I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 606: .Killed into nothing

"I'm willing to give orders from Chang'an." Ji Qingwen suddenly spoke at this moment.

And, she fell on one knee to Zhang Dongyun on the throne.

Long Chuan's body shook slightly and turned to look at the opponent.

Without a word, Ji Qingwen bowed his head to Zhang Dongyun, just waiting for Zhang Dongyun to fall.

Zhang Dongyun calmly looked at the two people who were kneeling and standing next to each other, and did not rush to speak.

Long Chuan watched Ji Qingwen, and after standing silent for a long time, he finally retracted his gaze, without saying a word, and fell on one knee to Zhang Dongyun.

Zhang Dongyun didn't care about their manners, and said indifferently: "Capital sins are forgiven, and living sins are hard to forgive. First go down to the mortal world and beat them, and then make trouble."

Ji Qingwen and Longchuan were only detained before and were not sent to work on the construction site.

But they saw other prisoners being taken away to act as coolies, and they knew what Zhang Dongyun meant to be beaten in the world.

Long Chuan's complexion tightened, and endless humiliation was born in his heart.

Killing a man is no more than nodding his head, and being so humiliated is really more uncomfortable than killing him on the spot.

But Longchuan remained silent after all, bowed his head to Zhang Dongyun, expressing his obedience.

On the side, Ji Qingwen has no expression on his face, and the same action: "Yes."

Zhang Dongyun waved his hand, and the two immediately disappeared in the hall.

They came back to their senses, and people had returned to the Temple of Heavenly Punishment.

Later, there will be further specific arrangements for them announced.

Long Chuan was silent and looked at Ji Qingwen.

Ji Qingwen said indifferently: "For your Majesty, can you not bear this?"

Long Chuan finally said: "Your Majesty hates the Chang'an City Lord, and Chang'an City Lord does this to further humiliate your Majesty. If your Majesty knows, I am afraid that he would not want to sever himself, and he would not want to see the current situation."

Ji Qingwen turned his head to look at him, with clear eyes and a calm tone: "Don't make decisions for your majesty."

Hearing the words, Longchuan suffocated slightly.

There is no ups and downs in Ji Qingwen's tone: "Persist. All we need to do is persevere. Persevere until your Majesty wakes up, and where to go by then, everything is up to your majesty."

Long Chuan listened and fell silent again.

Ji Qingwen said: "Don't worry about whether Chang'an City deliberately calculates us by this, but whenever there is a glimmer of hope, we can only persevere. For that day, our object of allegiance now is Chang'an City. Before your Majesty wakes up, don't have extra Your own ideas will only be self-defeating~lightnovelpub.net~Get cash] Follow the vx public account~lightnovelpub.net~ and you can also get cash!

After Long Chuan was silent for a while, he nodded gently: "I understand."

Ji Qingwen immediately stopped speaking.

The two fell silent again, until the deacon from the Temple of Punishment came and led them one to the bottom of the deserted sea in the east and the other to the deep mountains of the Xiniu Hezhou mainland to work separately.

Don't say whether they are happy or not. They are within the scope of Invincible City. Zhang Dongyun rubs them as he pleases.

After dealing with Ji Qingwen and Long Chuan, Zhang Dongyun's attention was refocused on his own practice and the completion of system construction tasks.

Obtaining more Moxing Iron is of great benefit to his practice.

However, it still takes a lot of time and energy to break through from the thirteenth realm to the fourteenth realm.

City Lord Zhang couldn't help but wonder if he could have more gains.

Right now, I can only walk slowly by myself one step at a time.

Of course, he said that he was walking slowly, compared to other people's practice, he was already much faster.

It's just that after breaking out of Yanhuang and rushing into the universe, the world is suddenly much wider than before, so it is inevitable that City Master Zhang has a somewhat urgent emotion in his heart.

This kind of emotion is not beneficial to the practice and needs to be resolved slowly by yourself.

In contrast, the situation on Wu Mingjie's side went smoother than expected.

In one sentence, Wu Mingjie has been suffering for a long time.

The kendo inheritance of this school is destined to not be constructive and progressive enlightened rulers.

Destruction and killing are the eternal theme of the Sword Extermination faction.

Their need for stability is limited to a certain degree of cohesion and centripetal force within their own sects, not to kill each other, and to take care of each other.

It's like a sword, besides the blade, there is always the spine of the sword.

But externally, the Exterminating Sword Sect is just like their inherited sword intent, destroying all things and slaughtering sentient beings.

Although no specific statistical data has been collected yet, the Sword Exterminator has replaced Senluo Sword Palace in the past few years, and there is no one in the world's total population.

Even, everyone thinks this is an extremely conservative data.

Today's Wumingjie, when you look around, the land and sea are all desolate.

The once densely populated dynasty world has all turned into inaccessible wasteland.

When Senluo Sword Palace first counterattacked Wumingjie, it was as if breaking through at first, and soon took over half of the Wumingjie area, which was derived from the remaining factions here, and they strongly supported it.

It's just a pity that the Sword Extermination faction is indeed tyrannical and tough, and it withstood the counterattack of Senluo Sword Palace abruptly and waited until the injured forest recovered.

As a result, a wave of reversal, Wu Mingjie all suffered once again.

Not only did the descendants of Senluo Sword Palace fled with heavy casualties, the other forces that had survived were also purged.

When Ao Kong, Gu Pu, Fu Yuting and others went back this time, looking at Wumingjie again, it was almost a blank land, which was not an exaggeration.

For Chang'an City and Senluo Sword Palace, the Sword Destruction faction helped them to slaughter all the local tycoons, and there will be no direct or secret resistance to what they want to do next.

But Wu Mingjie, whose vitality is greatly injured, wants to restore the state where talented people and masters are like clouds in the past, I am afraid it will take decades or even longer.

For Zhang Chengzhu, occupying this place can only get secular population resources.

As for the practitioners, except for the Senluo Sword Palace, this place is basically blank.

Regardless of the relevant resources of the world, there are still some remaining, but if you want to mine, you need manpower and material resources, and it can't be solved immediately.

After Longchuan and Ji Qingwen, the two great martial emperors, first cultivated the habit within the scope of Invincible City, Zhang Dongyun deliberately sent them to Wumingjie to mine...

In short, under the condition of being poor and white, Gu Pu and others still face considerable challenges if they want to carry out their work.

City Lord Zhang can only wish them good luck.

He needs some good luck himself.

For example, what Taiyi Sect, what Doushi Academy, what Blood Qi Demon Venerable...

At the same time, it also includes the Pure Land of Cihang and the Pure Land of Ananda.

At the moment, Buddhism still has a black eye on the various things that have happened in the Yanhuang Realm.

They sent a lot of staff, eager to know the specific situation.

But under Zong Tianxuan's sword, no matter how many people, it is difficult to get past the thunder pond.

Under the martial arts gods blocking the void, people stood there, and almost all of them were blocked in all directions.