I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 564: Compound L

The rest of the day returned to calm again.

Reverse research on the time machine will take at least a few months, and during these months, Chen Chen went to the world to check it out a few days later, and continued to fall asleep when he saw that there were no problems.

He also brought back the frozen sleep cabin that Shays had left to Black Light City, so that no matter what happened, there would be a buffer.

In reality, Chen Chen still spends most of the light and shade in the quiet room every day.

The location of the quiet room was placed on the bottom of the Indian Ocean. In this quiet zone, Chen Chen constantly polished his field energy, especially the field energy suddenly became rough after merging with psionic energy. He was once able to spy on the microcosm. The multiple of a thousand times has been greatly reduced to less than 800 times.

In Chen Chen's view, the strength of field energy is not only the increase in quantity, but the use of it at the micro level is also important.

For example, if Chen Chen can control the field energy precision to the molecular level, he can change the shape and properties of an object at will, such as reducing a stone to the original soil, or changing the chemical bond of a substance.

And if you continue to deepen the accuracy and reach the level of atomic control, it will be even more powerful. The electromagnetic force between the atoms will be destroyed in a wave of hands, whether it is metal or an enemy, with a wave of your hand, it can be wiped out.

If you continue to go deeper and reach the level of the nucleus, it will be even more remarkable. You can create nuclear fusion phenomena at will, or master quantum tides, and control vacuum decay. If that time really comes, Chen Chen will be able to create artificial wormholes to cross the universe wantonly.

However, if you want to go deep into the molecular level, you need at least two million times the microscopic accuracy of the field energy. It is even more difficult to reach the point of atoms and nuclei. At this time, Chen Chen is still far away.


Suddenly, Chen Chen let out a suffocating breath and opened his eyes from sitting still.

At the moment when he opened his eyes, Chen Chen's eyes were like electricity, flashing a sharp light in the dark quiet room. At this time, his spirit and spirit had condensed to a peak, almost in substance.

"Finally restored to the previous level..."

Chen Chen shook his head, the divine light in his eyes was restrained again, he stood up and moved his joints, but then frowned again.

During this period of time, as the field energy continued to increase sharply, the growth rate continued to weaken.

Just as he thought before, after a period of rapid growth, his field energy has reached the bottleneck stage at this time, and it has become very difficult to continue to improve.

And his DNA is already saturated, even if it continues to absorb the super crystal, it will not increase.

"It seems that we have to think of other methods, or change the direction, and begin to formally pursue the refined operation of field energy."

Chen Chen shook his head. With today's power, there is almost no way to fight the consciousness stealer. After all, the opponent's psychic energy is condensed from the lives of billions of people.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen left the quiet room and returned to the minaret through the black ball gantz.

"Your Godfather, you seem to be a little unhappy."

As Chen Chen came back, Xiao X asked immediately.

Chen Chen nodded, "It's still a matter of field energy. I'm thinking about how to improve field energy to fight against consciousness stealers."


Xiao X thought for a while, "I have a good idea, just to see if you can be cruel, Lord Godfather."

"Tell me."

Chen Chen tilted his head and looked at Xiao X.

"Since consciousness and stealers are psychic abilities gathered from the spirit of hundreds of millions of human beings, you can actually do the same."

Xiao X said, "Infect humans in that world through infection, and then absorb them, so that your psionic energy is rapidly increased. Now your field energy and psionic energy have been merged, so increasing field energy means improving psychic energy, right? "

Chen Chen smiled upon hearing the words, "This method is not bad, but I still seem to be worse."

"After the fusion of my field energy and psychic energy, there have been mutations. In fact, I don’t have the ability to infect the human spirit like a consciousness stealer. If I want to seize the spirits of other people, I need to invest in the'psionic seed' first. It’s like what I did to Niusis, the lord of Laman City."

"I have a way."

Xiao X said, "If your psionics can't be infected, we can change the infection method."

"Another one?"

Chen Chen had a meal at his feet.

