I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 621: Group annihilation

At this time, the boy was curled up in the corner, bowing his head and crying silently, while soldiers with live ammunition were all around him. Anyone who saw him would feel compassion, as if these soldiers were oppressing the children.

Although he didn't want to believe that the boy in front of him might be a murderous demon, at this moment, Sean still tensed his body subconsciously.

"What did you ask?"

Victor looked at everyone around him, and everyone shook their heads.

Seeing this, Victor couldn't help looking at Sean on the side.

Xiao En had no choice but to walk up personally. He squatted down and squatted in front of the boy, while the boy shrank subconsciously, seeming to be afraid of the people here.

"George, relax, no one here will hurt you."

Sean tried his best to make his smile more sincere, "Can you tell me what happened last night? Don't worry, we didn't mean to blame you, it's just that... we are all very curious."

However, something unexpected happened to Sean. After seeing Sean, George suddenly screamed and yelled at the same time, "It’s you, you killed my parents and the people here. Everyone, it's you!"

As he said, his emotions became more and more excited, and at the end he even rolled his eyes and fainted...

Seeing this scene, Sean's heart suddenly sank, "It seems that his consciousness is still a little confused, and we can't ask anything for the time being."

Victor on the side also frowned. He didn't say much, but ordered everyone to take George away. Then he left this to Sean.

"Can you use your abilities now?"

Victor asked again, "If the identity of the murderer can be directly identified, it would be best."

"I can try, but you must leave first, because when my ability is activated, it will be disturbed if other people are present."

Hearing these words, Victor didn't say much, he turned around and left, and by the way, he closed the door for Sean.

Only Sean was left in the room.

Seeing this, Sean no longer hesitated, he took a deep breath and began to use his strength.

Suddenly, the sunlight in the house slowly dimmed, as if the window had directly changed from day to night. At the same time, there seemed to be a series of gray shadows on the ground. These shadows continued to squirm and twist in the aftermath of Sean, but when Sean looked directly towards In that position, you will find that all this is an illusion...


A weird whisper began to appear in Xiao En's ear. It seemed that someone was whispering in his ear, but no matter how he heard it, he couldn't hear it. By this time, the light in the whole room had been completely dimmed, and it was as thick as ink. In the darkness, Sean seemed to see many people lying faintly on the beds in the room.

It was a child, and George was among them.

"Did you make it?"

Sean breathed a sigh of relief in silence. While maintaining his strength, he slowly paced to the bed where George was. Through the thick darkness, Sean seemed to see George on the bed frowning and his lips were light. The ground squirmed.

It's as if the children at this time are falling into some kind of nightmare.

In the next second, a thick mist suddenly floated out of the room. These mists seemed to appear out of thin air, with a faint yellowish color, which directly brightened the entire room.

"what is this?"

Xiao En looked around blankly, these dim fogs were dreamlike, floating in the room quietly, and even made the room lose the sense of distance, giving the illusion of being in a vast world.

No, it’s not an illusion...

Xiao En suddenly saw that in the misty distance, there were a few figures walking slowly, because the mist was so full, so only those shadows could be seen with the outlines of people.

But unlike ordinary people, their movements are a bit awkward when walking. Strictly speaking, they are wandering.

Those people are getting closer and closer, and they can gradually see the outline, but at this time Sean can't help but shrink his pupils, because he finally sees that those figures are not humans at all, but strips of spherical heads, but no bodies. , There are only tentacles hanging down!


Shaun resisted the horror in his heart, he took two steps backwards, and then realized that these monsters are not real now, they are just images of his own retrospective.

There are three of these monsters. They floated out of the thick fog, and then stretched out their tentacles, and stretched them toward the nostrils of the children. The next second, in the eyes of Sean, the bodies of the children shrank directly...

"It turns out that these monsters are the cause?"

Shaun looked angry and helpless. He wanted to stop him, but he passed through the other's phantom as soon as he stretched out his hand. Obviously, all of this was just the last night he looked back.

After the three monsters sucked up the children in the room, only George was left behind. Then they opened the door, turned and walked outside...

"I understand…"

At this point, Xiao En finally gave up the idea of ​​continuing to look down. He put away his strength, and the darkness and dense fog in the room immediately disappeared, and the sunlight came in again from the window.

Feeling the long-lost sunshine, Sean quickly opened the door and came to the corridor, where Victor was standing by.

Seeing Sean appear, Victor gave him a surprised look, "You have a runny nose."

Xiao En was taken aback for a moment. He stretched out his hand and touched it, but he only felt a string of mucus flowing out of his nostrils, and there was still a little blood in the mucus, but he was too involved just now, and he didn't even notice the liquid flowing out of his nostrils.

"I thought it would bleed, who knew that only liquid was flowing out?"

Sean frowned, but then he left it all behind, "I have found out. It turns out that George was not the one who killed, but his nightmare!"


"Yes, I suspect that George is a special psionicist!"

Sean vowed, "He has the ability to materialize dreams. It's just because he can't control the emotions in the dreams, so he will get out of control and kill every night!"

"Can't control the emotions in the dream?"

Victor was a little weird, then he changed his mind and realized that Sean was referring to George's parents.

George originally had a good family, but then his father was killed in a gunfight, so his mother found a violent stepfather. At the same time, his attitude towards George turned around 180 degrees and became indifferent. .

Because of the indifference of his stepfather and mother, he killed them in a dream after awakening psionics.

If this is the case, then everything makes sense, why both anomalous events happened late at night, why both anomalous events revolved around George, why only George survived each time, and everyone else died...

