I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 253: Magic treatment room

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Shi Xuan quickly returned to Crescent Island with the stunned skinny monkey, rushed into the underground base with the slumped skinny monkey, "Open the biological treatment room!"

The biotherapy room is built in the base, and it looks like a large metal barrel full of houses, filled with biological nutrient solution. ®.® & reg

Under the control of "Penglai", the transparent glass cover above the biological treatment room was opened, and Shi Xuan immediately smelled a strange smell, a bit like a durian smell, but even lighter, it was the smell of the biological nutrient solution.

"What to do now?" Shi Xuan asked. He had never used it since the biotherapy room was built, and he was obscured by how to operate.

"Throw all the extra stuff like clothes, decorations, and put him in the nutrient solution."

Shi Xuan took a look. This nutrient solution was more than three meters deep, and people would definitely be flooded if they put it in. "Don't this drown someone?"

"Rest assured, even if humans breathe into the lungs and swallow the stomach, it does not matter. Instead, it can provide humans with the oxygen and nutrients that the body needs, and will not be drowned."

Although it is difficult to understand, Shi Xuan trusts Alien Technology and knows that "Penglai" will not go wrong in this regard.

The skinny monkey was still having a high fever, and he did not dare to delay it anymore. Xun quickly removed the skinny monkey's clothes and the gauze bandaged, and blood spewed out from the wound. ®.® & reg

Quickly put the skinny monkey into the nutrient solution, and immediately sank.

It is also wonderful to say that as soon as the nutrient solution is entered, the blood of the skinny monkey wound stops bleeding, and it is not expected that the red nutrient solution will be stained.

"Want to know the condition of the subject, you can check the hologram of the console."

Shi Xuan noticed that beside this huge metal bucket, there was a seat. In front of the seat was a small platform, which was a holographic imaging system.

Shi Xuan walked over and sat down, asked about the use of "Penglai", and pressed the red button on the small platform in front.

Suddenly a holographic image appeared on the platform. It was a man with one leg missing. It was the skinny monkey in the metal vat in the treatment room.

There are text notes next to it:

"Human, male, bone age 28, missing left leg, severe bacterial infection in the wound, signs of anemia due to excessive blood loss, body temperature of 4o degrees, lungs have been seriously injured many years ago, and lesions have begun to appear ..."

"Immediate treatment plan: kill infected bacteria, control body temperature, adjust nutrient solution components to supplement blood loss."

"Place medical nanomachines to remove diseased lung tissue ..."

"Add stimulating hormone, re-grow the missing tissue in the lungs, and grow the left leg ..."

Shi Xuan was so shocked and happy that she could regenerate a broken leg! It is indeed produced by alien technology!

This is the first time that Shi Xuan has used the biotherapy room. It seems that the function is much more advanced than he expected. ap

Only ten minutes later, the holographic screen prompts that the medical treatment to be taken is basically completed, and it is sufficient to wait for the treatment subject to re-grow the legs in the nutrient solution, and it takes more than an hour.

It is amazing that the lost leg can be regrown in more than an hour. Shi Xuan is very satisfied with the treatment result.

Suddenly, thinking that if the thin monkey is cured, it is not good to wake up to see the secret of the base. Shi Xuan has not planned to spread the news of the Crescent Island base yet.

"Penglai! After curing this human, can he continue to sleep for a while?"

"No problem, I just add some sleeping ingredients to the nutrient solution."

"Okay, just do it! Notify me immediately after the treatment."

"no problem!"

Shi Xuan opened a space fighter game that he hadn't played for a long time, and Pagoda contacted him, saying cheerfully: "Boss! The 1o sets of anti-material guns and Moses battleships on the interstellar market have all been successfully auctioned! At present, the team's star coin reserve has exceeded 100 million! "

Earlier, Shi Xuan built the first interstellar market in the game, and let the pagoda hang 1o sets of the most advanced equipment in the game currently available to players "Antimatter Cannon" and "Moses Battleship" for auction. In addition, The "coating armor" and other equipment that have been sold to the outside world are also sold on the team's interstellar market.

This greatly reduces the workload of the tower, and also strengthens the reputation of the team. As the only interstellar market in the current game, it is extremely popular. Gamers first think of the champion team when they want to buy equipment, which leads to the production of sold goods Degree has begun to keep up with the degree of sales.

The team ’s star coin reserve has exceeded the 100 million mark. Shi Xuan is naturally happy. At present, the fourth planet of the team ’s headquarters is just about to carry out a new round of construction. It can be considered that it is fully funded.

The tower also said: "Boss, a local tyrant player asks if we still have 'anti-material guns' and 'Moses battleships' for sale."

Shi Xuan shook his head, "I don't want to push too much of these two products to the market for the time being, so as not to reduce the technological advantage of our team. It is enough to put a small number of auctions with a gimmick, mainly by selling" coated armor " And sub-weapons, which are relatively common commodities.

"I understand the boss's meaning, so I also refused, but this local tyrant offered to exchange it with a real baby, so I asked the boss what you meant." Yanta said.

Baby in reality?

Shi Xuan's heart moved, and the treasures of these alien tyrants in reality may be a very magical existence.

"Did he say what baby?"

"Planet Transformer. Things that rich people use to play on strange planets can change the planet's environment, and can also raise pets on the planet and transform the environment into conditions suitable for pets."

"It sounds pretty powerful ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ But what can you do specifically?" Shi Xuan thought for a while and asked.

Heta explained: "I have never used these rich things, and the specifics are not very clear. Would you like to ask Jiama as the boss? He may be clear for the rich second generation."

"Okay, let me ask him first." Shi Xuan nodded and sent a message to Jiama: "Jiama, I want to ask you something!"

A reply was quickly received: "Boss! You can come, when can you get to the Pegasus galaxy?"

Shi Xuan almost forgot. In the last game, he promised Lisa to rush to the Tianma galaxy to help the "Fire Phoenix" team pass through a strange cosmic passage. The fighter plane is automatically navigating to the Tianma galaxy.

Opening the page of automatic navigation, the fighter has already arrived in the Tianma galaxy, but it stays on the periphery of the Tianma galaxy, which is far from the place where the "bath of the fire Phoenix" now appears in the universe.

"Ahem, I have just arrived." Shi Xuan said a little embarrassedly. "Give me the coordinates of the universe channel, and I will navigate now." (To be continued.)

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