"When I tested your blood before, I found that there is a special factor in your blood. According to the academic name, it can be called psionic factor, or factor l for short. This factor should be your combination of field energy and The change after psionic energy is like the protoplasmic fluid of a consciousness stealer. Your factor actually has the ability to infect humans!"


Chen Chen was suddenly shocked. If that was the case, wouldn't he really become another consciousness stealer at this time?

"Of course, your ability to infect is hidden. Under normal circumstances, it will not be infected, but it will be different if it is controlled by me."

Xiao X continued, "If I perform some complex regulation, I can extract the factor l and make it into a special virus. Although this virus agent cannot be mentally infected like a consciousness stealer, it can be injected. It can also have the ability to infect other human DNA."

"Does it have to be human?"

Chen Chen frowned. Although he didn't mind sacrificing a small number of people in order to gain the continuation of the entire human race, he still had his own bottom line.

"Of course, otherwise, why don't consciousness stealers infect animals?"

Xiao X chuckled and asked.

Hearing this, Chen Chen suddenly laughed. Indeed, human beings are the only high-level intelligent life so far. There are 10,000 pigs and dogs, and they are not as good as the consciousness of a human. Therefore, infecting humans is the best choice. .

"Human beings are just one of the factors."

Xiao X continued, "After all, it is a blood infection, and your DNA is only the closest to humans. The infection rate of other species may not even reach 0.1%."


Chen Chen showed a thoughtful look, "If that's the case, then you can try it, but I think of more... You mean that after making that kind of potion, it's like I'm broadcasting the psionic energy Kind of, can the opponent also gain psionic power?"

"Yes, that's it."

Little X nodded.

Chen Chen heard the words in his eyes, "If this is the case, then maybe this medicine has other effects..."


Nowadays, the biotechnology of Blacklight Technology has developed to a very terrifying level. Even if Umbrella is reborn and Wieland is reborn, it is estimated that he will be silent when he sees it. In just a few days, Chen Chen got a tube from his childhood. Medicament.

This is a medicine with a dark blue color throughout.

The medicine is packed in a test tube and stuffed with a metal stopper. The metal stopper uses the packaging used by the g virus. Just press the button to eject a needle, and then insert the medicine into the body automatically. Inject it in.

This tube of medicine is the essence of factor Y extracted from Chen Chen's blood.

"You can extract more than 80 doses of medicine from one hundred milliliters of blood."

Xiao X said, "According to your physical fitness, even if you draw 100 ml of blood a day, it will not affect your health. This is a very cost-effective business."

Chen Chen looked a little weird when he heard that, "x, what you said is like I'm some kind of experimental product."

Even so, he still settled silently. If he makes 80 tubes of medicine a day, then it will be 2,400 in a month, and 29,200 in a year. Although not many, but in a hundred years. There are also three million.

It’s better than directly granting the other person’s psionic seed. After all, I’m not a real consciousness stealer. Every time I give a person a psionic seed, it means that my field power is slightly weakened. I am afraid that the field energy will fall one rank.

Of course, Chen Chen could actually extract more blood to make medicine, but that would easily make the body overwhelmed.

The next step is the experimental link that you like to hear. No matter how much you think about, if this kind of drug is not clinically effective, it will be useless to think about it.

In an ordinary laboratory, a felon was escorted in.

As Delta-level experimenters in God's restricted zone, these people are served with delicious food and supervised training, so that these people have been in the healthiest state. At this time, the incoming experimenters are tall and strong. Like a basketball player.

However, his sturdy body was not worth mentioning when facing the black knight. Before he could resist, he was fixed on a stretcher by two black knights, quietly waiting for his next destiny.

"What are you going to do for me?"

The man’s voice trembled a little. He looked around blankly, but saw an expressionless person approaching with many unnamed instruments. After a while, his whole body was connected to each other. A variety of instruments, including electrocardiographs, electric shock devices, ventilators and so on.

Seeing this, the man's heart became more and more uneasy.

At this moment, one of the staff in white coats walked towards him with a Lan Yingying injection. Seeing the other person, the man struggling hurriedly, telling him instinctively that this injection is probably not a good thing.


