I Have Six Plug-ins

Chapter 212: opposite

As soon as Dian Wei saw those white lanterns, he breathed a sigh of relief.

From the information that Su Wanqing sorted out, it was known that the place where the white lantern was hung was basically safe.

But if those white lanterns turned into red lanterns...

Something bad is bound to happen!

"Looks like I'm safe for now."

Dian Wei's eyes flashed, and he took out a small mirror from his arms and looked behind him.

Looking at it, it's amazing!

The little girl has changed!

Dian Wei blinked, shook the small mirror from side to side, double-checked, and found that the little girl behind him no longer had long hair covering her face or wearing a ripped hemp skirt.

At this moment, this little girl, with long hair and a shawl, revealed an innocent face of an angel, her eyes were tightly closed, she was wearing a white dress, and her feet were bare, following Dian Wei like a sleepwalker.

Her complexion was white and rosy, as fresh as a baby.

At this moment, Dian Wei's mind moved, and he secretly said: "This is called seeing clearly!"

Unexpectedly, in the abnormal area, Dian Wei's eyesight soared, and he instantly saw the abnormality behind him at a glance.

Find it and destroy it!

Only by seeing the anomaly clearly can we hope to eliminate the anomaly!

Dian Wei could not help clenching his fists.

But he thought about it, suppressed the impulse in his heart, and didn't plan to attack the little girl for the time being.

First of all, he has no absolute certainty that he will be able to destroy this little girl.

Taking a step back, even if he can destroy her, I am afraid that his strength will be exhausted ten times, or even completely exhausted.

But at this moment in an abnormal area, you must preserve your physical strength as much as possible.

At least wait until the exit is found before starting.

Secondly, Dian Wei didn't actually plan to destroy the little girl himself. It was the best policy to use the anomaly to eat the anomaly.

Thinking of this, Dian Wei put away the small mirror and opened the weapon case.

Next, he wants to explore this abnormal area, and at least three goals must be achieved:

First, find as many valuable treasures as possible;

Second, use the anomaly to eat the little girl behind you;

Third, find the exit.

Then, in this process, Dian Wei had to consider which kind of force to use is more secure.

Moving mountains, Chi wood, no fire!

"Moving mountains is domineering and long-lasting, Chimu's strength is better than lightness, and no fire is strong and balanced."

If you want to retain your attack power and lightness, you can use Wuhuo Jin alone, or move Shan Jin and Chi Mu Jin in a certain proportion, all of which can meet the requirements.

"The data shows that someone was trapped here for more than ten days before finding the exit. He didn't dare to sleep, and he couldn't rest for a moment day and night. He was exhausted to the extreme, and almost died of exhaustion."

Dian Wei quickly became concerned, and acted according to the original plan, giving priority to maintaining physical fitness.

As a result, the energy in his body was rolling, and he quickly completed the transformation, becoming 90% Shanshan Jin+10% Chimu Jin.

Afterwards, Dian Wei pinned the long knife to his waist, held the meteor chain hammer in his hand, inserted the heavy axe into his back waist, and threw the weapon case aside.

"This corridor leads to two attics at the front and back."

Dian Wei observed it and found that the two attics were generally identical in shape, like the Twin Towers.

Can't see any difference.

That being the case, Dian Wei stepped forward, and when he came to the end, a two-story attic appeared in front of him.

The first floor door is open.

Dian Wei stood at the door and looked at it, and found that there were tables, chairs, coffee tables, and paintings and calligraphy on the walls, like a living room.

However, the ground and all objects are covered with a thick layer of dust, and spider webs can be seen everywhere at the foot of the walls. At a glance, you can see that no one has been cleaned here for a long time, and there is no trace of anyone entering or leaving.

"Go in and have a look."

Dian Wei cheered up, holding the knife in his left hand and holding the long-handled hammer in his right hand, stepping into the door, carefully turning around, leaving clear footprints on the ground.

No anomalies were found.

He turned to the stairs again, walked up the stairs, and reached the second floor.

"Hey, where is it?"

Dian Wei's eyes swept across the second floor quickly and found that it was empty, with only a large bed in the center of the room.

The big bed was made of red lacquered wood with a big red mosquito net on top. The quilt was red and the pillows were also red.

At first glance, it looks like a newcomer's bridal chamber!

Dian Wei looked at the red quilt and spread out the bed evenly. No one could hide in the quilt.

He checked the bottom of the bed again.

There is nothing underneath.

In this way, he has checked the downstairs and upstairs, and confirmed that there is no other abnormality except himself and the little girl behind him.

"It's just an empty attic." Dian Wei felt a little relieved, walked to the window, opened the window and looked outside.

Stand tall to see far.

He wanted to see what the Su family's house looked like.


The window is open!

In an instant, the sound of the rain outside came into my ears, and my vision passed through the blurred rain curtain. The first thing that came into my eyes was the winding corridor, and then the attic on the opposite side.

Dian Wei's pupils shrank suddenly!

He saw a person standing in front of the second-floor window of the attic opposite, looking towards him.

"Who is this man?"

