I Have Six Big Cubs

Chapter 84: Anxious Shen Yan

As soon as his words fell, Mu Kun yelled angrily: "Hunboy, what are you talking about! I am your father, did you speak like this?"

Mu Feiye stopped talking.

He drove away and did not return until the evening.

But he did not come back alone, he also brought a noble lady back.

Just as Mu Kun went downstairs to eat, he panicked when he saw Mu Feiye leading people in.

"Madam, why are you here?"

The visitor was Mu Kun's wife, Jun Yuan.

Jun Yuan is in her forties, but because she is well maintained, she seems to be in her early thirties.

She was born in a scholarly family, and she is a rich daughter and well-educated.

I saw her Yingying walking up to Mu Kun, unhappy or angry, "Master, you haven't called home for so long since you've been out, don't you worry about your home at all?"

Mu Kun was a little guilty, "Isn't this going to go back, you are here."

Behind him, Mu Feiye looked at his father and wife's strict look, shook his head helplessly, and walked away silently.

Jun Yuan smiled lightly, "I have arranged everything at home, and we will be vacationing these few days. Let's relax and relax."

Mu Kun breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, just tell me where you want to go."

Jun Yuan nodded, "Okay. I heard that Han Ming has also come over, arguing with someone on the Internet for a young artist, and causing trouble to the family."

For some reason, he obviously didn't participate in this matter. Why does he always feel guilty?

"I don't know about it, so I will ask him when I turn around."

When Mu Kun said this, his eyes were a little dodge, and he did not escape Jun Yuan's eyes.

But Jun Yuan didn't say anything in the end.


In the past two days, Shen Yan was a little anxious.

Since knowing that Xu Huaiman was not the Xu Huaiman she was looking for, she started to do this.

After she woke up, the matter of revenge occupied more than half of her mind. Now she told her that the enemy had been reincarnated. Who would she seek to revenge?

After sitting in the courtyard and sighing for the Nth time, Feng Jing sat beside her.

"Mother, do you miss your brother and them?"

Shen Yan glanced at him, "What do you want? Only your father knows where they are, but he doesn't tell us."

Feng Jing had never seen his mother so quiet.

In the impression, she has always been turbulent, with a carefree temperament, and never concealed her words, how could she have such a sad look as she is now.

He couldn't help but suspect that it was a wrong decision to tell her about Xu Huaiman.

He wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know how to speak, so he sat beside her in silence.

"Jing'er, in fact, I know that we will never go back to Qingluan country again. I keep saying that when we find your brothers, we will go back, but where is the possibility of turning back time?"

Feng Jing was stunned, and immediately felt very unhappy.

He thought that if he didn't say broken, his mother would have hope, but...

"Mother, don't worry, we can definitely find them."

"Well, I'm not worried. If you are with me, we can definitely be reunited. But Jinger, you are all grown up, and you will soon get married and have your own home.

But I am different, your father betrayed me, I can't do anything to him, and definitely there is no possibility of being with him. Apart from Qingluan Country, I don't know where else I can go. "

Feng Jinggang wanted to say that his father had not betrayed her, suddenly his eyes flashed and his head became dizzy.

When he woke up, he was already lying on the bed.

Shen Yan sat next to her bed all night, and finally felt relieved when he saw him waking up.

"Jing'er, how do you feel?"

Feng Jing's eyes gradually focused, and finally fell on her, holding her hand abruptly, "Mother, I seem to see the second brother..."