator began to shake violently, as if there was something. What is the power in the dark pulling at the top!

"Something's wrong, run!"

Everyone was taken aback. Someone yelled, everyone wanted to get out of the elevator.

However, just waiting for the few people on the outside to escape the elevator desperately, and when the remaining seven or eight people were still hesitating, the entire elevator made a bang and fell down quickly!


There was a piercing scream from near to far, and the elevator rubbed sparks and fell into a bottomless abyss...

Suddenly, only an empty black hole remained at the original elevator position.

"How, how could it..."

The rest of the people looked at all this in horror. One of the beautiful girls covered their mouths and said in horror, "This is the lowest floor of the building. How could there be such a deep space?"

"This is a ghost hitting a wall, we met a ghost!"

Someone yelled, as if the only way to vent their fears.

"Don't panic everyone, you will definitely find a way out!"

At this moment, a tall man came out. He comforted the rest of the crowd. "What we have to do now is not to panic, but to find out why this happened. We must believe in science and appear. There must be a reason for this situation!"

It seemed that the man in front of him had a high prestige, and for a while, everyone looked over.

"Oh, I really haven't experienced it before, thinking that science can explain everything in this world."

At this moment, a sneer came from the dark, and the voice was full of arrogance and vicissitudes. "Only through experience will I understand. There are some things that science can never explain..."

"who is it!"

The man turned his head abruptly, showing a look of shock, besides his own student union, there are others on this floor?

Following his questioning, a young man carrying a black satchel, a cross in one hand, and a temperature measuring gun in the other walked out of the darkness. There was a touch of arrogance in his eyes, his head held high, almost looking through his nostrils. To everyone.

"who are you?"

Seeing the young man in front of him, a look of uncertainty appeared in the man's eyes, and he immediately asked.

"Should it be more polite to proactively report your identity before asking someone else's name?"

The tall and thin young man said solemnly.

"I am Wang Liang, the head of the Propaganda Department of the Student Union!"

The man said immediately.


The tall and thin young man nodded in satisfaction, "My name is Zhang Wei, and I am also a student of this school. Maybe you have not heard of this name, but my other identity is a member of the ghost removal team. I do I have been in this job for two years."

"The ghost removal team?"

A man among the crowd asked subconsciously, "Is there really a ghost in the world?"

"Heh, do you think I was joking?"

Zhang Wei said deeply, he didn't explain, he just stared at the other person until he looked down at the other person and didn't dare to look at him before looking away, "Congratulations everyone, you are now involved in a supernatural incident!"

"So, what should we do?"

Suddenly, the crowd seemed to have caught the backbone, and the group immediately surrounded them and asked at the same time.

"It's very simple. To eliminate ghosts and ghosts, you must first determine the identity of the other party."

Zhang Wei squatted down, rummaged in his backpack and said, "Ghosts are divided into twelve types, namely-souls, undead, phantoms, sorrows, banshees, etc. There are only certain types of ghosts. In order to know how to get rid of it, I just brought a few props that can help us determine the type of ghost in this haunted house."

With that, Zhang Wei took out a few candles and handed them to everyone, "Candles can slow down our san value. The lower the san value, the easier it is to be hunted by ghosts."

But as he said, Zhang Wei suddenly slapped his head, "Oh, I don't have a refreshing pill to increase the san value, otherwise I will be more confident."

Then, he took out a notebook from it, "You can place the notebook on the floor. If the ghost writes on it, it means that the other party is a ghost, ghost, ghost, red ghost, etc."

Finally, he took out a few light sticks again, "You can also use this, you can use it for lighting, you can also view the wall, if it is a dead soul, soul, or sorrow, it will leave fingerprints on the wall. Yes, it can also be used to determine the type of ghost."

Everyone immediately accepted these props thankfully.

Wang Liang, the Minister of Propaganda of the Student Union, stood aside in surprise, wondering if the young man in front of him was telling the truth or talking big.

"Wang Liang, do you think what he said is true?"

At this moment, the girl who had been doing nothing on the side suddenly said, "I don't know why, I always think this schoolboy is a little...unreliable..."

"Watch the changes..."

Wang Liang replied in a low voice.

The girl nodded and stopped talking.

At this moment, Chen Chen standing deep in the corridor also witnessed all this~lightnovelpub.net~ The corners of his mouth could not help but twitched, because he knew that everything in the mouth of this young man named Zhang Wei came from In a game.

An online game called "Horror Syndrome".

In other words, these professional terms that seem to be an explosion of information in the other party’s mouth are all bluffing...

However, Chen Chen didn't bother to dismantle all of this. He almost understood it at this time. He seemed to have fallen into a trap. Just like the previous antimemetic, the former owner of the USB flash drive gave himself a new one. trap.

However, whether this trap was laid by Wang Xi or by Zhao Shanhe was something to be determined.

Because he seemed to have seen Professor Wang Xi’s body just now, if Zhao Shanhe actually laid it down, then it would make sense. He killed Professor Wang Xi and lured himself to trace the antimeme here, and then it would be very big. The probability of triggering the mechanism here, let yourself fall into a trap.

However, Chen Chen clearly remembered that the other party was clearly dead, turned into an antimeme, and wanted to calculate himself, but he was killed in the hypnotic world.

But if it wasn't for Zhao Shanhe, who would it be?

Chen Chen slowly turned his head. At this time, the corridor had completely lost the light and became extremely deep, but in the deadly darkness, you could hear the gurgling water...

It's just different from ordinary water. This kind of water sounds extremely viscous, as if a jelly substance is constantly writhing and rolling.

What Chen Chen didn't know was that blood in the crack opened at this time had filled the entire computer room, as if a pool of blood filled the room.

And in the blood pool that was only a few centimeters thick, suddenly, a human hand covered with sharp nails stretched out, and then the second, third, fourth...