I Have Six Plug-ins

Chapter 287: 5 seconds

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Dian Wei also smiled and said, "The good thing is more than that. I suddenly thought of a good way to find out who the monster is."

"What, do you have a solution?" The red-lipped woman's eyes lit up, with a look of great anticipation on her face.

Dian Wei nodded confidently: "Sister, don't be impatient, everything will be known in two days."

"Okay, my sister believes in you!"

The red-lipped woman was very refreshing, "If you need help, just tell me."

Dian Wei: "I don't need my sister to do anything for the time being, but you can tell No. 9 the news so that he can heal with peace of mind."

A woman with red lips has nothing to do with it.

Afterwards, Dian Wei turned and walked away, and he took a long circle in the valley around the mountain village.

"Well, it's you."

Dian Wei chose a big tree, and the three of them hugged each other.

He chopped it directly with a heavy axe, cut off all the branches and leaves, made a column more than 30 feet high, and carried it back to the village.

There is an open space in the center of the village.

Dian Wei cleared out the open space, pulled out all the weeds, and then erected the column upright and rammed it into the ground to stabilize it. The height above the ground was almost two feet.

Then, he converged the bodies of No. 1 to No. 4 one by one and moved them to the side of the column.

This scene, this scene, is a little weird.

After all this, night has come.

Dian Wei returned to the thatched hut, lay down, and slept in his clothes.

Not long after, the middle-aged No. 5 with drab hair appeared under the column, looked at the four corpses, and then turned to look at the thatched hut where Dian Wei was, frowning and looking inexplicable.

"Number ten, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, a voice came.

No. 5 raised his eyebrows and turned to look.

Under the starry sky, Ugly Girl No. 8 walked slowly.

Immediately afterwards, the woman with red lips No. 6 and the scholar No. 7 also showed their bodies from different directions.

In addition, the pale-faced youth No. 9 actually came, staring at the strange scene, the expression on his face constantly changing.

Number Five looked at them, pointed to the column and the corpse and asked the red-lipped woman, "Number Six, you are closer to Number Ten, do you know what he's up to?"

"How does the concubine know."

The red-lipped woman shook her head, "But the concubine believes in No. 10. With his age, he can have such a strong strength. There is no doubt that Tianjiao has mastered a secret technique that you and I don't know."

No. 5 was a little silent: "If No. 10 can detect the demon, I will naturally support him with all my strength, but if he is a demon, let him use such a high-profile magic trick, you and I will surely die."

Hearing this, Ugly No. 8 said slowly: "Now there are six of us left, and one of them may be a demon, which means that the demon is still in a weak position.

If I were a demon, I would definitely act with care, and would never show my face and arouse suspicion.

Therefore, in my opinion, the five of us are suspected of being demons, which is bigger than No. 10. "

The red-lipped woman smiled happily: "Sister is indeed a reasonable person."

No. 5 was silent.

Scholar No. 7 thought for a while, then nodded lightly and said, "No. 10 is acting in front of everyone's eyes. In my opinion, he is a magnanimous person."

"Hmph, it's hard to say whether it's magnanimous or not."

At this time, No. 9 youth said in a muffled voice, "I don't care if No. 10 is playing tricks or tricks. On the third day, if he can't find out who the demon is, everyone will be the first to kill him."

The red-lipped woman rolled her eyes, this person is really a pig teammate.

The night passed quickly.

Early in the morning the next day, Dian Wei slowly opened his eyes, looked around, made sure no one was watching him, and rolled down his cuff to cover his entire right hand.

The cuffs are close to the bed board.

The next instant, the golden dice slipped out of the palm, rolled on the ground, and stopped.

Then, immediately returned to the palm.

The whole process lasted about a second, very fast.

And this time, the golden dice turned upside down, revealing six red ● dots.

No. 6 plug-in: Liuli Da Shun!

"Haha, luckily, the victory belongs to me!"

Dian Wei was overjoyed. The reason why he asked everyone to give him two days, hehe, was not to find out who the monster was, because he didn't know how to find out.

The reason why he delays time is precisely to wait for the most suitable plug-in to appear!

Six survivors!

If Dian Wei used one enemy against five and relied on force to suppress the other five Xuan-level bone forgings, the odds of winning were actually not great.

But if he throws the No. 5 cheat, the time stops for five seconds!

"During these five seconds, I used my transformation to attack the other five people in the strongest form!"

Transform + Heavy Axe + Time Pause for five seconds!

This is Dian Wei's strongest hole card!

Although it was only for five seconds, he could only perform five attacks at most, causing five people to receive a heavy blow each.

But in the strongest form, he is sure that one attack will severely injure the other five people, either dead or injured!

In this way, no matter who is the demon, he Dianwei can take care of them with ease.

Dian Wei can only get two days, which means he will get two chances to roll the dice!

However, handsome people are never bad luck.

The next day Dian Wei cast the No. 6 cheat.

At this moment, Dian Wei did not hesitate, and chose to open the plug-in No. 5: Five Seconds Real Man!

"Today, I'm going to be a real man and clean up all the evil spirits!" Dian Wei's mouth twitched and he walked out.

Dian Wei came to the column, pointed his toes, jumped to a high place, and landed on the top of the column, overlooking the entire village.

"Everyone, please come to me." He shouted loudly.

The next moment, the red-lipped woman No. 6 stuck her head out of a window and responded, "Here comes."

The voice just fell~lightnovelpub.net~ No. 5, middle-aged man with drab hair, was the first to arrive. He looked up at Dian Wei and frowned, "What's the matter?"

Dian Wei: "Let's talk when everyone arrives."

In a short while, ugly girl No. 8, scholar No. 7, and sister No. 6, all arrived

Only youth number nine is missing!

Dian Wei glanced at him and said loudly, "Number 9, come here quickly!"

No one responded.

Number nine never showed up.

The red-lipped woman said, "I'll take a look." After that, she twisted her waist and went straight to the thatched hut where the youth number nine was.

Just at the next moment, a coquettish cry came in vain.

"Come here, Number Nine, Number Nine is dead!" the red-lipped woman shouted.