I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 494: Rosen Bridge

Seeing the cutter head as if it had been gnawed by a dog, many people couldn't help but take a breath. Professor Charles was also a little embarrassed. He simply continued, "Continue to replace the cutter head with higher hardness, and by the way, the strength of the metal, Toughness, plasticity and tensile strength are all tested."

   Afterwards, there was a long test, but as the data tests were completed, the metal the size of a fingernail was still very strong.

   When all the performance tests are completed, everyone's eyes on this piece of metal have become more blazing...

   "If the Mohs hardness is used for statistics, the hardness of this piece of metal has exceeded 10M."

  Professor Charles took the test sheet from the tester, and at the same time murmured and explained that he seemed to be afraid that Chen Chen would not understand it, so he began to explain.

   "The so-called Mohs hardness actually refers to the ability of a substance to scratch another substance. It was first established by a German mineralogist Mohs to identify the hardness of minerals."

He took the report and placed it in front of Chen Chen, "In this hardness table, the hardness of our common metal lead is only 1.5M, while the hardness of human nails is 2-3M, and the hardness of metal aluminum is 2-2.5. M, iron is 4-5M, glass is 5.5M... and as the hardest diamond, its hardness is 10M!"

   Chen Chen said that he understood that the cutter head made of diamond could not leave any cut marks on this piece of metal. The hardness of this piece of metal is indeed far beyond the range of human measurement.

"Not only that……"

Professor Charles continued to explain, “The isotope of this aluminum also has strong anti-wear and anti-corrosion capabilities. The tensile strength at room temperature exceeds the measurement limit of the instrument by 5000 MPa. It can withstand the extrusion test of a 1,200-ton hydraulic press, and the melting point is also It exceeds the limit temperature of 4215°C of hafnium alloy in human materials, reaching an astonishing 12000°C! The reason is that its neutron content is highly imbalanced, energy transfer is very insensitive, and thermal energy and fluctuations are also difficult for atoms. The reason for the transmission of levels."

   Chen Chen nodded when he heard the words, and then smiled again, "It's very good, but compared to these, I am more interested in its price and capacity."

   "One hundred thousand dollars per gram."

  Thinking about it, Professor Charles estimated, "These are the maintenance costs of the particle accelerator, and the production capacity is not high. Even if it is operated continuously for a month, the production capacity is only about one kilogram."

   Chen Chen didn’t say much when he heard this. The price was in his expectation.

The high-offset metal is called this name because the metal atoms are filled with a large number of extra neutrons, which causes the element structure to shift, so the finished product is called high-offset metal. In fact, it refers to the aluminum in it. Neutron drift phenomenon.

   Because of this, the price of this isotope has far surpassed that of gold. Although it still does not reach some artificial elements of the periodic table after 100, it is almost the same.

  It seems that if you want to produce this element, you need a special kind of equipment.

   Chen Chen thought silently.


Next, Chen Chen asked Professor Charles to continue his research work. After all, Professor Charles studies high-energy physics, not an engineer. Manufacturing high-excursion metal is just incidental. If he is asked to make this kind of substance, it will be a killer. Use a sledgehammer.

   Now that this isotope has been manufactured, the next step is to develop a special equipment for manufacturing this substance, thereby reducing operating costs and increasing production. This technology will be completed by another person.

After coming out of the High Energy Physics Department, Chen Chen thought for a while, and did not go to the training field as planned. Now the increase in field energy has passed the surge period and started to level off, but Chen Chen found that as long as he exercises hard, Field energy is still increasing.

   Compared with three years ago, Chen Chen's field power has improved several levels in terms of explosive power and precision, which is totally different.

   But today, Chen Chen has decided to do another thing.

Once again, he walked into the teleportation room at the top of the Spire Lab. Following the transmission of the black ball, when he opened his eyes again, he reappeared in another teleportation room with a black ball, and waited until he walked out of the teleportation room. I saw myself appearing on a huge black cruise ship.

