I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 86: Free time

On the other side, Angkor found that he could finally log in to the public account. He complained about the WeChat security department in his mouth and added the sentence at the beginning of the film review: "I'm sorry to tell you, because this film review violated" Decision Star Wars " In the interests of the producers, the public account has been hacked for 8 hours, resulting in everyone's inaccessibility. Angkor here strongly condemns this hooliganism and maintains the legal right to hold accountable. "

As soon as this word came out, the fans were very excited, and they all clamored to resist watching Star Wars.

For Shi Xuan, the situation is getting worse.

Xinzhuang Huixian finally called and the promotional video was made. Shi Xuan looked on the Internet and felt very satisfied. She not only showed the special effects of the movie, but it was not too spoiler.

It's time to let the super hacker “Qin Jian Take the End of the World”, and quickly went to the game warehouse to open the public account page of “Spicy Tongue Movie”.

Under the pressure of the alien technology of the game warehouse, the defense of any Internet webpage is useless. To Shi Xuan, he is as comfortable as walking in his back garden.

Shi Xuan directly and rudely inserted a video link to the new promotional video at the top of the Angkor film review, saying: "How can the facts be denigrated, the special effect of" Decisive Star Wars "has finished Citigroup, and the video is dry in 20 minutes. ! "

At first, fans were scolding hackers for invading the public account. Later, some people opened the link to watch it. The amazing and shocking special effects of Star Wars made them speechless. Many people began to doubt Angkor ’s strong subjective film reviews. Fans asked questions politely.

When Angkor saw that the critics' webpage had been attacked and changed, he was so angry that he immediately opened a WeChat phone call and sweared!

勇 Weixin's security director Qu Yong was walking to the garage to drive home, and suddenly received an emergency report call from his subordinate: "Supervisor, another hacker has invaded the public account."

Qu Yong returned to work with great anger, turned on the special computer, and first contacted Chen Long: "What's going on? Is the '12 Zodiac Meeting 'going to fight with me?"

When Chen Chenlong was confused, after learning that someone had attacked the public account webpage again, he also said with some anger: "I will investigate immediately, if it is her, she will be expelled from the organization immediately!"

Chen Long approached Meng Jiali and was told that other hackers might have taken up the task at the Darkmoon Singularity Forum, so he told Qu Yong: "This invasion has nothing to do with the '12 Zodiac Association '. It is estimated that there are other hackers in the forum. The black market has taken over the task. You can take the task, and if necessary, I can personally help. "

Chen Long's statement, naturally, is certainly not that the previous hackers were invading, but also promised to be able to hold hands when necessary. Qu Yong is even more confident. In the Chinese hacking industry, "Chen Long" and "Thirty-Three Days" joined forces together. , You can just walk sideways.

Of course, as a super hacker, Qu Yong is also very proud. He will not ask Chen Long to take action unless he has to do so.

Qu Yong first wanted to try to delete the link and text added by Shi Xuan on the webpage, but found that no matter how he deleted it, or even directly deleted it on the WeChat server hard disk, the link and text could be restored instantly!

It's incredible. This technology is unheard of. It seems to be much stronger than the last hacked hack. Is it also a super hacker?

Super hackers generally do not easily shoot. Most of the domestic super hackers, Qu Yong are clear, Chen Long has confirmed that he is not a "12 Zodiac Association" person, then you can exclude 5 and then exclude yourself, and only two remain. It's gone.

两个 The two super hackers are said to be a husband and wife, known as "Sophisticated Lovers", and the net names are "Ignorance of Love" and "Deeper and Deeper".

But the style of this invasion is different from this couple's usual habits, and Qu Yong is unlikely to be them.

No matter who he is, Qu Yong is now facing the battle, which is both a responsibility and a glory.

Since he was unable to defend the opponent, Qu Yong simply did not defend, and chose the last response method to directly find out the other side's bottom line.

Open the special software and start tracking the other party's whereabouts.

However, Qu Yong was once again shocked by the facts. He found that the other party seemed to jump out of nothingness. He could not even find a broiler of the other party, let alone tracking.

This unscientific! No matter how strong the hackers are, they must hide their real IP by linking many broilers as a springboard.

The strength of the hacker can usually be estimated by controlling the number of broilers. Like Qu Yong himself, as a super hacker, he can control about 100,000 broilers.

In other words, there may be 100,000 personal computer or server of unknowingly netizens, being used by Qu Yong as a springboard for broiler chickens, hacking and defending.

When he used the name "Thirty-Three Days" to carry out network attacks and defenses on the network, the other party could only find one of the 100,000 broilers, and he would not know that it was actually dedicated to the WeChat network security department. machine.

In the offense and defense with previous hackers, Qu Yong may not be able to trace the real IP of the other party, but he will always obtain a certain number of broilers, but this time, it is very strange that no broiler was found ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Make him have to shock somehow.

Xi Shixuan is a public account webpage directly hacked through the game warehouse. There is no broiler at all. Of course, Qu Yong can't find it. The way the game warehouse is connected to the Internet, even if you want to break Qu Yong's head, it is impossible to imagine.

So in Qu Yong's view, this hacker who attacked the webpage appeared out of thin air without any trace.

Xun Shi exerted all his strengths, and there was no trace of progress, and Qu Yong's brain could not help but burst into sweat.

At this moment, the phone on the desk rang, and he was the vice president in charge of network security. "I heard that a well-known public account has been hacked and has not recovered yet? Is it true?"

"There is such a thing, we are taking countermeasures."

"It must be resolved as soon as possible! This is very important to our credibility, and the longer the time, the worse it is for us."

勇 Qu Yong also understands this situation, but the hacker he faced this time is not ordinary. He has no confidence in his heart now, and said stubbornly: "We will try our best to restore the normality of the webpage."

"The president is also concerned about whether this matter can be resolved in a timely manner, I am afraid it will affect the year-end bonus of your network security department, you take care of it." After that, the vice president hung up the phone.

The year-end bonus is a huge income for everyone. If he messes up this time, he will not be able to account for it, whether it is up or down.

Looking at the head of "Chen Long" in the communication software, there is no other way. Now is not the time to ask for face.

Qu Yong opened the dialog with "Chen Long" and sent an image of a fist in the past, "Are you free to take a hand ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular The serial works are all at ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Please read for mobile users.