I Have Six Plug-ins

Chapter 122: Slurry 3/10

Dian Wei didn't care about this, and instead asked, "How many people in this faction choose Mysterious Snake Vine Serum?"

Hua Qiong thought for a while: "There are quite a few people who choose this Mysterious Snake Vine Serum, um, there are at least two out of ten people. After all, everyone wants to improve their realm faster, right?"

Dian Wei immediately asked: "Mysterious snake vine serum can be used by both men and women, right?"

Hua Qiong nodded: "That's natural. Although there are mostly women in this faction, these twenty or thirty kinds of slurries have been refined by men and women before, and there is no problem."

Just have a girl!

Dian Wei was refreshed and said with a smile: "Then the disciple should also choose this Mysterious Snake Vine Serum."

Seeing this, Hua Fen's eyes flashed, and she said silently: "You don't need to think about it carefully? Once you have refined the black snake vine slurry, it will be too late to regret it."

Hua Qiong also said: "Yeah, this is something that will determine your life, you must consider it carefully, and don't leave endless regrets in the future."

Dian Wei said seriously: "This disciple has already thought about it very clearly, so he chose this Mysterious Snake Vine Serum."

Listen to him say that, what else can anyone else say.

"In that case..."

Hua Fenchong Huaqiong nodded lightly.

Immediately, Hua Qiong turned around and walked towards the backstage. After a while, she turned back and handed a vial to Dian Wei.

Dian Wei took it and opened it to see that the bottle was filled with a thick cyan-colored slurry, exuding a slightly bitter and sour smell.

"This is the Mysterious Snake Vine Serum. After you take it orally, you can refine it according to the law. If there is no accident, it should be successful at one time." Hua Fen pointed out.

"One-time success? Alienation of blood is so easy?!" Dian Wei raised his eyebrows.

You must know that when he practiced the mountain-moving technique, in order to alienate his blood, he ate a wax pill, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Hua Fen smiled and said: "This is the characteristic of this sect's "Chi Mu Gong". It is very easy to get started, very easy to practice, and the speed of advancement is very fast. Of course, I have already told you what the shortcomings are."

Dian Weiluo pondered: "I heard people say that when practicing martial arts, you need to eat animal meat to nourish your body, so what do you eat when you practice "Chi Mu Gong"?"

Hua Fen was silent for a while, and said slowly: "About this, even if you don't ask, I will tell you carefully. I wonder if you have heard of 'demon'?"

Dian Wei: "I've heard it mentioned before, some people say that the demon is real, and some people say it's to scare children."

Hua Fen: "The monster is real, the question is, how did the monster appear?"

She took a few words to tell Dian Wei the truth about the martial artist's loss of control and turning into a demon.

Hua Fen sighed: "In view of this, the master of this sect believes that part of the reason why the warriors are out of control is caused by a large amount of tonic meat from different animals, so his old man has set a rule that the disciples of this sect are not allowed to eat meat. "

Dian Wei frowned, "If you don't eat meat, how can you nourish your body?"

Hua Fen: "The patriarch of this sect found an alternative. In this Hanxiang Valley, there are some strange treasure trees, and the fruits they bear also have a strong nourishing effect, which can meet the needs of cultivation. Eating these fruits to cultivate."

Dian Wei frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

Listening to what Huafen said, eating meat was completely rejected by the Hanxiang Sect, but it seems that as long as you eat the special fruits of Hanxiang Valley, the martial artist will not lose control.

is it possible?

Dian Wei knows the essence of martial arts: directional mutation!

Every time a martial artist becomes stronger, the degree of physical alienation increases, and the associated risk is loss of control.

Whether it is eating meat or eating fruit, the result is actually the same, both are nourishing themselves, but the effect is different.

Moreover, the loss of control of the martial artist can only be reduced to a controllable range, which is almost unavoidable.

Dian Weiluomo couldn't help but ask: "If you eat the fruit, won't you lose control and become a demon?"

Huafen said categorically: "Since the establishment of this sect, no one who has followed this method has lost control, and no one has become a monster!"


Dian Wei's heart trembled, if what Hua Fen said was true, then the Hanxiang faction might be unique in this world.

As a result, Dian Wei couldn't help but be more puzzled.

This kind of good news spreads around a hundred times, and the news cannot be concealed, and others will know about it sooner or later.

In particular, Hanxiang Valley is in the territory of the Shangyang family. If the Shangyang family knew that Hanxianggu had such miraculous fruits, would they let it go?

The scale essence of the Mirror Lake Banshee is still completely monopolized by the Shangyang family. Why do you Hanxiang Sect enjoy the unique fruit?

Hua Fen saw that Dian Wei was thinking, guessed what he was thinking, and laughed: "Are you thinking, why no one came to Hanxianggu to grab our fruits, right?"

Dian Wei: "There is no reason why others would be indifferent to such a good thing."

Hua Fen nodded: "You are right to think so, but there is one thing you may not know, whether it is eating meat or eating fruit, the effect of refining and absorption may be completely different for people who practice different martial arts.

