I Have Six Plug-ins

Chapter 320: know

"The ghost blows the lamp!"

The women's clothing boss shuddered, and immediately jumped to Dian Wei's side.

The long sword has been drawn halfway.

A dazzling cold light burst out from the sharp sword body, illuminating the surroundings as if covered with a layer of frost.


Dian Wei and Liu Jinyu were also shocked.

They focused all their attention on the monk's wooden sculpture just now, and didn't notice what happened. When they turned to look, the candle had already been extinguished.

Fortunately, the lanterns cannot be blown out.

Dian Wei raised his lantern and looked around.

Not a single ghost was seen.

"It's okay, lanterns can drive away ghosts." Dian Wei secretly held a handful of incense ashes and said calmly.


Liu Jinyu nodded, not leaving an inch.

"That's good." The women's clothing boss breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately took out four white candles, lit them all, and inserted them into the four corners of the high platform.

Coupled with Dian Wei's white lantern, the light on the high platform instantly filled up, a bright white light.

Still worried, Dian Wei walked around the edge with a white lantern, confirming that the Specter was really driven away, and then turned his attention to the monk's woodcarving.

The three of them moved around for a while, and the monk's woodcarving remained motionless without any reaction.

"This wood carving, it has been sitting like this?" Dian Wei turned to the women's clothing boss.

"It is now."

The women's clothing boss slowly drew out his sword, "But as long as someone gets within two feet of it, it will come alive."

Dian Wei: "How many times have you killed it?"

Women's clothing boss: "To be exact, it can't be killed, because it shouldn't be a living creature."

Dian Wei was thoughtful, then slapped the weapon case, and the broad sword popped out.

"You are here to support us." Dian Wei took out the crossbow and handed it to Liu Jinyu, and then handed the lantern to her.

Liu Jinyu nodded, stepped back to the edge, and set up a crossbow.

"Let's go up and say hello." Dian Wei walked towards the woodcarving monk unhurriedly, and the women's clothing boss followed suit.

Four feet, three feet, two feet!

Dian Wei stopped abruptly, his pupils shrank involuntarily, and at the moment when his left foot stepped within two feet, the eyelids of the monk's wood carving suddenly trembled, as if awakened from a sleep.

"Be careful, it's awake."

The women's clothing boss took a deep breath, Orchid pointed her hair behind her head, and raised her long sword to point forward.

Dian Wei stood with his sword crossed, his eyes fixed on the monk's woodcarving for a moment.

next moment!

The monk woodcarving opened his eyes, no eyeballs could be seen in the eye sockets, only pure black, revealing a terrifying gloom.

"You are here again."

The monk woodcarving twisted his neck slightly, looked at the big man in women's clothing, and actually spoke.

listen to the voice...

Dian Wei is certain, that is nothing!

Women's clothing boss: "Yes, I'm here again."

Monk woodcarving: "How do you think about that matter?"

Hearing this, Dian Wei couldn't help but squinted at the big boss in women's clothing.

"I'm still thinking about it." The women's clothing boss twitched his face, "Today I'll bring a new friend to introduce to you."

The monk's wooden sculpture tilted his head stiffly like a robot, his eyes fell on Dian Wei, he was stunned for a while, and sighed: "Fate, Dian Wei, I didn't expect that we would meet each other again."

As soon as this word comes out!

It was the turn of the women's clothing boss who squinted at Dian Wei and said in surprise, "Ah, do you know each other?"

Dian Wei's mood was tumultuous for a while, and he replied: "I didn't expect that we would meet again, there is no master."

Monk woodcarving: "Don't dare, the little monk is just a little novice in the Buddhist sect, how dare you call yourself a master."

Dian Wei: "Aren't you in the Heavenly Prison? Why did you appear here again?"

Monk woodcarving: "The one in the prison is me. UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com The woodcarving in front of you is also me. Buddhist disciples, incarnations are everywhere."

Dian Wei sneered and said, "In my opinion, no matter how many incarnations you have, all of them are prisoners. The one in the prison is bound by your shackles, and you can't leave here, right?"

Monk woodcarving: "It doesn't matter where the body is, as long as the heart is free, the sky is big and the earth is big, where can we go? Look, didn't we meet again. At this moment, just like that moment!"

Dian Wei: "Ming people don't speak secretly, I'm here for the key."

Monk woodcarving: "What do you want the key for?"

Dian Wei frowned: "Of course it's to get out of this ghost place."

Monk woodcarving: "You don't have to be so troublesome, the little monk can send you out and return to the mortal world, thus ending this dangerous journey."