I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 303: Snooping intelligence

Xu and Lisa made an appointment, and Shi Xuan immediately opened the internal chat group of the core team members.

群 This group was first established, only the first dozen members, and the last apprentice was Dalu. Even the star businessman Dadaxiu who had several transactions failed to join.

The players in this group are the core members of the championship team.

After a long period of development, the championship team has reached the 4th level, and the maximum number of teams has reached 1,000 people!

As the first team in the game, the championship team has great reputation. The captain Shi Xuan is the first person in the game for a long time, attracting a lot of gamers to join. Although Alpha, which is responsible for reviewing the recruitment, has been very strictly selected, it is still full soon, and the championship team now has a full 1,000 members.

To manage so many players, but it is a very complicated matter, Shi Xuan cannot manage by himself.

He decentralized all the main powers, and the deputy captain Alpha selected the strongest 300 players as the guards, while the other deputy captain Beta chose some players who are not keen on fighting, responsible for the construction and business of the Aries Aspects of business.

As for the remaining core players, each team has dozens to 100 members. Shi Xuan usually communicates with core players and controls the entire team through them.

Xi Shixuan immediately sent a message to the core team: "Hey, everyone here is taking a bubble!"



"Bubble ~"

Uh ...

Soon, the core players online responded, and most of them were online.

Xi Shixuan was going to Tianma galaxy to help bathe the Phoenix, and said, "Who can stay online for a long time? You can follow me to support."

Everyone responded immediately. Only Dalu and Kaco's sister, Kashan, could not participate in the games because of less activities during the school period.

Bian Shixuan asked Beta to stay in the Aries galaxy, and at the same time stepped up the construction of a super radar space station in order to launch a strategy to conquer the entire Aries galaxy. Others ordered troops from the headquarters and went with him.

Xun explained that the core team members were ready, and Shi Xuan asked Alpha to choose a starry sky position suitable for teleporting the fighters and send the coordinates to Lisa, so that she could build a star gate transmission point.

The core team members were arranged to be busy, while Shi Xuan continued to explore in the expedition mode, trying to find a way to communicate with the electromagnetic master, but there was no clue in a short time.

Time passed quickly, and the team members were ready. When Shi Xuan gave an order, more than six hundred champion team members passed through the teleportation gate one after another to support the "Fire Phoenix" team.

In the current game progress, it is very rare that so many fighters are acting at the same time, it is likely that this is the first time.

Xi Shixuan took the lead to fly out of the teleportation gate. A red fighter with dozens of bright fighters was already waiting in the void. It was Lisa who brought some members of his team to greet Shi Xuan.

Hundreds of fighter planes appeared in the championship team, and the power was amazing. Sure enough, there was the power of the first team. It was shocking to see everyone in the "Phoenix Phoenix" team. At the same time, they were full of confidence in defeating the coming foreign invasion. The low morale was also boosted.

Seeing this, Captain Lisa greeted her with joy.

"Master Brother, thank you very much for supporting us. With your support,‘ the dark moon has no stars ’, they are set to lose.”

"Oh, you're welcome. Is there any information about Darkmoon?"

"Not yet, but in the team's page information, you can see that this second team has also risen to level 4 and the number of wanted fighters is also quite a lot."

Raising the team from level 3 to level 4 is a huge bottleneck and requires a lot of team experience, but once successfully upgraded, the maximum number of players also rises from more than one hundred to one thousand, and the strength changes dramatically.

The Shizuan Xuan ’s champion team managed to defeat the Moses rebels, and gained a lot of team experience in the battle reward before they were successfully promoted to the 4th team.

At present, only the champion team and the Darkmoon Starless team have successfully upgraded to level 4 in the whole game, and the Phoenix Fire team ranks third, and it is only a level 3 team.

I don't know how the "Dark Moon Without Star" team gained a lot of team experience, but there are many adventures in the game. Maybe the "Dark Moon Without Star" team got a task that adds a lot of team experience.

Since "Dark Moon Without Star" is already a 4th-level team, there are no fewer fighters who want to invade. There are not a thousand or hundreds, which is a difficult opponent.

If it was only the "Phoenix Phoenix" that they dealt with on their own, it would be an unbeatable defeat, and the gap in the number of fighters alone would be enough to make Lisa feel hopeless.

Ji Shixuan thought for a while, and then asked, "Can you know where and when the other party entered the Tianma galaxy?"

"Yes, this system has hints."

Xun Zheng's so-called confidante knows that every other can win every battle, Shi Xuan decides to go in person and nods, and said, "I'll go and inquire about the news so that everyone can prepare."

The reason why he did not send other people is that Shi Xuan has the "Tianma Guanghua" combat skill, which can even be increased to 9 times the speed. After he has learned the news, he can definitely return safely and believe that the fighter of the Darkmoon Starless Team is impossible. To catch up, if you send someone else, you will be very likely to be destroyed by the other party.

But other people don't know this, Alpha quickly said: "Boss, you are the captain, please don't be alone and take risks, let me go!"

Seeing that Shi Xuan was going to inquire about the news herself, Li Lisa said, "How can such a thing bother you? We need to send someone to the Phoenix team."

In Lisa's opinion, the team sent to detect the news is already expected to sacrifice ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ As long as the enemy team information can be passed back, it is a victory.

Wu Shixuan shook his head. "The news returned will always be biased. I need to have accurate information to deploy countermeasures. And I have absolute certainty that the enemy ca n’t help me, so rest assured."

Alfa and Lisa persuaded a few more times, but Shi Xuan was determined and insisted on exploring the news.

Xi Shixuan asked Alpha and Lisa to take their fighters to the center of the Tianma galaxy to communicate with each other to avoid communication problems during the battle.

Xuan Shixuan himself drove the plane and flew to the place where Darkmoon Starless Team would appear.

Xun Zheng's so-called soldiers are expensive, and Shi Xuan launched the "Tianma Guanghua" combat technique, choosing the five-time speed of the longest duration, which greatly reduced the travel time.

As soon as he was about to reach the destination star zone, the cooldown time of the "Tianma Guanghua" combat technique was over, and he could continue to use it.

Hearing the news, it is not necessary for the fighter to fly in person. Now that it is close enough, Shi Xuan has launched several detection satellites to detect intelligence, but he stopped far away.

According to the system prompt, the time is also when the enemy can appear as soon as possible. Of course, the "Dark Moon Without Star" team can also choose to start later, and the arrival time will be delayed accordingly. It depends on their own choice. .

Looking at the several detection satellites flying to the starry sky in front of the black hole, Shi Xuan calmly waited for the appearance of the enemy team ...