Dian Wei's eyes narrowed, and he became more and more suspicious, how could that person look like himself!

Wearing a black robe, he is burly and strong, and he seems to be holding a weapon in his hand.

He raised the long-handled hammer and waved it, intending to say hello, and wanted to see if the other side responded.

Unexpectedly, the man opposite also raised a long-handled hammer and waved it towards him.

What the hell!

Dian Wei was startled, and immediately!

His left hand quickly reached behind his back, pulled out the heavy axe stuck in his lower back, and lifted it straight forward.

As a result, the man on the opposite side made the same action, pulling out a heavy axe from behind and raising it towards him.

Dian Wei took a deep breath, turned and went downstairs, entered the corridor, and rushed all the way to the attic opposite.

The door to the attic is also open.

Dian Wei glanced at the interior, and a chill rushed into his heart.

I saw that the layout on the first floor was exactly the same as the attic he had entered, including the table, chairs, coffee table, the position of the calligraphy and paintings on the wall, and the thick layer of dust covered with it, as well as the spider web at the foot of the wall, etc., all of which were exactly the same.

It's not over yet.

There were people's footprints on the ground. The footprints clearly circled the room and finally went up to the second floor.

What made Dian Wei's scalp tingle was that the footprints were clearly his own.

Dian Wei stepped into the room with one foot, and the sole of his foot perfectly overlapped with a footprint.

Certainly, his footprints!

"It's evil..."

Dian Wei immediately took out a small mirror and looked at the little girl behind him.

She still closed her eyes, bowed her head slightly, her angelic face was flawless, and her demeanor was as serene as sleepwalking.

"The little girl didn't react at all." Dian Wei was relieved, at least proving that no other abnormality was approaching.

"Did I encounter a ghost hitting the wall?"

"The twin lofts at both ends of the corridor are actually the same?"

Dian Wei frowned, stepped on the footprints on the ground and climbed to the second floor again, and found that the second floor was also the same layout, except for a large red bed with mosquito nets propped up, there was nothing.

Look left and right, check under the bed again.

Still nothing was found.

Footprints were also left on the ground, spreading all the way to the window, and the window was open.

It was raining heavily outside the window.

Dian Wei came to the window again, and his eyes suddenly turned to the attic opposite. Almost instantly, a figure appeared in front of the window on the second floor of the attic, and he couldn't tell the difference from Dian Wei.

"Did you really hit me?"

Dian Wei, who frowned into a pimple, turned his head to look at the spaces on both sides of the corridor.

Everything was shrouded in a foggy rain curtain, and there were faint shadows of other buildings, but it was not clear.

As for the back of the attic, you can see a piece of barren grass, and at the end I don't know where it leads, but there is no path, such as corridors, gravel roads and the like.

"This situation is so weird."

In the information Dian Wei obtained from Su Wanqing, there was no mention of these two twin towers at all.

In other words, either you have never met the Twin Towers before, or you have met someone...

All are dead!

"How to decipher it?" Dian Wei thought for a while, and then gave a sudden shock.

"Yu Guanshi said that if you change the environment in which the anomaly occurs, the anomaly may disappear, isn't it?"

Without saying a word, Dian Wei jumped directly from the window to the ground, and then smashed it with a long-handled hammer.

boom boom boom...

Several pillars were smashed by Dian Wei like a whirlwind, and the entire attic staggered and collapsed.

"See how you still play with me?"

Dian Wei immediately turned his head to look opposite, and found that the attic was still there.

So he rushed away and smashed the attic to pieces.

The second attic was demolished...

Dian Wei took a few steps back, stood in front of the ruins and looked, expecting something to change.

But after waiting for a while, nothing happened.

At this time, Dian Wei turned his head and glanced at the ruins on the other side, and his eyes suddenly enlarged.

Opposite is erected an intact two-story attic!

"It's day..."

Dian Wei shuddered, then ran back quickly and looked up at the end of the corridor.

He didn't look at it, and the attic was restored.

The door is open.

Everything is the same inside.

The only difference is that the footprints left inside disappeared, as if everything had returned to its original state.

Dian Wei was speechless for a while.

After a while, he turned his head with a stiff neck, and looked at the opposite side again. Sure enough, the attic over there was also erected again.

"It's over, this is the beginning of hell!"

Except for hallucinations~lightnovelpub.net~, I can't use common sense to explain my experience.

Dian Wei twitched the corners of his mouth and stood in front of the attic, not knowing what to do for a while.

tread! tread! tread!

Suddenly, Dian Wei listened carefully, and it seemed that footsteps were coming from a certain direction.

He went around to the back of the attic and looked at the barren grassland covered by the rain curtain. Gradually, a figure moved from far to near.

Dian Wei didn't even think about it, his figure flashed, and he hid behind a pillar in the corridor to watch secretly.

Not long after, a figure came into view.

It was a middle-aged man, very thin, skinny, walking tremblingly, wearing only a coat and no pants.

The whole body was soaked in the rain, and the hair was resting on the scalp.

If you look closely, this person is already a little bald.