I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 453: Plan

When he saw these four words, Qian Wenhuan couldn't help but was stunned. Some did not understand what it meant. On the contrary, Zhou Yi's expression flashed, "Mr. Chen, what do you mean is that if the public does not accept police robots as a result of the survey" Law enforcement, can we learn the way in "Robocop"?"

"Yes, that's what I meant."

Chen Chen expressed approval, "I want to build Namibia into an experimental platform and become a pioneer. As long as under the management of xtn robots, Namibia can become the country with the lowest crime rate in the world. At that time, who would resist me? Where's your xtn robot?"


Zhouyi suddenly hesitated and stopped, "But, can Namibia agree to this kind of reform?"

Chen Chen smiled, did not answer, but turned to look at Qian Wenhuan with a blank face, "It seems that Lao Qian rarely watches Hollywood movies."

"There is no time."

Qian Wenhuan shook his head, "So what does the method in "Robocop" mean?"

"This will involve the plot."

Zhou Yi immediately explained, “To put it simply, there is a company specializing in military robots in the movie. This company is exactly the same as ours. Their products have been used in the military in large numbers, and the company has also made a lot of money.”

"However, the executives of this company are not satisfied. They still want more benefits. So they think of the civilian field. As long as law enforcement robots replace traditional police to fight crimes, the benefits they get will at least double. "

"It's just that when the company wanted to promote this plan, it was unexpectedly strongly opposed by the public. Most people believe that robots have no human feelings, do not understand the value of life, and cannot bring security to humans. I can't trust the cold machinery, so I can't hand over human lives to robots to judge."

After thinking about it, Zhou Yi continued to speak, "However, despite the strong opposition from the public, the company still does not give up. So they thought of another way to satisfy the public's approval-looking for some disabled police officers and mechanizing them for free. As long as the mechanized police officers can return to their posts and perform better than before, then after seeing this result, the public can naturally accept robot law enforcement calmly."

"So that's it..."

Qian Wenhuan’s eyes lighted up, "Indeed, this is really a steady and steady method. Free mechanized transformation can promote the company’s public welfare, and the public has no reason to oppose it. After all, you can’t say that he installed mechanical prostheses. Isn't it a human?"

"After that, the reformed policeman will become a billboard. The better he is, the greater the impact on the people, but the only requirement is that it must be eye-catching. If the whole thing has never been paid attention to, it is simply Meaningless things."

"Not only that, disability is not a general physical disability, because even if we help them install prosthetic limbs, these mild disabilities can only allow them to return to their posts, but they will not have the slightest impact on their business capabilities, so we need at least For severely disabled police officers, it is best to use high-position paraplegia, and even the more serious the injury, the better. Only in this way can people count the police officers' accomplishments on our heads."

In the end, Qian Wenhuan concluded, “In short, the police officer who undergoes transformation is best known as a hero, and he must be injured so badly that he needs to replace everything except his head. Organ, and then there must be heat and gimmicks. Only in this way can he become an excellent billboard and reach a happy summary for our company. On the side, Zhou Yi was secretly frightened. He did not expect that even if he had not read "Robocop "This movie can also instantly find out the key points of this plan. Sure enough, to be able to do this position, there are really two brushes. Before, I thought that the other party was just a slapstick...

"Old money, the analysis is very good, and I immediately grasped the key points."

At this time, Chen Chen couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised, "If you just listen to what you are behind, no one will think that you haven't seen this movie. It's very good. Now what we have to do is to follow the way in the movie. In the same way, look for a few spokespersons and display advertising effects so that the public can agree that law enforcement robots replace police law enforcement."

"In fact, this kind of police is not hard to find."

Qian Wenhuan did not feel complacent because of Chen Chen’s praise. He just said modestly, “It’s not difficult for the African region to find this kind of extremely injured police. The only difficulty is the technical aspect. With our current technology, this Kind of a robot?"

"Don't worry, we can heal James Watson, let alone general injuries."

Chen Chen was noncommittal, "As for the modification of the human body, this is the matter of the research department."

"Understand, I will give you a plan on Friday this week at the latest."

Qian Wenhuan nodded immediately and agreed.

Zhou Yi on the side was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that, just sitting at the dinner table for just a few minutes, the two of them actually planned a huge plan for the entire country and even the entire Earth Federation. This efficiency is not comparable to any listed group with bloated systems. .

Although Zhou Yi was deeply shocked, he could also understand that the reason why everything was decided so quickly was because all the rights of the entire company were concentrated in the hands of the young man in front of him...

This is the power of centralization.

Next, Zhou Yi was almost stunned as he watched Chen Chen feasting. He thought that the table full of food was the luxury of the rich. He didn't expect that when he left for dinner, all the dishes from that table entered Chen Chen’s stomach, and Qian Wenhuan It's a strange look.

After he left, Qian Wenhuan called Zhou Yi again and asked a special car to take Zhou Yi to the gate of his own community. After a dinner, Zhou Yi's views on Qian Wenhuan changed a lot, and the two became familiar with each other. .

"Do you feel a little uncomfortable?"

On the way, Qian Wenhuan suddenly asked.

"It's a little bit."