Hearing only a sound of air pressure release, the man did not feel much pain in his arm, he only felt a chill from his arm, and he immediately shivered.

Immediately, his vein was pierced by a needle, and the blue yingying medicine inside was injected into his body.

The man stared at all this with fear, he asked in a flustered manner, "What is this, what the **** did you give me the injection? Is this a human test?"

The man kept asking, but in the entire laboratory, everyone was still immersed in their work, and no one paid any attention to him.

What he didn't know was that these people were all bionics. In the spire, this kind of creative work does not require real people to complete.

At this time, in the command room on the second floor, Chen Chen silently looked at the data of the man's whole body. After the injection, the other party's blood pressure began to rise, and at the same time the heart seemed to be stimulated and began to beat faster.

This man began to accelerate the burning of his vitality.

The external manifestation is that the man's body temperature rises and his breathing is short of breath, but for about ten minutes, he is like a steamed prawn, his whole body becomes extremely red!

"The nutrients in the opponent's body are passing fast!"

The little x on the side turned his head to look at Chen Chen, "My Godfather, do you need to enter nutrients?"

"Do not worry."

Chen Chen waved his hand and said decisively, "Try to see if the human body can support it. After all, this kind of medicine will probably flow out in the future. If every medicine requires medical equipment, it will only show the medicine's failure. "


Little X nodded.

Next, the man’s body temperature continued to rise. From the normal temperature at the beginning, it gradually increased to 41 degrees. By this temperature, the man’s vital signs were already very dangerous, and his heart was beating violently like a pump. , His consciousness gradually became blurred, and even the muscles of the whole body began to twitch.

But Chen Chen just stared at all this without using any first aid methods.

But what is weird is that even though the opponent's body has undergone various exaggerated physiological changes, his heart and lung functions have never stopped working. Not only that, his heart and lung functions have become stronger and more beating. Be strong.

"The turning point has appeared!"

Xiao X also noticed all these changes, and her eyes lit up, "Your blood factor has already worked, and it has begun to infect the other party's DNA. This is a special change, just like a virus..."

Following Xiao X's words, the man's breathing and heartbeat finally began to slow down, gradually returning to the speed of an ordinary person. This change also caused his body temperature to drop again and his blood pressure began to return to normal levels.

"Seems to succeed?"

Chen Chen got up from the seat, walked to the observation window and looked down, only to see that the felon was already in a coma.

A bionic person immediately stepped forward, took a tube of his blood, and then placed it under various instruments for observation.

"Sure enough, new changes have taken place in the other party's dna!"

Xiao X was surprised, "I found many changes in his DNA that were not there, but I did not find factor L in his blood, which means you can rest assured that although the infected person is also carrying factor L, but But it has no infectious ability."

"Now let's see if he has the changes I expected."

While speaking, Chen Chen closed his eyes slightly.

At the moment when he closed his eyes, Chen Chen seemed to have sensed something. He tilted his head and sensed it. He only felt that he was faintly feeling an inexplicable will. If he wanted to, he could absorb the opponent at any time and let him. Become the nourishment for your own growth.

Chen Chen is no stranger to this feeling. He felt the same when he bestowed the Duke Psionic Seed on Laman City.

This is not the most critical thing. The most important thing is that the other party is equivalent to being implanted with psionic seeds by Chen Chen. Since then, this experimenter may have acquired some special powers beyond ordinary people...

See this, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Chen Chen opened his eyes slightly and looked at Xiao X who was looking forward to it.

"Good job."

Chen Chen said, "I already felt the presence of the other party. I didn't expect that you would have succeeded once."

"Since it is successful, the next step is to conduct the second batch of experiments in order to collect more experimental data."

Xiao X Tiantian smiled, "Then we should also give this medicine a name."

"first name?"

Chen Chen thought for a while, then snapped his fingers, with a nasty taste, "Since there is a factor l compound extracted from my blood, how about it's called the ‘compound l’?"


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