I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 6: .Various postures to grasp the strong

Zhang Dongyun's face changed slightly.

He estimated that every time the number changed, the time interval was about one second.

If so, then this number...


Zhang Dongyun looked serious.

What's the countdown?

[The initial invincibility time of the system is one year, which is calculated as 31536000 seconds.

When the lord is in the city, the countdown starts automatically.

If the city lord is outside the city, the timing will be temporarily suspended, until the city lord enters the city again, the time will continue]

Zhang Dongyun wanted to curse.

This has nothing to do with my original setting...

Suddenly, his eyes flashed, as if thinking of something.


The invincible city in front of me is a product of the combination of the core fragments of the fairy trail and the invincible city system.

Fragmentation, the description is incomplete.

Is this the reason for the time limit of system invincibility?

How to extend the invincibility time... Zhang Dongyun asked the system.

[Fusion of other fairy trail fragments can extend the invincibility time.

All the fragments are collected and recovered completely, there is no longer a time limit]

After listening to the system's answer, Zhang Dongyun was thoughtful.

The fairy trail disintegrated and shattered, drifting and scattered.

The evil emperor Ming Tonghui got the most core fragment.

At that time, the other people in the fairy trail, the enemy and the enemy, had their own gains.

It was just that the situation was in a mess at the time, and Ming Tonghui was not sure where each piece of debris was.

However, some of the Twelve Yama Jieyi brothers and sisters seem to have gained something.

However, where everyone is now is unknown.

It’s hard to say whether it’s an enemy or a friend...

Zhang Dongyun sighed slightly.

According to the memory of the evil emperor, the Xianji incident at that time was full of doubts.

The Twelve Yama's visit to the immortal ruins should have been secretive, but a large number of enemies came to besiege.

At that time, the evil emperor Ming Tonghui noticed that one person had a problem.

Ten brother, "Sirius" Yang Li.

Unfortunately, the situation was chaotic at the time, and he failed to capture Yang Li.

To make matters worse, there is more than one traitor, otherwise there will be no consequences.

The fog is heavy, except for Yang Li's flaws, it is difficult to tell who is loyal to and who is evil.

Like the evil emperor Ming Tonghui, the others in the Twelve Yamas scattered their things afterwards, including Yang Li, and most of them concealed their names or changed their identities.

……No matter who is loyal to or evil, if you want to find out one by one, it is a difficult problem first.

Zhang Dongyun smiled bitterly.

Is it so difficult to be an otaku town owner?

If the issue of time limit is not clear for the time being, then the scope of the city should be expanded as much as possible right now.

Although it is difficult to find 10,000 people, this problem needs to be solved before other construction tasks can be refreshed.

So, where am I going to find so many people to fill my city?

Zhang Dongyun coded his current geographical environment of Chang'an City.

Longling, deep mountains and old forests, inaccessible.

Except for a small number of mountain people, ordinary people are rarely seen, but more practitioners go into the mountains to hunt for treasure.

Baiyunyuan, a famous and vicious place in Longling, is extremely barren, with few natural treasures, let alone ordinary mortals, and even practitioners stay away.

...Chang'an City is located in Baiyunyuan, Longling.

Poor mountains and rivers, really not optimistic!

Zhang Dongyun sighed in his heart.

Not to mention that the homeland is difficult to leave, the people may not be willing to move here.

Even if they are willing to move, Chang'an City is deep in the dense forest of Longling, and the road is a big problem.

Even if they could fool...no, their original rulers would definitely not be happy to attract people to come here.

Far outside the city, far away from the mountain, City Lord Zhang couldn't directly rob people.

You can let yourself fly in the city. If you go out of the city, it might be another matter.

It is a way to play prestige first in the city, and then fake tiger prestige outside the city and bluff.

But it is hard to guarantee that you will no longer run into the kind of stubborn fellow Cao.

City Lord Zhang's true cultivation strength still needs to be improved.

This is also convenient for keeping secrets, making it difficult for others to guess the truth of Invincible City, and avoiding enemy opponents not retreating without fighting and blocking the gates of the outer city.

Although City Lord Zhang has no survival or safety issues as long as he stays in the city, isn't that the same as going to jail?

Being happy to stay at home and being locked up by others are two different things.

Moreover, Zhang Dongyun is quite interested in the practice of this fantasy world.

