I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 567: Power Warriors

?? I don't know when, in the network of human society, the legend of super power gradually spread.

?? Some people say that in a recent bank robbery crime, he saw a gangster with a one-handed move. The hard glass of the bank suddenly shattered, and the gangster ran away with the money he had robbed.

?? Someone said that they saw an office worker and a red neck quarrel because of a car accident, but the office worker overturned each other with just one look.

?? Someone else said that he noticed that the residents downstairs jumped down from the fifth floor, but did not suffer any injuries. He patted his **** and went straight away...

?? Many legends of super powers are constantly brewing and fermenting on the Internet, and some are equipped with corresponding videos. At first, everyone did not believe it, but as these rumors spread more and more, many people gradually became dubious. .

?? However, just two months later, when things intensified, the company Blacklight Technology suddenly announced without warning that the biological department had another breakthrough in stem cell induction technology and achieved a technology that countless people dream of.

?? Stem cell human organ production technology!

?? As soon as this technology came out, it immediately caused an endless uproar.

?? As we all know, the human body has always been mysterious. The human body is like a gift from heaven. Even with the extremely advanced black light technology of human biotechnology, it has always been impossible to make human organs alone.

?? Therefore, there will be the emergence of bionic technology, by replacing the missing hands and feet of the human body with bionic limbs, and replacing the lack of human internal organs with bionic organs.

?? However, the bionic body is not the original human body after all. It is imperfect and can never replace the human body itself.

?? It’s just that it’s completely different from today. Blacklight Technology announced that it has broken through another door of life sciences and has reached the point where it can manufacture human organs alone...

?? That is to say, from now on, even if the hands and feet are amputated, human beings will be able to use stem cell technology to generate a complete limb alone and re-transplant it to themselves; and those whose heart, liver, lungs and other organs have problems People no longer have to wait for or appear or will not appear as an organ donor, but can directly replace an intact organ made from their own stem cells.

?? This is the power of this technology. Whether it is a physical disability or a cardiopulmonary disability, there are new options, but it is still a bit expensive due to technical limitations, and it is not possible to promote it on a large scale for the time being.

?? However, the emergence of this technology still shocked the hearts of countless physically handicapped people, and the fire of hope burst into their eyes.

?? At the same time, there is an even more exciting news, that is, the first batch of reformers have appeared, that is, the group of bionic men, all bionic men selected by Blacklight Technology in the world can get free physical recovery. Technology, this group of soldiers fighting crime and maintaining order for human society, fighting on the front line, will all get the right to rebirth!

?? This news instantly ignited the cheers of countless people.


?? At this time, on the big screen in front of Chen Chen, three figures were displayed.

?? These three figures are lying on the operating table in a coma, surrounded by a group of medical staff, constantly busy under the shadowless lamp.

?? If this scene is seen by the second person, I am afraid they will be recognized immediately, these three people turned out to be the world-renowned super-popular hero bhb Bionic Men!

?? At this time, Chen Chen nodded, showing a thoughtful look.

?? This "stem cell human organ production technology" has actually been around for a long time.

?? As early as four or five years ago, the steeple experimental base of Blacklight Technology achieved this step by relying on technologies extracted from other planes.

?? At the same time, this technology is actually a part of the "Human Life Escape Plan".

?? Chen Chen once said when explaining to those consortiums: "If human beings are likened to a wooden barrel, then'aging reversal treatment' will increase the height of several baffles in the barrel, but there are still baffles. It has not been increased, so is the increase of human life. It is unreliable to blindly increase a few baffles. Only a comprehensive increase can continue human life."

?? So in order to cooperate with the "anti-aging reversal treatment" project, he separately laid out several links, including cancer treatment and Alzheimer's disease treatment, which also includes the link of "cloned organ transplantation".

?? Because at that time Blacklight Technology did not have the technology to directly manufacture complete organs, in order to obtain intact organs, it had to first clone a clone of a person who needed an organ, and then extract the organs he needed from the cloned person.

?? However, the emergence of "stem cell human organ production technology" now means that human cloning can withdraw from the stage of history.

