I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 438: Surprise

"I have a Super Body U Disk (

Chen Chen's field energy is like a searchlight with invisible light, extending in the depths of the corridor, as long as the multifoot Sadako enters his field energy detection range, he can immediately detect the opponent.

However, the reality exceeded Chen Chen's expectations.

In the elevator shaft where everyone fled, there was a piercing and miserable howl. These howls from far and near, from near and far, with unspeakable despair, whizzed past Chen Chen.

Immediately, the elongated voice became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely because of the distance.

Then, the second sound, the third sound...

Chen Chen knew that these three voices meant that three people fell from the elevator shaft and into the abyss that was invisible.


Chen Chen was helpless, only to hear the crowd behind him screaming and escaping from the elevator shaft and crawling on the ground, everyone looked in shock.

"There is one more inside!"

The little boy who became an anchor finally climbed out crying, and he ran directly to Chen Chen's side and shouted, "There is another place at the exit of the elevator shaft. Wang Liang and Zheng Kai and the others fell. Go down, they are all dead!"

The screams of the crowd made Chen Chen frown, but he was still staring at the corridor in front of him. Even though the other party said there was one behind him, he did not look back. After all, even if the monster in the elevator shaft was to attack, this group of students would act as a meat shield.

Moreover, he didn't have such a powerful field to be able to take care of both.

"Did you hear it!"

The little boy saw that Chen Chen ignored him, so he simply grabbed Chen Chen's clothes and shouted, "Wang Liang, they fell!"


A fierce light flashed in Chen Chen's eyes. He suddenly turned around and slapped the opponent's right face with a slap. In an instant, the short boy had no time to react, and he was lifted out by huge force for a hundred years!


His body slammed into the wall next to the elevator, and he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood!


Everyone screamed again and again. There were wolves in front of them and tigers behind them. They could only huddled in place, not knowing where to flee.

"If it wasn't for you to become the anchor, I would kill you with the slap just now!"

Chen Chen said in a deep voice, from beginning to end, he did not look at the short boy.

However, it seemed that Chen Chen's distraction was finally sensed. In the darkness, the lurking monster finally rushed out, only to hear it let out a harsh scream and climbed up the ceiling suddenly, so fast that it was impossible. Keep up with sight!

It's a pity that he is facing a new human who has been optimized by the T virus. At the moment when everyone can't even turn their eyes, Chen Chen has already noticed it. In an instant, a faint light flashed in front of Chen Chen and directed at each other. Face!


Before the blood-red monster had time to rush in front of Chen Chen, its body burst out with blood, and fell directly to the ground and rolled several times. I don't know when, three of its four arms were shoulder-to-shoulder. Break!

At this time, Duzuo Sadako will be called disabled Sadako.

Until this time everyone could see that the monster in front of him was a woman with disheveled hair, but the woman was covered with blood stains, and she didn't know if it was it or it was left after the murder.

And it had already broken three arms at this time, and only one skinny arm was constantly pulling the ground, as if it wanted to stand up.

However, this is not the end. Just when the multi-legged Sadako, who is crippled in spirit, is about to stand up again, he whizzes again. It is impossible to see what is flying out in the dark, everyone only sees the monster. Both thighs broke apart at the same time!

In an instant, a large amount of blood spurted out again!


The monster fell completely on the cold floor, but even so, it raised its head and yelled at Chen Chen a few meters away.


However, the monster's roar finally had time to stay in the throat. In the next second, its head flew towards the rear directly with the blood, and it rolled more than ten meters away, without moving...

At this point, the monster was completely silent.

"this one?"

Looking at the monster that died instantly in front of him, Chen Chen tilted his head blankly, and then with one hand, a graphene poker that had been damaged spun back.

Seeing that the playing card had been damaged, Chen Chen only flicked it slightly and directly caused the playing card to hit the wall.

With only a snap, the almost completely transparent playing card was directly hit to pieces.

But in this scene, in the eyes of countless people, Chen Chen looked like a god, he didn't even take a step at all, and the monster that rushed in front of him was dismembered!

"Six six six!"

Standing in the crowd, Zhang Wei couldn't help shouting, "I have never admired anyone in my life. My roommate is one, and you are the second! Great God, you are not a human! You are not alone!"