This cruise ship is completely dark, with a length of more than 400 meters and a width of 80 meters. Even if Bolt comes in person, it will take eight seconds to run from one side of the ship to the other. The displacement is It surpassed the aircraft carrier, reaching a staggering 400,000 tons.

   This cruise ship is the Black Light that Chen Chen spent $1.5 billion to customize and launched for six years.

   At this time, the Black Light was anchored on the open sea, and it was endless. Only a hundred black knights were working on it, driving the entire cruise ship to wander on the surface.

   "Now, we are in the high waters of the Indian Ocean. No ships pass by within a radius of 5,000 kilometers, and there is no satellite surveillance overhead."

  Xiao X's voice came from the headset, "My Lord Godfather, are you really going to start the test now?"

   "Get ready to start, I have been thinking about it for a week, and I need to face it anyway."

   Chen Chen nodded, and then he walked directly out of the transfer room, and then followed the elevator to the deck on the first floor of the cruise ship, and at the same time took out a shiny long strip from his pocket.

   This long strip is white all over, and the fluorescence on its surface can be seen even in bright sunlight. Only at the end can you see a metallic USB port.

   This is a USB flash drive.

   There is nothing wrong with this USB flash drive, which is where Chen Chen started from nothing, and now he has to rely on it.

   is just a different image from the mediocre USB flash drive that used to be black and white. At this time, the shell of the USB flash drive is already covered with fluorescent light. These fluorescent lights are actually nothing else, but the starlight that once appeared on it.

A long time ago, Chen Chen had discovered that after charging a certain amount of power to the USB flash drive, the surface will start to flash a little bit of light, just like the stars in the night sky, and the more the battery is charged, the more stars will come. more.

Today, Chen Chen has not used it for the past three years. At the same time, the Spire Laboratory has three high-power nuclear fusion reactors charging it day and night. Now that the power has accumulated to a certain level, the USB flash drive has stopped for the first time. Absorb power.

   This USB flash drive is actually full...

   Chen Chen was surprised by all this.

This is the characteristic of a full charge. The fragmented stars on the surface of the U disk are completely connected, turning the black U disk into an LED light, and it is like a glow stick that glows all the time. It went up very funny.

   And now, the USB flash drive has been filled for a whole week. Since this time, Chen Chen has been thinking about how to experiment every day, because Chen Chen remembers that the USB flash drive has undergone a change.

That was the first time starlight appeared on the USB flash drive. At that time, the USB flash drive suddenly opened a new function, creating a Schwarzschild's throat that can be freely entered and exited, allowing creatures to interact with each other in reality and movie planes. shuttle.

   Now, the USB flash drive has undergone a second change. According to the previous rules, can it be considered that the USB flash drive has opened a new function again?

   No, it is inaccurate to use "on" to describe it. It should be said that "unlocked" is correct, because the functions of the U disk are originally there, and these functions will be unlocked only after the battery reaches a certain level.

   Therefore, in order to verify the changing U disk at this time, Chen Chen finally selected an unmanned sea area and prepared to test it on his own Black Light cruise ship.

   These thoughts flashed through Chen Chen's mind, and then the two black knights moved a table and a laptop and placed them in front of Chen Chen. This was all the preparations.

   Seeing this, Chen Chen pondered for a while, and finally he took a deep breath and slowly inserted the glowing USB flash drive into the laptop in front of him...

   Ding Dong!

   With a soft beep of the windows operating system, the USB flash drive was recognized successfully, and a new removable drive letter option appeared on the screen.

   Seeing this, Chen Chen's finger gently slid across the touch panel, and then with a click, he clicked on the removable drive letter on the computer.

   Suddenly, rows of familiar but unfamiliar movie names appeared on the laptop screen.

   Seeing these names, Chen Chen thought for a while. Instead of opening those movies rashly, he dragged a copy of "Resident Evil" from the computer into the USB flash drive.

   The reason for this is that Chen Chen understands that in the face of infinite unknowns, there is only one way to minimize the potential danger, and that is to "two powers harm each other, whichever is less."

