I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 132: Star beast eggs are hungry

Holding the star beast egg, Shi Xuan entered according to the method recorded by Wu Muding. He tried to use the connection between the spirit and the consciousness in the egg. After several attempts, he was surprised to find that it was really successful!

Strange? According to Wu Muding's record, it takes one year for the most talented alchemist to get in touch with his consciousness, but he succeeds all at once. Is it because of physical strengthening?

In fact, physical strengthening is one of the reasons. After physical fitness optimization, Shi Xuan's brain has also been strengthened, and his mental strength has also been improved.

The bigger and bigger reason actually comes from the star beast. As the overlord of the universe, the star beast has a strong consciousness.

Xi Shixuan didn't think of this reason, but since he couldn't figure it out, he didn't go deeper and started to communicate with the star beast consciousness further.

"Hungry! I'm so hungry!"

Soon after passing through, Shi Xuan accepted the meaning from the star beast consciousness and turned out to be hungry for him.

The star beast feeds on planets. It is estimated that the appetite is very good and very mixed, but this is still an egg! Even if there is something for him, there is no way to give it!

Maybe he felt Shi Xuan's doubt, and the star beast egg sent a message again, "Energy! I want energy!"

I originally wanted energy, but I did n’t know what energy was needed. I tried to ask with consciousness, “What energy do you want?”

"Anything! Anything!"

Any kind is OK?

Shi Xuan thought about it. The most convenient thing now is electricity. There are electrical wires in the house, but I do n’t know if the appetite of the star beast is too big. The electrical wires at home can't bear it. And it will make others suspicious.

I thought for a while, hid in a nano-suit, and flew out holding the star beast egg.

I walked to the nearest isolated roadside, flew over a wire rod, and gently pricked it with my hand to tear a small opening from the insulation glue on one of the wires to expose the metal inside.

Because of the defense of the nano-suit, even the high-voltage line Shixuan will not be affected by the electric shock, let alone this is just an ordinary residential electricity line.

Put the star beast egg close to it, and the electric current from the bare wire flows to the star beast egg.

I can feel the star beast egg shake a little, and start to absorb the current.

I only sucked for a while, the current flowing to the star beast egg stopped, and the consciousness of the star beast egg came from the consciousness, "It can be eaten, but it is too bad, don't eat it!"

gosh! This star beast egg is true. Adult star beasts are mainly planetary food, whether it is rock or metal, even things like magma and reflective elements can be eaten correctly. It can be said that it is a food that eats everything. This star Why is the beast egg so selective that it absorbs energy!

"What on earth are you going to eat?" Shi Xuan asked consciously.

"..." This star beast egg is not yet born, after all, it can only express its intentions, but it does not know how to describe things.

Shi Xuan was helpless, so he turned on the mobile phone to play a game, and sent a smiling face to Ka-ku, and planned to ask him if he knew what energy to feed the beast eggs, but after a long time he didn't respond, it is estimated that it is offline now .

Exited the game and sent a message to Star Beast Egg. "If you don't have any other energy, eat when you are hungry, and leave if you don't!"

Xing Xing's beast egg seems to understand, barely sucked some electricity, and stopped smoking.

"Find another energy source and try it tomorrow." Shi Xuan took the star beast back into her arms, flew home, fell asleep in bed.

The next day, Shi Xuan woke up early in the morning and looked at the star beast eggs around her. There was a wave of consciousness, "Hungry! Hungry!"

Bian Shixuan thought for a moment and took care of the more urgent work at hand.

The recent arrangements and arrangements of the Hongxing Factory have been accounted for by Luo Haicheng and Gao Weiwen, and they will be carried out in detail. After a while, they will be able to check it. When their staff have been recruited almost and the new factory building has been built, consider again The transformation of production lines with alien technology.

In the game, because the technology against the "anti-matter cannon" has not yet been developed, it is afraid to further develop the territory, so as not to provoke the Moses rebels and fall into the bottleneck.

As for the killing of Ding Jianbai, because he went to Shengjing, I do n’t know when to return to Huacheng, and it ca n’t be performed for the time being.

So at present, there is nothing special to do urgently, just help this egg find the energy that it likes to absorb.

First of all, I played the game on the mobile phone, and Kaku was already online. Shi Xuan asked directly, "Does this star beast egg need energy to cultivate?"

"No? I just left it in the utility room and ignored it."

"..." Shi Xuan is very speechless. It seems that this cool card is also unknown. Because he used the method of refining to get in touch with the star beast egg, he would know that the star beast egg needs to absorb energy.

If this star beast egg continues to stay in Kaco's hands, it is estimated that he can starve to death alive, no wonder he yelled at himself the first time, it is really that Carco was hungry for too long.

There is nothing particularly good about him, he can only take it one by one to try other energy sources and see which one he likes.

There are not many common energy sources. Try the thermal energy first, but make sure that the beast eggs will not be cooked.

I took a lighter, lit it next to the star beast egg, and asked, "How about this?"

"Like! Too little!" The star beast suddenly absorbed the hot energy of the lighter, and the lighter went out.

It turns out that this guy likes burning.

I came to the kitchen, set the star beast egg on a gas stove, and then lighted the stove. Worried that the Star Beast Egg could not stand it, and turned the fire to a minimum.

"It's delicious! Too little!" The star beast egg really likes this fiery energy ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ absorbed the energy at once, and the gas stove went out.

When Shi Shixuan reopened, turned to the maximum fire position, the star beast egg suddenly sucked, and the gas stove went out immediately.

"Too little! Too little!" Anxious message came from the star beast egg.

Wu Shixuan also figured out that this guy likes hot energy, but the gas stove doesn't have enough energy to eat it.

Looking at this situation, the general fiery energy can not meet its needs at all. Is there anything in Shicheng that can meet it?

Thinking about it, it really is!

"Hey, bear with me, I'll take you to a big meal now!" Shi Xuan put the star beast eggs into the game warehouse space, the nano suit turned to stealth mode, and took off in the air.

Fang Shixuan flew straight to the eastern suburbs with the star beast eggs. From a distance, there was a towering chimney, which was where the thermal power station was located.

Although Shishicheng is a small city, it has built a small thermal power station. In addition to meeting its own power needs, it can also sell a little extra power to neighboring cities.

If you want to meet the energy requirements of the Star Beast Egg, I am afraid that only this thermal power station in Shicheng is eligible.

The chimney smoke was still on the chimney chimney, and it seemed that the power plant's furnace was working.

Shi Xuan, who was invisible, flew directly to the top of the chimney, stood on the edge of the chimney, took out the beast eggs and placed it on the chimney.

The temperature on the chimney of the working thermal power plant is as high as several hundred degrees Celsius. Shi Xuan is wearing a nano-combat suit. These high temperatures can't help him. As for the beast eggs, the hotter the better! So Shi Xuan feels pretty good standing on it ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all on ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Mobile users please read.