I Have Six Plug-ins

Chapter 283: talk collapse

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Dian Wei found himself preconceived.

Think about it too, who stipulated that there can only be one abnormal point?

There can be many, many outliers, and they can be scattered all over the big world.

It's just that two people who are separated by millions of miles in Fengzhou and Qianzhou actually meet in the same secret realm after passing through their respective anomalous entrances. This kind of thing is really incredible and beyond imagination.

For a time, Dian Wei couldn't help but come up with advanced theories such as "space folding", "black hole", "space-time travel" and so on.

In the midst of his thoughts, Dian Wei showed the expression "Although I don't understand very well, I am greatly shocked".

He exclaimed to the woman with red lips on No. 6: "I didn't expect that there is also an anomaly in Qianzhou. I didn't expect that the two anomalies are so far apart, but they can bring us to the same place. This is amazing!"

Looking around the crowd, "Where are you from? It's very far from Fengzhou?"

The middle-aged No. 5 replied: "I'm from 'Laozhou'. To be honest, I've never heard of Fengzhou before."

Dian Wei was speechless for a while.

The red-lipped woman No. 6 said in surprise: "Laozhou? This place name is the first time my concubine has heard of it."


No. 5 couldn't help but take a deep look at No. 6, as if to say, you haven't heard of Laozhou?


Youth No. 9 interrupted abruptly: "It doesn't matter where we come from, what matters is that there is a monster lurking among us, and our task is to find this monster and get rid of it. Don't gossip, don't forget, we only have three days."

The old man No. 1 nodded and said, "Although three days may be long or short, if we can't complete this task."

Looking at the others, he continued, "You should be clear that since there are rewards, there must be corresponding punishments."

The second old woman said slowly: "Then how do we find this monster? Don't forget, the monster is among the ten of us. No matter what we say or do, it is always watching and listening."

The middle-aged man No. 7 wore a Confucian robe, dressed as a scholar, and held an iron fan in his hand, pondering:

"There is a proposal below, it's better that we can take turns checking each other, and the person being checked must not resist.

For example, starting from No. 1, he checked nine of us one by one, and then on No. 2, he also checked everyone else one by one.

After a round of inspections, we began to identify who the demons were.

Of course, no matter who you identify as a demon, you have to come up with a convincing reason.

Finally, if a person is identified as a demon by multiple people at the same time, then the conclusion is probably correct. "

This count is out!

Everyone couldn't help thinking, and after a while, the old man No. 1 said, "This old man thinks this plan is feasible, how about you?"

Old woman No. 2: "I don't care, I'm not a demon anyway, feel free to check."

"I don't think so."

At this time, No. 3 shook his head.

He is a thin and pretty swordsman, with a face that looks like he is in his fifties, and his eyes are long and cold.

Scholar No. 7 cupped his hands: "Oh, I would like to hear from you."

No. 3: "The monster is good at change, unless there is a special method, it can't be detected at all.

To tell the truth, I am only obsessed with kendo, and I have no other skills. I have no means of distinguishing whether you are human or demon, so even if I check you, I am just busy.

But in turn, the demon checked me all over, and most likely took the opportunity to find out my strength attribute, my cultivation level, and even all my old roots.

So, the method you proposed seems to be fine at first glance, but it is actually very unfavorable to me. "

After hearing this, the red-lipped woman No. 6 nodded and said, "The body of the concubine is a married woman, and this body cannot be inspected by men casually."

"I mean, although I'm not married, how can this body be touched at will?" No. 8 said confidently.

She is also a woman, in her thirties, but her appearance is a little more ordinary. Compared with the remarkable No. 6 woman with red lips, she is not attractive.

Scholar No. 7 understood: "Well, I was abrupt, I really didn't think about it."

No. 3: "Actually, your method is not without merit.

If any of us possess special skills, we can both prove our innocence and discern who is a demon. "

He also looked at everyone, "Then, as long as your skills can convince the public, I don't mind letting you check at will."

The words have come to this point...

However, out of ten people, you look at me and I look at you, but no one came forward.

Obviously, no one has the kind of magical eyes that can identify who is a demon with 100% accuracy.

Seven's stratagems make no sense.

So, for a while, everyone was at a stalemate.

Dian Wei looked around and asked, "This place is very big, aren't you worried that the demons will escape?"

The red-lipped woman No. 6 replied with a smile: "Little brother, you came out a bit late, not long ago, the nine of us spread out and investigated in all directions, and found that no matter how we went, we couldn't leave. this valley."

Youth No. 9 sneered: "What do you think? Unless we can find that monster, no one will want to leave this valley."

The second old woman sighed: "We and the demon are trapped here, and everyone has no choice."

Dian Wei's mind quickly became clear.

At this moment, he already knew where things were going.

Talk broke!

It's not good to be soft, it can only be hard!

Killing each other is unavoidable!

Sure enough, after thinking for a moment, the old man said slowly, "I'm a little tired. I'm going to take a rest. By the way, I think about how to detect the monster. Why don't we reunite again in half a day?"

Everyone can't help themselves.

In a blink of an eye, ten people spread out and each walked into a thatched hut.


Dian Wei entered the thatched hut when he came, and recalled the confrontation just now in his mind.

"Except for the strong man No. 4, everyone else has spoken."

"Alas, none of the nine of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

No. 1 is scheming, No. 2 is shrewd, No. 3 is cold and rational, No. 4 is silent, No. 5 is impeccable, No. 6 is coquettish and charming, No. 7 is gentle and jade-like, No. 8 is a little ugly, No. 9 is eager for quick success. "

Dian Wei saw all the performances of the nine people in his eyes.

However, he had no idea which one was the demon.

"The hint given by the roll paper is that there are demons among the ten people, but it doesn't say how many demons there are."

Inside and outside the words of No. 9, it is believed that there is only one demon.

None of the others were fools, but none pointed out that there might be more than one demon.

When I think about this, dong dong!

There was a knock on the door.

Dian Wei took a deep breath and asked lightly, "Who?"

"Little brother, I'm number six." A soft and sweet voice came from outside the door.

Dian Wei put the heavy axe in his hand and said, "So it's my sister, please come in."

The door opened~lightnovelpub.net~ The red-lipped woman No. 6 moved gently, and came in every step: "Is it convenient for my little brother, my sister wants to talk to you about something."

Dian Wei pointed to the table: "Let's sit down and talk."

The two sat opposite each other.

The red-lipped woman No. 6 smiled and asked directly, "Little brother, do you think your concubine is a demon?"

Dian Wei spread his hands and smiled helplessly: "I don't know."

Red-lipped woman No. 6: "Yes, you must have doubts about the concubine, but the concubine thinks that you must not be a demon."

Dian Wei raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

The red-lipped woman No. 6 covered her mouth with a chuckle, and said surprisingly: "Because, you are too young!"

Dian Wei was stunned: "What reason is this?"