Chen Chen didn't bother to pay attention to this kind of weird praise. He stepped forward, squatted down and began to examine the monster, but at this moment, suddenly a **** hand stretched out in the dark elevator shaft behind Zhang Wei!

This **** hand grabbed Zhang Wei by the shoulder while he was speaking, as if Zhang Wei would be pulled out in the next second!

A daze flashed in Zhang Wei's eyes, and he subconsciously threw the cross in his hand behind him. The moment the cross touched the **** hand, the **** hand really seemed to have touched a ball of soldering iron and shrank back!


Until then, Zhang Wei finally reacted to what happened just now. He jumped up in fright, and at the same time did not forget to pick up the cross that fell on the ground while screaming and moving flexibly.

Everyone also saw the scene of Zhang Wei being attacked, and they all cried and ran behind Chen Chen, looking at the black hole elevator shaft in shock.

Chen Chen was astonished. His field power was carefully checked around Zhang Wei's cross, but no matter how he looked at it, it was just a pair of pure silver crosses.

Even the workmanship is not meticulous, but rather rough.

Can the cross really restrain the ghosts in memes?

This idea flashed past, but was immediately rejected by Chen Chen.

What international joke, if the cross can really restrain the ghosts in memes, why bother to study meme technology?

Rather than saying that the cross can restrain the memes, Chen Chen would rather believe that the pee on the cross just now was the credit, because the ghost hand felt that the pee was too disgusting, so he took the initiative to retract.

"What do you want to do?"

At this time, not only Chen Chen, but even the group of students couldn't help but frequently look at the cross in Zhang Wei's hand, and immediately caused Zhang Wei to back away vigilantly.

However, since Chen Chen is still here, everyone just stared at Zhang Wei greedily, but no one started to **** it.

"You all want to **** me from someone Zhang?"

Seeing everyone's eyes, Zhang Wei didn't even think about it, and immediately retreated into the darkness, "The teammates are not reliable, I will not team up with you, I will go solo by myself!"

With that, Zhang Wei turned around and ran towards the depths of the corridor.

Chen Chen didn't stop him, just watched the opponent escape his line of sight, and then withdrew his gaze.

Now I am not trying to save people, but to escape from this world. As long as the anchor is not dead, it is enough. Other people will be saved if they can save it, but if they can't be saved, Chen Chen will not deliberately do it. hero.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen looked at the short boy who was slapped in the face again. At this time, half of his cheek was already swollen like a steamed bun, and even his eyes were sealed.

"Everyone comes with me."

Chen Chen exhorted everyone, and then walked in the direction of the elevator shaft.

His field was extended to the elevator shaft first, trying to find the monster hiding in the dark, but when he came to the elevator shaft and looked up the elevator shaft, he found that there was nothing in the elevator shaft. No more.

Not only that, at an altitude of forty to fifty meters away from the elevator shaft, a white light shone in, as if there was an exit.

But Chen Chen knew that if the anchor did not go in, even if it was really an exit, he would not be able to get out.

So he simply took the lead by himself and climbed up the ladder in the elevator shaft first.

Seeing Chen Chen taking the first step, everyone was bold enough to keep up.

There were 16 or 7 people who were pulled into the inner world in the three underground floors, but half of them died in the elevator, leaving only eight people.

Subsequently, three more people fell into the elevator shaft, and Zhang Wei left the team. At this time, only four people were left beside Chen Chen.

There are two men and two women among the four. In addition to the short boy who became the anchor of the inner world, the other was the girl named Zhang Jiao that Chen Chen met when he got off the elevator.

At this moment, the four of them all followed Chen Chen, and their survival instinct made them desperately crawl towards the place where the white light was shining upward.

"That ghost hand...Will it be waiting for us..."

As he was crawling, the little boy looked terrified. He kept looking up, but he didn't worry about it. It seemed that the abyss-like world of the black hole below was more terrifying than the unknown above.

However, as he crawled and looked down, suddenly, a gray shadow flashed in the darkness below!


The short man suddenly yelled, and at the same time he quickly quickened his pace, pushing a boy above him, "There is something underneath, there is something underneath! Climb quickly!"