"If this is the case, then you, Mr. Sean, even if you have uncovered this anomalous incident."

Victor also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but he was still suspicious, "Can you tell me what you saw after activating the power?"

"I saw George's dream world..."

Sean immediately described, "His dreams are all boundless mists, and deep in the mist there are a few monsters that look like humans and some like octopuses. These monsters can use their tentacles to enter from their nostrils and **** humans. Internal organs, this is everything I see."


Victor said with satisfaction, "Thank you for your cooperation. If there is still need, I will continue to contact you."

With that, he wanted to turn around and leave.

"and many more!"

Xiao En hurriedly stopped the other party, and seeing the other person looking suspiciously, Xiao En gritted his teeth and asked immediately, "May I ask, how are you going to deal with this child?"

"Don't worry, we won't kill him."

Victor replied, "We will adopt a way of psychological counseling to guide his superpowers. Maybe we will absorb him and let him become one of us."

"That's good."

Xiao En breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the other party was just a child. His childhood was already unfortunate enough. It would be too tragic if he was treated as a guinea pig or a criminal because of this incident.

When the dust settled on a case, Xiao En immediately prepared to leave, but when he walked out of the orphanage, he was stopped by a contingent member who rushed over, and the other party handed him a document.

"This document is a non-disclosure agreement. If there is no problem, you can sign it."

The task force member reminded, “After signing, you cannot disclose the information about the Black Light Foundation and this anomalous incident. If you disclose it, we will send you to the trial court of the Federal Secret Service. You may face ten years. The punishment of fixed-term imprisonment and even death penalty."

Sean frowned. He opened the contract and took a look, then raised his eyebrows and said, "What if I don't sign it?"

"If you don't sign, we will assume that you do not agree with the confidentiality regulations on the document."

The task force member replied, "Then, in order to prevent you from leaking the secrets, we will amnesticize you, and then you will forget everything that happened during the day."

"delete memory?"

Xiao En was taken aback, and then he said coldly, "Aren't you violating human rights?"

"Sorry, it's confidential, we have to do this."

The task force members are neither overbearing nor overbearing.

Seeing this, Xiao En had to suppress the anger in his heart, signed his name on the last page, and then handed it to the other party expressionlessly. If someone familiar with Xiao En saw it, he would understand Xiao at this time. En is already angry.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

The task force members saluted the opponent, then turned and left.

Xiao En suffocated his anger, left the blocked street and returned to the police station. It was not until all colleagues welcomed him that Xiao En's inner anger subsided.

In the evening, Sean returned home and gradually fell into contemplation.

There were two things he was thinking about. One of them was that he met the group of people claiming to be the Black Light Foundation during the day. These people were mysterious but with extremely high authority, and even the local police department could not interfere with their judgments. The case, and the word black light, also reminded Sean of the name "Blackwatch Company."

"Could it be that the rumors are true that Blackwatch has reached the level of parity with the four continents, and even this foundation dedicated to handling abnormal events is led by Blackwatch?"

After thinking for a while, Sean couldn't help but shook his head. He had just recovered, but he fell into deep thought again when he looked at the food prepared at the table.

I have not eaten for two days and one night.

Obviously the food is on the table, but Sean finds that he has no appetite, and he doesn't even want to drink a sip of water.

Xiao En knew that this was not right. The human body occasionally had no appetite for a day or two, but it was impossible to even need water.

However, even if I force myself to drink it, I still vomit it again, as if my body is already full, and there is no room for a glass of water...

"what is the problem?"

Xiao En was a little puzzled, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out why, so he had to call his boss and tell him that he needed to take a day off tomorrow and go to the hospital for a checkup.

After the phone call, it was night time, so Sean stopped thinking, but went back to bed and fell asleep.

No dream for a night.

In the early morning of the next day, Sean was awakened by a knock on the door. The knock on the door was extremely rough, as if a group of people were kicking the door, and Sean was full of anger.

He had to get out of bed immediately, walked through the living room to the door, and asked loudly, "Who is it?"

However, the door was still knocked, and no one answered.

Seeing this, Sean suddenly became a little wary. He followed the cat’s eyes and looked outside, but only saw three or four soldiers in black combat uniforms standing outside the door. This costume was very familiar to him, and it was the task of yesterday. The group of people in the team. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Seeing this, Xiao En opened the door and asked the other person coldly, "Why are you here again? Didn't I sign the so-called confidentiality agreement?"

"Mr. Sean."

The headed staff saluted Xiao En, and then took out a document saying, “We are the third task force of the Black Light Foundation. In view of your special psionic ability, and have learned of our foundation’s Exist, so we hope to second you to help us investigate an unusual incident. This is a secondment letter."

Sean took the file and saw that it had the red badge of his police department and the red badge of Michigan at the same time.

Good guy, in order to second myself, I even have a chapter from the State Police...

Xiao En secretly marveled at the authority and efficient speed of the other party, but felt that something was wrong, so he asked, "Didn't I have solved the anomaly yesterday? Is there another anomaly?"

"You are talking about the anomalous incident investigated by Task Force 5 yesterday."

The person in front of him wore a helmet. Sean couldn't see his face. He only heard the other person say indifferently, "Unfortunately, this anomalous incident has been transferred to our third task force for investigation."


Sean was even more surprised. He was originally from the police station. He naturally understood that unless he applied for it, a case would basically not be transferred to another person. No matter how special the foundation was, it would not be possible to violate this basic rule. After all, it's about morale.

"Because just last night, the fifth task force was destroyed by the regiment."

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