Just like the fruits of our Hanxianggu, the disciples of this sect eat it, and the nourishment obtained by refining and absorption is extremely high, but if you change to other warriors, I am sorry, no matter how much they eat, no matter how they refine and absorb, nourishing The effect is very low, a star and a half. "

Dian Wei raised his eyebrows: "It has something to do with "Chi Mu Gong"?"

Hua Fen: "It is not only related to "Chi Mu Gong", but also related to the sap of the tree essence that we refine. The people of this sect have refined the sap of the tree essence, which is naturally closer to natural plants in terms of physique, and has something that other martial artists do not have. Advantage."

Dian Wei: "So, in fact, people of this sect can eat both meat and fruit, and the latter can completely avoid losing control, so that we can cultivate with peace of mind, right?"

Hua Fen nodded: "You are now a named disciple, and you can receive one year's fruit for free. After one year, if you pass the assessment, you can continue to receive the fruit for free, but if you fail the assessment, you will have to leave Hanxiang Valley. At that time, if you wanted to continue practicing Chi Mu Gong, you would have to spend money to buy it from the school."

Dian Wei made a note, anyway, trash people don't accept it.

Afterwards, Hua Fen took Dian Wei away again, walked out of the inner valley, and returned to the bamboo house in the outer valley.

"Go and refine the Mysterious Snake Vine Serum, and come to me to collect the fruit after the refining is successful." Hua Fen smiled.

Dian Wei handed farewell and returned to his residence.

"Junior Brother, are you back?"

Qiu Guangcheng leaned over and asked with a smile, "Did you go to Neigu to choose which tree essence to use?"

Dian Wei nodded: "Well, I just picked it up. By the way, which tree essence serum did you choose?"

Qiu Guangcheng said sternly: "Of course it is the 'White Jade Gentleman Tree'. Its slurry itself has beauty and aphrodisiac effects. After refining, it can make a man look like a crown of jade, and his temperament is like a gentleman. It is even more commendable. Yes, after aphrodisiac, a man is very good in bed, and his majesty will not fall. But all men who worship the Hanxiang Sect will choose the 'white jade gentleman tree'..."

Having said this, Qiu Guangcheng's expression changed, he blinked at Dian Wei, and said in surprise, "Did you choose something else?"

Dian Wei said speechlessly: "I chose Mysterious Snake Vine, this is more suitable for me."

Qiu Guangcheng continued: "Suitable for a ghost, junior brother, let me tell you, when you enter the inner valley, you will know that there are many women there, all beautiful women, all **** old maids, even if you don't go to hook up with them , they won't let you go. At that time, it will be an important moment to test how men we are, and for this, we must be prepared. "

Dian Wei stared, "Is this what you saw with your own eyes, or did you imagine it?"

Qiu Guangcheng sneered and said: "It's not important, the important thing is that you have to listen to the advice of your senior brother, and quickly change the tree essence. You must choose the 'Baiyu Junzi Tree', believe me, I will be happy for a lifetime!"

Dian Wei rolled his eyes and quickly changed the subject: "Stop talking about this~lightnovelpub.net~Have you ever eaten that fruit?"

Qiu Guangcheng: "Did you mean 'human face fruit'? Of course I have eaten it. It's delicious and very nourishing."

Dian Wei was surprised: "What is the fruit called, the human face fruit?!"

Qiu Guangcheng smiled and said: "When you see that kind of fruit, you will know why it is called this name."

Dian Wei was thoughtful.

Qiu Guangcheng also wanted to continue to persuade Dian Wei to take the right path. In his opinion, this matter is related to a man's lifelong happiness. Can a man who is not good in bed be called a man?

Dian Wei was fed up, ignored Qiu Guangcheng, entered the room and closed the door on his own.

He sat down with his knees crossed.

With a flip of his hand, he took out the black snake vine slurry.

"Taking this step, my life path will definitely be completely different." Dian Wei sighed softly.

Immediately afterwards, he put all the viscous slurry in the bottle into his mouth, and all of a sudden, the tip of his tongue was full of acrid taste.

Dian Wei almost choked, resisting the urge to vomit, without thinking much, he swallowed all of it in his stomach.

Then, he forced himself into concentration, adjusted his breathing rhythm, and started breathing rhythmically in a blink of an eye.

With the gradual unfolding of this breathing, the serum in the abdomen was driven up and absorbed by refining.

Immediately, Dian Wei felt a tinge of heat in his body.

Before I knew it, most of the day passed.

Dian Wei in the bamboo hut, white smoke rose from the top of his head, a faint blue light appeared on the surface of his skin, and a line of blood faintly appeared between his eyebrows.

At a certain moment, Dian Wei raised his hands and pressed them down slowly in front of him, making a gesture of closing his work. Then he slowly opened his eyes, raised his hands, and looked at the blue light on his hands, Show a smile.

The first layer of blood energy is faint, the second layer of blue light is flashing, the third layer of blue light is like jade, the fourth layer of blue light is like fire, and the fifth layer of blue light is like spring!