The team that had just calmed down again became chaotic.

Chen Chen also looked down when he heard the words, but only saw the darkness, so he scolded, "Don't make a noise, speed up, even if there is something below, they will have to catch up with us for a while!"

With that, he left the elevator directly with his hands and feet, using the field to fly upward.

With the help of field energy, Chen Chen came to the top of the elevator shaft with only two breathing chambers. It was only then that he realized that the place where the white light came in turned out to be a vent, and the outside of the vent was actually the ground. , And it's the roof of an office building!

Seeing this, Chen Chen slammed toward the guardrail on the vent and kicked the iron guardrail directly away, but he slammed into the outside world.

However, at the moment he rushed out, Chen Chen's expression changed!

Because as he rushed out, the scene in front of him also changed, from the top view to the first floor of the office building he had just visited before!

However, there is a slight difference between the lobby of the office building in front of me and the lobby I have seen before. It seems that no one has been here for a long time, with thick dust and rotten walls everywhere.

Only outside the gate can you see a gray, foggy world...

"Now I am still in the world."

Seeing this scene, Chen Chen suddenly showed a solemn look. He still remembered that the "inside world" in "Silent Hill" is actually a collective term for the two worlds. Different from the real world, the inner world is also divided into "inside" and "table". Two parts.

When entering Silent Hill, people will walk into a world full of fog and white ash floating in the sky all the time.

There is still a small amount of light in this world, allowing people to see the surroundings clearly.

However, if the sirens sounded, then this world would quickly transform into a world full of flames and darkness, full of corruption.

Only then will the entrants truly fall into the crisis-ridden inner world.

"Could it be that you have been in the watch world just now?"

Chen Chen murmured.

At this moment, the people behind them finally climbed to the top. The four of them gasped for breath. After crawling out one by one, they collapsed to the ground, and at the same time they showed ecstasy, "We escaped, really escaped." !"

"Something's wrong!"

However, the four people just breathed a sigh of relief, and one of them suddenly looked around in horror, "How did this become like this? Is this the first floor we just came in before?"

"Don't we still escape?"

As he questioned, the remaining three screamed in disbelief.

When everyone was at a loss, suddenly, a whining alarm sounded from a distance, with a weird impact, sweeping everyone's ears like a magic sound!

"What's this sound?"

"This is Silent Hill, I should have thought of it, this is the world of Silent Hill!"

Finally, the short boy fully understood his situation at this time. He grabbed his hair and collapsed and said, "We are dead, we can't escape here at all! We absolutely can't escape!"

Listening to the cry of the other party's collapse and the weird alarm sound in the ear, the sound of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is like trying to drill into the ear, which makes people feel unclear. Even if you cover your ears, it won’t help.

However, Chen Chen seemed to be totally unaffected by it. He just stared at the door of the hall, because he saw that with the sound of the alarm, the light outside the door was dimming a little bit...

In a short while, there was a glimmer of light outside the gate, and the sky was completely black. At this time, the hall on the first floor became the same as the third floor underground, and you couldn't see your fingers!

This is still secondary. As the sirens continued to sound, the walls and floor of the hall also decayed, and the floor even began to collapse, and under the floor, there was a bite of lava enough to scorch people!

It really is the routine of Silent Hill...

Chen Chen took a deep breath, revealing an extremely solemn color.

Because in his perception, a group of constantly twitching monsters had walked out of the darkness and surrounded the lobby of the office building little by little. His field could extend out of the gate, and suddenly he saw that group of monsters were actually one by one...

One by one...

When Chen Chen saw the appearance of the other party clearly, he was even stunned.

Those monsters turned out to be beautiful female zombies in black silk and maid costumes!


On the other side, Zhang Wei still stayed in the third underground floor. He carefully held the cross, and he actually found a room that could open the door.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei took out the temperature measuring gun and measured it inside. Suddenly, the words -15° appeared on the temperature measuring gun!

"Fuck, biting cold! Found the haunted house!"

Immediately, Zhang Wei couldn't help sighing, "Hey, it would be perfect if these ghosts were all young ladies in black silk maid costumes..."