I Have Six Big Cubs

Chapter 376: Shen Yan acted like a baby

"Dare you!" Jun Yuan glared at Han Yichen: "Don't forget, we are a family, she is just an outsider! If you help her, you will eat inside and out!"

Han Yichen glanced at her: "It's useless for you to threaten me. Even if my dad is here, he still doesn't help me."

What's more, Li was still on his father's side.

It's okay for Han Yichen not to say, but when he talks about Jun Yuan, she blows up her hair.

"Do you know what you are talking about? How could your dad help that vixen? Do you know..."


Jun Yuan's voice stopped abruptly.

She covered her face in disbelief and looked at Shen Yan: "You hit me?"

"It's you who hit."

"You hit me?"

Shen Yan slapped her on the other face again, and directly slapped Jun Yuan into a daze.

"Believe that I hit you now?" Shen Yan shook his hand.

The effect of force is mutual. I forgot this one just now, the start is a bit heavy, and the hand is a bit painful at the moment.

After shaking his hand twice, he was held by a strong force.

She looked over and saw that Feng Ming, who had left the house early in the morning, did not know when he would return. At this time, she had a gloomy face, as if a storm was brewing.

"Does it hurt?"


Shen Yan looked at his good-looking profile, the ghost said such a word, and after she finished speaking, she realized that she was hypocritical.

Just hitting a person, how much can it hurt?

However, Feng Ming took it seriously. Painfully put her hand to her lips and blew it gently, then rubbed it twice in her palm before looking at Jun Yuan.

"Are you Mu Kun's woman?"

When Jun Yuan saw Feng Ming, she had already put down her hands and placed them in front of her.

If it weren't for the two slap prints on her face, she would be a standard lady.

But the way she is now, it doesn't seem to mention how funny it is.


"Very good. Go back and tell Mu Kun, prepare to be removed from the four major families."

Jun Yuan's eyes widened in horror: "Wh...what?"

Han Yichen was originally concerned about the interaction between Shen Yan and Feng Ming. After hearing Feng Ming's words, he subconsciously looked at it, his eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Shen Yan also looked at Feng Ming in surprise, but unlike Jun Yuan, she didn't quite believe that Feng Ming had this ability.

The status of the four major families was that she spent a lot of energy to stabilize and consolidate, and it was not so easy to defeat her skills, especially when the other party was an "ancient person", which was even more difficult.

At this moment, Mu Kun who received the news rushed over, and Han Ming was with him, and the two were doing errands nearby when they received the call.

As he approached, Han Ming saw Shen Yan who was grasped by the man at a glance, and immediately rushed up.

"Let her go!"

Shen Yan also saw Han Ming and Mu Kun, and cast a look at them to signal them to stay calm.

But Han Ming was so nervous about Shen Yan that he didn't see Shen Yan's hint to him and rushed straight to Feng Ming.

"You let me go! You know what bullying a woman is!"

Shen Yan: "..."

The misunderstanding seems a bit big.

She twitched her hand, without twitching, she said to Han Ming, "He is here to help me."

"Really?" Han Ming made it clear that he didn't believe it.

"Really." As she said, she motioned to Han Ming to see Jun Yuan.

Han Ming followed her meaning and looked over, the next second, he was happy.

"Oh, isn't this Madam Mu? Oh, what's wrong with this face, why are there so many fingerprints on it?"