Zhou Yi replied, "I used to drink alcohol in the workplace, and because I was young, I had to lie sideways almost every time. This time I saw Mr. Chen without a drop of alcohol, and I felt a little uncomfortable. "

"It's okay. Our company is still very young and in a period of rapid development. With your ability, you can basically be promoted to the next level in three to five years."

Qian Wenhuan smiled secretly, "At that time you will slowly adapt to it, and at that time, you will also know a lot of secrets, and it is likely that many things that you could not understand before will become reasonable."

Hearing these words, Zhou Yi's pupils shrank slightly. Sure enough, there were many secrets in Black Light Technology.

Today, I am a weapon sales manager, but I am still a little behind the real senior. But even so, if some information about arms leaks out, it will be enough to shake the society. Then those only real seniors know. Secret, what kind of weeping ghosts will it be?

Zhou Yi is really looking forward to...


Qian Wenhuan waved his hand and said goodbye to Zhou Yi until he returned Zhou Yi to the gate of the community.

Seeing Zhou Yi gradually walked into the community, Qian Wenhuan's expression changed from mild to expressionless.

"Mr. Qian, you seem to be very optimistic about this sales manager?"

The secretary in the front row suddenly turned his head and asked.

"Fortunately, young people are still very capable."

Qian Wenhuan nodded, "It's just that I'm still a little arrogant, but people who come from a professional class are like this, and I don't think much of me as a wild way."

The secretary shook his head and said nothing.

Next, the first thing Qian Wenhuan did when he returned to his villa was to find the movie "Robocop" from the Internet and watch it from beginning to end.

And instead of looking at it like ordinary people, Qian Wenhuan records every detail on paper, and saves the screen as a screenshot at the critical moment.

After watching a movie for four hours, Qian Wenhuan looked at the time. It was already one o'clock in the morning, and there were more than 5,000 words in his hand.

However, Qian Wenhuan did not give up, because the new version of "Robocop" was a movie produced in 2014. In fact, as early as 30 years ago, there were three bosses of "Robocop".

Therefore, Qian Wenhuan took a quick look at the old version of Robocop again.

Then, he personally started to write the plan.

When he went to work the next day, Qian Wenhuan notified his team and gave the draft to everyone before starting to discuss and delete the content of the plan.

After three days in a row, Qian Wenhuan and his team discussed late into the night almost every day, until the end of Friday, finally finalized the plan, and then Qian Wenhuan directly sent the 30,000-word plan to Chen Chen’s In the mailbox.

At this time, Chen Chen sitting in the office immediately received the news.

"The old money was done so quickly?"

Chen Chen leaned on the chair, swiped his right hand, and suddenly opened a holographic webpage out of thin air on the empty desk, and at the same time the mailbox automatically opened, revealing Qian Wenhuan's plan.

"Your Excellency, this is Qian Wenhuan's plan."

Xiao X’s voice came directly from the speaker, “According to Qian Wenhuan’s plan, first is the selection of targets-this plan needs to select the target is a bit harsh. First of all, the identity of the other party must be the legal police of Namibia. At the same time, the other party has three requirements:"

"First, you must be severely ill, high paraplegia."

"Second, he must be upright and upright, with a high sense of responsibility, and at the same time he must have a strong obedience to orders to prevent the other party from being out of our control and the protagonist in the movie killing the company boss."

Speaking of this, Xiao X said, "Qian Wenhuan is indeed right. Although we can use the **** chip to control it, it is easy to get twists and turns, so it is best to choose the target at the beginning."

"Then the third article, the goal must be to get injured in the fight against criminals. Only in this way can it be more conducive to shaping the image and triggering public opinion."

"Fourth, the target must have good facial features and an upright temperament. It is best to fit the identity of a police officer. Because the quality of appearance is very important to the public’s impression of it~lightnovelpub.net~ The fifth and most important one is that The family situation of the target must also be included in the investigation factors. If necessary, we can send his parents, wives and daughters to the Life Science City to prevent unexpected situations in the future."

Hearing these five items, Chen Chen frowned, "e...it smells like "Producers for All"."

"According to Qian Wenhuan's meaning, in fact, the injury of the target is best to be vigorous, so that we can promote his deeds. If possible, we can use the slogan of "superhero" to promote the target and build it. Become a super idol who is not defeated by the international first-line superstars."

Little x continued.

"Yes, try the water by the way, maybe we can enter the entertainment industry in the future."

Chen Chen snapped his fingers and said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"These are the five requirements of the target, and only those that meet the requirements can become the training target of the plan."

When Xiao X heard Chen Chen’s words, he couldn’t help but smile, “Next, it’s Qian Wenhuan’s official plan. He subdivided it into fifteen steps. It will take about two years to build the goal into a perfect super hero. His image makes him a criminal nemesis and a world-class hero."

"Does it take two years?"

Chen Chen frowned, "It's too long...what is the budget given in the old money plan?"

"Promotion costs are about one billion dollars."

Xiao X replied, "That is to say, according to the plan given by Qian Wenhuan, including some special performances, it only takes one billion US dollars to create a world-renowned international superstar."

"Then add to three billion dollars."

Chen Chen answered without hesitation.