?? The reason why Chen Chen did not directly release four or five years ago is just because that was the peak period of the application of the bionic technology "Xingtian Project". If this technology were directly launched at that time, the "Xingtian Project" would definitely decline in an instant, causing a lot of Loss of profits.

?? But now, the "Xingtian Project" has achieved its own strategic goals. With the help of bhb Bionic War Police, Chen Chen has successfully promoted the xtn robot to the world and formed a stable military industry chain.

?? And most of the disabled people in the world already have their own bionic prostheses. In this case, the "Xingtian Project" has basically become famous.

?? Then, naturally, the "stem cell human organ production technology" is on the stage.

?? This technology further supplements the shortcomings of the "Human Life Escape Plan" and is enough to promote the advancement of human lifespan again.

?? And transforming the bionic men under the banner of Blacklight Technology is undoubtedly the best propaganda. With this group of bionic men who have a high reputation in the world, their restoration of their limbs is the best propaganda.

?? What's more, these people can also cooperate with Chen Chen’s plan to promote Compound 1. Chen Chen has already planned the transformation of this group of people, from the original bionic men’s policemen with their own disability, to super powers with super powers. War police.

?? Promote the "stem cell human organ production technology" among the people, and promote the "No. 1 compound" among the high-level members of the Earth Federation, and at the same time thoroughly expose the existence of superpowers.

?? This plan can be described as killing three birds with one stone.


?? Leon slowly opened his eyes from the coma.

?? The moment he opened his eyes, the dazzling sunlight immediately shone on his eyes, causing him to subconsciously squint his eyes.

?? Then he seemed to think of something, and suddenly sat up, but was surprised to feel that there was a tingling sensation in his legs.

?? This feeling is strange and familiar, making Leon's heart tremble. He slowly uncovered the white sheets on the hospital bed, only to see that there were two more familiar parts of his legs that should have been empty. thing.

?? Those are two tightly stitched legs that match me perfectly...

?? There is a faint red scar at the junction of the legs. I don’t know what magical technology Blackwatch Company uses. He just closed his eyes and opened his eyes again, and a pair of legs appeared on his lower body. .

??"you're awake."

?? Several doctors carrying the data card walked into the ward. Among them, the middle-aged man in the lead wore gold glasses and smiled and said, "Congratulations, Leon, your legs are recovering very well. The electric shock shows that, Your nerve conduction can be easily conducted to your legs. After a period of training, you can stand up again."

?? "Really, really?"

?? Leon wriggled his lips in excitement, almost unable to speak a complete sentence, his hands were dragging the bed sheet tightly, tears have soaked his eyes.

After a while, when the doctors who were visiting the ward were about to leave, he said again, "Wait, doctor, how long did I sleep?"

?? He was curious how long he had slept to make these legs heal completely.

?? "Not much, just three days."

?? The golden glasses doctor smiled and said, "In order to prevent the prosthetic limbs from changing as much as possible, we injected you with a three-day dose of medicine until your legs began to heal before resuscitating you."

?? "Can it heal in three days?"

?? Leon showed shock.

?? "After all, all your treatments are in accordance with the highest specifications of our Blackwatch Company."

?? Another doctor saw Leon look surprised and couldn’t help laughing, “It’s not uncommon to do all this with the means of our Blackwatch Company, but rest assured, you don’t need to pay the bills.”

??"a ha ha ha……"

?? Everyone couldn't help but ridicule in kindness.

?? "Thank you, thank you the great Blackwatch Company!"

?? Leon focused his head.

?? After the opponent left, Leon carefully tried to move his toes. Suddenly, the two big toes on his feet were gently transmitted in a circular motion, which looked very flexible.

??"so amazing……"

?? Leon smiled happily. Since he betrayed his revenge squad, he hasn't laughed so happily for a long time. For many days, he almost spent nightmares, only killing Brooke. After his family avenged his revenge, he slowly recovered his peace.

?? "The Sea Monster... Wraith Fire... Digital... Maintenance Worker..."