Although it took three years to fully charge the USB flash drive, there is probably only one opportunity for experimentation, but as the nuclear fusion reactor technology becomes more mature in the future, the charging speed will become faster and faster. Therefore, Chen Chen would rather open it this time. It is a "Resident Evil" that has no use value but is extremely low in risk, and is unwilling to open another plane with extremely high use value but full of unknown dangers.

   Thinking of this, Chen Chen dragged "Resident Evil" into the USB flash drive, and then tapped it gently...


   With a soft sound, Chen Chen suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing on his face.

The breeze messed up Chen Chen’s hair, but Chen Chen seemed to feel that something was wrong, because although he was on the deck, the sea was calm at this time, and even the sea breeze was blocked by the 60-meter-high ship building. It came from the direction of the screen...

  Subconsciously, Chen Chen quickly stepped back, leaving the computer screen far away.


   In the next second, the entire Black Light suddenly made a violent turbulence, and at the same time a wailing sound as if a giant beast was dying, the moving ship started to be torn apart a little bit!

The tearing started from the ship building on the deck. The Black Light cruise ship is 75 meters high. There are 15 stories above the deck, which are like skyscrapers. But at this time, these buildings are visible to the naked eye. 'S speed is twisting and tearing, and the part under the tearing disappears strangely...

   No, it is not disappearing, but seems to have entered another space!

   Chen Chen's pupils shrank slightly, and he quickly escaped from the Black Light and hovered in mid-air. Only then did he discover that a strange spot of light appeared out of thin air on the Black Light's deck!

This light spot is irregularly circular, with a diameter of nearly 100 meters. It hangs above the height of the Black Light’s deck. At this time, as the Black Light sails, the ship building passing by the light spot disappears little by little. The location where the Black Light touched is tearing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

   For the huge kinetic energy of the Black Light, even steel is as fragile as a piece of paper!

   That light spot...

   Chen Chen’s pupils shrank slightly, and the light spot looked as fragile as a soap bubble, but it was firmly fixed in the void, while the Black Light was like a paper boat, and any contact with the light spot was rapidly torn and disappeared!

   That light spot is a wormhole!

At this moment, Chen Chen had a sense of enlightenment in his heart. Unlike the black Schwarzschild's throat produced by the previous USB flash drive, it is a larger wormhole, and it will not move with the screen. Could it be that... …

   Chen Chen chuckled in his heart, and he faintly had a bad conjecture that this is a permanently solidified wormhole!

   No, at this level, Schwarzschild's throat or wormhole can no longer be called. The huge light spot in front of it should have a more serious name in the physics world-Rosen Bridge!

   The reason why Chen Chen had a permanent presence in his heart is that the light spot did not move with the computer screen. This is the biggest evidence!

Because before, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Chen Chen has tried many times to open the channel opened by the U-disk. Although the previous channel can pass through human beings, it is at least a large machine, but from the outside, it is always only the size of a computer screen, and even a computer Moving the location or even being destroyed will not affect the stability of the channel. The only way to close the channel is to unplug the U disk.

   And now, this light spot is not only bigger, it even stays in place when the computer screen moves with the black light, which is too NM ridiculous...

Not only that, Chen Chen looked at the USB flash drive plugged into the laptop again, only to see that the USB flash drive had long lost its luster and regained its previous dark appearance, which means that the electrical energy stored in the USB flash drive was once again lost. It's exhausted.

   There is no battery, but the channel can still exist...

The corners of Chen Chen's mouth twitched. At this moment, the vibration in his heart was no less than that of the Black Light, and he could only watch the Black Light’s deck and ship buildings being torn and swallowed by the light spots, and those who were torn apart. The floors all entered the world opposite the spot.

   "X, I seem to be playing big..."

   Looking at the huge light spot under his feet, Chen Chen was a little bit dumbfounded. The damage of the Black Light was second. The key was that he opened a door to the earth unprecedentedly.

   A Rosen Bridge leading to another world...


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