This invincible city is a place for training, and the environment is quite superior.

With the invincible city system in Chang'an City, although you can't directly improve your cultivation level, you can mobilize a strong spiritual energy to help you practice.

This body of him right now is the jade fetus of spirit stone that the evil emperor treasured in the past, the spirit of Zhong Tiandi.

Used to practice martial arts, innate roots are far better than ordinary people.

Among the various methods of practice, the martial arts practitioners have the power to belong to themselves, and the strength of the blood and the spirit makes the spirits and spirits change.

Full of murderous intent and fierce actual combat, these are all advantages, but while the strength of the whole body is condensed in the flesh and blood, there are also some disadvantages.

For example, it is difficult to reincarnate and rebuild.

The evil emperor had prepared the reincarnation of the spirit stone jade fetus. On the one hand, his cultivation realm was high enough and the main road was unified, and he had gradually begun to cross the inherent barriers. On the other hand, he benefited from the core fragments of the fairy trail.

If you want to improve your true realm as soon as possible, this path is the most suitable.

As for the secrets of magic arts, there are not only the "Evil Emperor Jing" that the evil emperor Ming Tonghui used to run the world in the past years, and other secrets and secrets he has collected and memorized.

With the memory aid of the evil emperor's experience, you don't have to worry about going wrong in your own practice when you travel through the Hakka City Lord.

At the same time, I can use the power of Invincible City to analyze the profound secrets and make them easy to understand, instantly understandable.

Even on the basis of what the Evil Emperor had learned, he further improved it.

However, with only one year, it is really hard to say what level of progress can be reached.

Now we need to take a multi-pronged approach to accelerate...

Zhang Dongyun thought while appearing in front of Old Blood Shadow.

The blood-red figure was full of smoke, and the other party was dying.

Seeing Zhang Dongyun, the old demon said with difficulty: "Your Majesty is forgiving..."

Zhang Dongyun looked indifferent: "Compared to your infidelity, I hate your stupidity more."

"Your Majesty is forgiving..." Xueying said quickly: "The old slave had previously improperly practiced and became obsessed with the devil. For a while, he would be disrespectful when he lost his mind. It is really not what he really wanted. I hope your Majesty will be forgiving."

"No next time." Zhang Dongyun said lightly.

As soon as the voice fell, the blue smoke on the blood shadow disappeared.

"Thanks your majesty for your kindness! Thank your majesty for your kindness!" The blood shadow said repeatedly: "The old slave must be cautious in his words and deeds and be loyal to your Majesty."

He turned into a **** light and flew back to Zhang Dongyun's blood ring on his finger.

"Go outside the city to inspect, there are people who are close, leaving their lives, and capturing them back to the city."

Zhang Dongyun took off the Blood Lord and threw it into the air.

There was a flash of blood on the ring: "Please follow your majesty's order, and the old slave will go now."

Surrounded by blood red light, the Blood Lord immediately flew out of Chang'an City.

Although Zhang Dongyun did not bless the ban in the ring, the blood shadow old demon could not betray the slightest heart and acted honestly.

He recovered from his previous injuries and was short-lived.

This time Zhang Dongyun didn't heal him, and the old blood shadow demon was still seriously injured and weak.

But the previous experience of recovery made him think about it, and he only hoped that after he faithfully obeyed his orders, his majesty could grant him more grace to recover him.

Zhang Dongyun watched Xueguang leave and nodded slightly.

The evil emperor's move to refine the core of the immortal ruins, and the fragmentation of the core of the immortal ruins into the city of Chang'an afterwards, all caused huge movements.

The outside world may have noticed that someone might be looking for treasure.

A certain city lord named Zhang couldn't ask for it.

Finding someone out of the city may be difficult for the time being.

If others want to come into the city, Zhang Dongyun said it was forgotten.

If you can conquer a few suitable people to run errands for yourself, perhaps City Lord Zhang can complete system tasks without leaving the city.

It would be better if we could continue the invincible time and find the fairy trail fragments, and we could also issue orders and send people to solve them in the city.

At the moment, there are three or two big cats and kittens in this city, so let's act as the first batch of tool people. Let's try it out.

Previously inherited the status of the evil emperor, but left the lives of the old blood shadow demon and other people. It seems that it was done right, and it may come in handy next.

Zhang Dongyun came to the river of blood.