I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 354: Missile test launch

The brown-skinned beauty reporter turned her hair strands scattered by the sea breeze and asked with a chuckle, "So is the captain confident to complete the mission?"

Looking at the beautiful beauty reporter in front of him, the secretion of male hormones in Sumatra accelerated, and she couldn't help but swallow. Haha laughed: "On the fishing boats and sampan boards in Kiris, 'Sigma' does not need to open fire. Can knock them all into the sea ... "

The beauty reporter Shishi expressed his admiration for him, and even made Sumatra excited and interested. He invited him to take the initiative and said, "It is just that we are going to test launch the newly modified Harpoon anti-ship missile. Would you like to see it? ? "

This is a temporary intention of Sumatra. This live broadcast program was originally planned without this content. If it can broadcast the warships launching missiles on site, of course, it will be beneficial to improve the ratings.

The beauty reporter nodded in excitement, clapping and laughing, "That's great! It can also let the people of Nanyang know the power of warships, and it will also open my eyes."

Sumatra smiled awkwardly. "Okay, come with me!"

Take the beauty reporter to the middle and rear of the battleship, where a metal frame is erected, with four large, inclined columns on it.

Although the beauty reporter is not a professional military personnel, you can also know that this is the missile launcher, and the four huge cylinders should contain missiles.

She touched the missile launcher with excitement. "Is this a Harpoon anti-ship missile?"

Sumatra nodded. "Originally, the Sigma was installed with ordinary light missiles. Just last year, our beloved President, Mr. Hartbee, visited Citi, and a series of agreements were reached between the two countries. One of them was very The important result is the purchase of an advanced anti-ship missile system 'Harpoon' from Citi and installation on several advanced frigates in our navy. "

The beauty reporter nodded and looked at the missile launcher. "It turned out to be new, no wonder the surface is so bright."

Sumatra looked at the female reporter, and she clearly did not understand the advanced nature and significance of the Harpoon anti-ship missile, and she could not appreciate the power of the Sigma, which made Sumatra a little unhappy.

As a result, Sumatra explained in detail: "This harpoon missile is an all-weather subsonic anti-ship missile developed by Citi, and it is also the most advanced anti-ship active missile in the Navy of Citi's many allies."

"Oh? This missile is so advanced!" The beauty reporter was a bit surprised. As we all know, Nanyang has bought a lot of military equipment from Citi, but most of them are second-rate products. The most advanced equipment has never been heard of.

Seeing the other party ’s attention, Sumatra proudly raised his head. "Of course, we must know that the Harpoon missile is now widely used by the Citi Navy. Its flight speed is Mach 0.9 and it is used to attack sea targets within 130 kilometers. At the end of the flight, a sea-sweeping trajectory is used, and multiple attack routes can be selected at the same time according to the position of the target being attacked. "

He paused, in the eyes of the beauty reporter, and continued: "With the Harpoon missile system, the Sigma has a highly mobile long-range anti-ship capability, and the missile has strong anti-jamming capability and range. Far, hit rate as high as 95%! "

"That's great!" The beauty reporter smiled, "It's amazing that our country's warships have such advanced missiles as Citigroup! Can we really see such advanced missile launches today?"

"Oh, of course, just wait a moment." Su Menla smiled, because it was a temporary decision, the missiles have not been placed in the launch pad, and some preparation time is needed.

The two laughed in front of the camera. Shi Xuan watched the show, and his heart moved. This Nanyang country wanted to show its force through a TV program, which is also a kind of propaganda war. You know, there are a lot of people in Kiris who watch this TV in Nanyang, causing panic, fear, and even dissatisfaction with the Mbeki government, which can cause some trouble for Shi Xuan.

Although with Shi Xuan's strength, any reaction to the people of Kiris can be controlled, but watching these proud performances of these Nanyang people, Shi Xuan was also very disgusted, frowning, counting on his heart.

"Penglai, can you determine the location of the Nanyang ship on this live show?"

"Of course you can. Nanyang has been under my close surveillance, especially military units, and their 24-hour whereabouts are all under my surveillance."

Shi Xuan smiled slightly. "Well, let's play with them before we start fighting."

After a while, Captain Sumatra of Sigma received notification from his subordinates that the missile was ready, and even the target ship was found.

This target ship was an accident, because it was a temporary intentional test firing. Originally, Sumatra was only intended to launch missiles into the unmanned high seas, and no target ship was prepared.

But not long ago, a nearby patrol ship captured a merchant ship stolen from the country of Kiris. There were Kiris civilians who wanted to avoid the flames of war.

These civilians are considered middle class in the country of Kiris. After the declaration of war in Nanyang, they tried to leave Kiris. They were not the richest group in the country, so they did not grab the left airplane seats and settled for the next best. A private ship left the country of Kiris, which was about to enter a war, in the form of a stowaway.

The Nanyang patrol ship seized the stowaway and arrested everyone, and the confiscated merchant ship was requisitioned by Sumatra, who knew the situation nearby, as a target for missile test firing.

"Look, this ship sneaked in from Kiris is the target of our missile test this time." Sumatra gave a proud finger to the distance.

The beauty reporter looked down and saw a merchant ship parked on the sea. The photographer next to him pulled the lens closer and could clearly see the national flag of Kiris on board.

The beauty reporter asked: "Where are the people above? Have they been removed?"

"Of course, these Kiris must be tried by the laws of Nanyang." Sumatra smiled. "Most of the ships of Kiris are ships with such displacement. They are used as targets. You can see that in Nanyang In front of the warship missile, how the Kiris ship was torn into pieces and sunk into the sea! "

"Hehe ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ We'll wait and see." The beauty reporter smiled, and the photographer locked the lens to the missile launcher.

The lid on one of the cylinders of the launcher had already been opened, exposing a sharp missile head, firing a shocking metallic light.

The television screen stayed aiming at the missile for a few minutes. When seeing the missile on the launcher, ordinary people can think of the powerful bomb in this upcoming missile, and they will feel intimidated.

It can be imagined that when ordinary people in Kiris watch this TV program, they will definitely be deterred.

"Three, two, one ... launch!"

The Harpoon anti-ship missile spewed a flaming tail flame and shot angrily at the blue sky ...

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