?? At this time, Leon murmured, and the four revenge teams flashed in his mind again, and the expression in his eyes gradually became firm, "I am different from you. You want to overthrow the Blackwatch Company, but I just Just for revenge..."

?? Just as the guilt in his heart was gradually overjoyed by regaining his legs, there was again a sound of footsteps from far and near outside the door. Judging from the sound, it seemed that there were quite a few people.

?? Leon looked towards the door, but saw his agent Austin and his direct boss Liu Zhijian walking in from the door.

?? But the usual difference is that the high-level center of his bionic police department is still surrounded by several men in black suits with cold faces.

?? "Manager Liu, Ms. Austin..."

?? Leon said in a bit of astonishment.

?? Austin blinked at Leon, and at the same time secretly pointed behind him, while Manager Liu also looked behind him.

?? Leon looked quickly, but saw that the people in black line up automatically in two rows, standing on the left and right of the gate, at the same time, a cold and arrogant, glamorous woman strode in, kind of cold and glamorous The pressing aura even overwhelmed the team's agent, Ms. Austin.

?? "Yes, it's you!"

?? Leon was shocked. He had seen this woman before. On the night he killed Brooke, he saw the b·s·s department coming to take over the scene of the killing of Brooke!

?? "Pedro Leon."

?? This woman is wearing low eyebrow makeup, and is looking at him coldly at this time, "I am here to represent the Blackwatch Company and sign a new agreement with you."

?? "New agreement?"

?? Leon looked at Manager Liu blankly, "Didn't I sign an agreement with Manager Liu?"

?? "Ahem!"

?? Liu Zhijian coughed in a low voice, "Leon, you should understand that now you have been cured of your disability, so your bhb team can no longer call it a'bionic war police', so the agreement signed before will naturally be Will be void."

?? "Could it be that I can no longer be a member of the bhb police team?"

?? Leon was shocked, he had long been obsessed with the feeling of gathering thousands of eyes. At this time, he heard that he might be quitting the bhb police team, and a sense of disappointment came from his heart.

??"of course not."

?? The fiery red-haired Austin chuckled, "Leon, you are very good. Naturally, you will not be expelled from the company easily, but this agreement needs to be changed."

?? "So that's it..."

?? Hearing this sentence, Leon was slightly relieved, "Then how should I change it, can I still wear the police armor in the future?"

?? "Well..."

?? Austin looked at the glamorous woman standing in the center with some hesitation.

?? "Leon, this new agreement is completely confidential, even we don't know it."

?? Liu Zhijian smiled, "For the specific situation, you should ask Ms. Sara."

?? With that, he and Austin turned around and left the ward~lightnovelpub.net~Sa, Ms. Sara? "

?? Leon looked at the opponent a little nervously, he could feel that even though he had received a lot of military training called special forces, his breath was completely suppressed in front of the opponent. He had a feeling even if he was wearing it. I am afraid that even the men’s armor can’t fight each other...

?? The glamorous woman in front of him threw a document directly in front of Leon, and said, "This is the agreement. If you have no problems, please sign it. Of course, you can also refuse, but the price after refusal is. Just leave the Blackwatch Company. We will pay you three more months of basic salary in accordance with the normal resignation procedures."

?? Leon immediately picked up the document and read it carefully.

?? The agreement was okay at the beginning, it was all common precautions, but when he saw the fifth and sixth pages, he suddenly widened his eyes, revealing an unbelievable look.

?? "The Super Troopers? Compound No. 1?"

?? It turns out that in the content of the agreement, the bhb war police team will be officially renamed the super war police team in the future, with three to seven super powers serving as team members, and other business processes are the same as before, with the only difference It is that all members of the police team are no longer disabled, but so-called superpowers.

?? And, if Leon agrees to the agreement, then as a former member of the bhb war police team, he will have the right to obtain super potions, this potion is called compound No. 1, after injection, he will also get a certain super Ability to become a true superpower!

?? The only flaw is that there is a possibility of failure after the injection of the drug. Once it fails, it will become an idiot, or die on the spot.

?? Seeing this agreement, Leon suddenly had an illusion that the other party was joking, superpowers, is he still awake...