I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 77: Cape Town Blackout

   The sky is getting darker.

   Time passed quietly from fingertips like quicksand, and the sky gradually entered dusk.

   In Dlamini's private estate in Cape Town, Dlamini is holding a bowl of hot soup on a luxurious dining table made of pink ivory, sipping her sips.

   At this time, his face was pale, and his expression was weak, and even Duan Tang's hands were shaking slightly.

  Although Dlamini is fifty-eight years old, his body has always been very strong, like a puma in the middle of life, without the look of a person who is about to enter his old age.

   But until the day before, when he left the manor with a group of men and disappeared for a day and night, it became like this when he returned.

   Everyone only knows that he had been conspired, but no one knew what he had experienced or what happened to him...

   But at least, he returned safely and completely. This is already worth celebrating in a country where crimes breed like Rainbow Nation.

   Just then, a subordinate walked in from the door. He was holding a red gold-inlaid invitation letter, "Boss, the Cape Town Chamber of Commerce invites you to participate in the international trade fair next week..."

   "Get out!"

  Dlamini didn't even lift his head, just said lightly.

   "Uh..." This subordinate was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't seem to hear clearly.

   "I said, get out!" Dlamini increased his tone, and put the bowl in his hand heavily on the table.

   "Yes!" The other party hurriedly exited, and the room returned to quiet again.

   Dlamini exhaled, he touched the wound on the back of his neck again, a touch of unwillingness appeared in his eyes.

   "Damn it, how can I put this ghost...er..."

   But, just when the unwillingness in his eyes was just revealed, a sense of suffocation suddenly struck, as if a pair of invisible hands pinched his neck!

  Dlamini hurriedly touched his throat, but what followed was an electric numbness all over his body...

   Suddenly, Dlamini fell from the dining chair like a stroke, curled up on the floor and convulsed!


   "Mr. Dlamini!"

   Hearing the movement, the bodyguard at the door quickly rushed in, "Oh, this is epilepsy, go and call a doctor!"

"No need to……"

   But, before another bodyguard rushed out, Dlamini grabbed the opponent, "No need to call a doctor, I'm fine..."

   "Boss, your body..."

   "It's okay, you all go out."

   As he said, he got up weakly, a deep fear appeared in his eyes, "Don't call a doctor, don't..."

  The bodyguards then left suspiciously.

   Until this time, Dlamini was sitting heavily on the sofa aside, staring blankly at the ceiling, without moving for a long time.

   "Ding, reminder of task release!"

   But at this moment, a cold mechanical female voice suddenly broke into Dlamini's ears.

   Dlamini trembled all over, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, but he was not surprised by the sound that appeared out of nowhere.

   "No. delta20220001, you have received the instruction from No. sigma05, please check it!"

   The voice seemed to be close to my ear, but I couldn’t tell where it came from. Only Dlamini understood that the voice came from my own mind...

   "Order from sigma05: number delta20220001, please carry out the plan you have discussed before!"


   "sigma05 issued the order: number delta...... please expand......"

   "Repeat again!"

  ""Sigma05 issued an order..."

   The voice was chattering, precise and mechanical, without a trace of emotion, it seemed to be a computer synthesized voice.


   Dlamini squirmed his lips and replied with difficulty.

   He understands that if he ignores it, the voice will always be heard in his mind. Not only that, but the other party will even give him physical punishment as before...

   Dlamini didn't dare to have any thoughts of resistance, he just stood up silently, packed his messy clothes, and dialed a number.


   "Yes, your family has already boarded the plane to Washington, North America, and you can start moving."

   Following the order, Dlamini turned off his phone again, sat back on the sofa in a daze, and fell into a daze...

   A few minutes later, among the power towers on the outskirts of Cape Town, which stretched for dozens of kilometers and connected to the high-voltage power grid, the ground of dozens of towers exploded without warning, causing a series of towers to collapse, and the high-voltage wires were also cut off!

   At the same time, in a step-down substation on the edge of the urban area of ​​Cape Town, a fierce fire suddenly burst out, billowing thick smoke burst into the sky, the fire light even dyed the sky red, forming a second scene of burning clouds.

   In this series of explosions, the power network of Cape Town was completely destroyed. The city that was originally bright and the second largest city in Rainbow Nation was completely plunged into the darkness of eternal night.


   And all this ~lightnovelpub.net~ is the agreement between Chen Chen and Dlamini.

In the agreement, no matter what method Dlamini adopts, Chen Chen must create five days to occupy the Eiffel Power Plant. During these five days, the Eiffel Power Plant will not send any time to Cape Town. electricity.

   Originally, this was almost impossible, even if it was Dlamini, who had eyes wide open.

  Because he couldn't bear the pressure of the city hall or even the entire city, he came up with such a compromise.

  Using the forces he cultivated in Cape Town for many years, he directly imitated the methods of the government's rebels. He buried explosives in the soil and blew up the power towers that transported high-voltage power, cutting off the power channel from the power plant to the city.

  At the same time, he still felt that it was not safe enough, so incidentally, he destroyed the city's step-down substation.

   After all, if only the power tower is destroyed, the city hall will react more quickly, and the electricity can be restored within 24 hours, but if even the substation is destroyed, it is hard to say...

   Regardless of the subsequent rigorous inspection and renovation of the City Hall, at least three to five days, the entire Cape Town will enter the most primitive state of power outage.

   I don’t know how much economic loss this terrorist attack will cause to Cape Town as a whole?

   This kind of loss not only harmed the interests of the city hall, but Dlamini himself also suffered heavy losses, and even faced the risk of being tracked down.

   But he has no choice.

   Of course, all this has nothing to do with Chen Chen.

  While the whole city was in chaos, the Eiffel Power Plant was still working normally, but no one noticed whether a power station was still operating.

   No one will even care about where these calls have gone.