I Have Six Plug-ins

Chapter 40: serial

Dian Wei's idea is actually very simple.

He has already killed Nanhu, so to speak, he has forged a great feud with Hai Huanguang, Donglong and others.

Although he has not been exposed at this time, this situation cannot continue forever.

"While they haven't woken up yet, how many can they kill?"

Dian Wei is in the dark, and the enemy is in the light. This is his advantage. He can't wait for others to come to the door before fighting back.

Besides, Donglong and the others killed so many apprentices of Old Man Zheng. Although those people didn't have any deep friendship with Dian Wei, they still had a three-point friendship. Even if it was just for Old Man Zheng, he had already thought of this viciousness.

Not long after, Dian Wei walked into Juwei Pavilion.

This shop's ancestral "lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken" is fragrant and delicious.

Dian Wei frequents this restaurant and loves to eat "lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken" and hates himself for not being able to eat eight chickens in one meal.

"This Viper Gang is too poisonous. In the past, the protection fee was charged once a month, and then it was charged once every 20 days. Now it is charged once every ten days. We are all operating at a loss. If it goes on like this, it is better to close the shop earlier. ." The proprietress complained frowning.

"Be quiet, if the Viper Gang hears it, they will only intensify and bully us." The boss looked terrified.

When Dian Wei saw this situation, his heart instantly exploded.

If such a good gourmet restaurant is closed, how can I eat chicken in the future.

It didn't take long before the Viper Gang came.

The leader was one of the Thirteen Taibaos, named Xu Wei, with two gangsters behind him.

After the three entered the store, they found an empty table and sat down, ordered three chickens and three jars of wine, and ate and drank there.

The second shopkeeper waited on carefully, but still got hit by Xu Wei's feet, his face turned pale in pain, not only did he dare not speak out, but he also smiled and praised Xu Wei's good footwork.

Having eaten and drank enough, Xu Wei tapped the table with his chopsticks.

The boss understood and quickly took the protection fee and put it on the table.

Xu Wei smiled coldly, put the silver in the purse around his waist, got up and said, "Go, go to the 'Chunxianglou' tonight and have a good time."

The two **** were overjoyed.

Dian Wei, who was wearing a cloak, followed and got up, his footsteps were fast, he deceived Xu Wei, ripped off the purse, and ran away, slamming out the door.

This scene!

Xu Wei was stunned for three seconds before he realized that he was robbed!

Good guy!

In Cangtong Town, there are still people who dare to **** my Xu Wei's wallet in broad daylight, and Wang Fa?

Xu Wei and the two thugs hurriedly chased out.

Seeing this situation, the boss and the boss's wife looked dumbfounded.

The man in the cloak in front crossed the street and turned into an alley.

The three of Xu Wei chased in.

It's getting dusk, the alley is empty, the light is dim,

The man in the cloak was running, suddenly stopped, and stood there waiting for the three of Xu Wei.

"Where are you a thief, don't you know who the uncle is?" Xu Wei roared sharply.

Dian Wei's shoulders swayed, blood burst out from the soles of his feet, and he rushed towards Xu Wei with incomparable swiftness, raising his legs to sweep across.

Whip the leg!

Swish! Xu Wei's eyes flashed, and his waist was hit by a huge force, and he was severely bent in an abnormal posture.

The lumbar vertebra was broken by a kick!

Xu Wei's whole figure flew out diagonally like a broken sack, hitting a wall.

See this scene!

The two thugs were horrified, and their bodies froze in fear. Before they could react, Dian Wei stretched out his hands and pinched their necks, preventing them from making any sound.

Squeeze the neck, lift it up, and twist it hard!



Dian Wei's hands were vigorous, and he directly broke the necks of the two gangsters, neatly.

He turned his head to look at Xu Wei again, this guy is already dead and can't die anymore.

Xu Wei, who had a double blood vigor, was beaten to death by Dian Wei's whip.

Touch the corpse and take the money.

Then, Dian Wei looked around, lifted a rock and smashed the bodies of the three of Xu Wei.

This is not to destroy corpses, but purely to destroy traces.

Can't let people see how the three of them died, and can't leave any trace of "moving mountains".

After cleaning up the scene, Dian Wei left quickly.

A punch with 100% power was useless after all.

Because it is not necessary.

"Unconsciously, I have become so strong." Dian Wei sighed softly.

The killing of Xu Wei caused quite a stir in Cangtong Town. Countless people applauded and shouted, "Good death!"

The Viper Gang is really unpopular, and they have already committed public anger.

The mysterious murderer who killed Xu Wei turned into a chivalrous man in the eyes of the people, and eliminated harm for the people!

Good people named this chivalrous man "White-browed Eagle Man", saying that he is a man of ancient ways, with a pair of white eyebrows, and his special skill is Eagle Claw.

In this regard, the Viper Gang was naturally frightened and angry, and they released harsh words, vowing to pay the debt with blood, and offering a reward of 300 taels to find the murderer.

Dian Wei didn't care about this, he just immersed himself in training hard, working hard to accumulate blood and improve his strength.

A few days later, the maid Yin Lan hurried over and shouted, "Young Master, something big has happened again."

Dian Wei: "What's the big deal?"

Yin Lan took a breath: "I heard from Chef Liu just now that Zeng Shaoan was at home and was killed by the white-browed hawkman."

Zeng Shaoan is also one of the Thirteen Taibao.

Dian Wei was taken aback, because this man did not kill him, and he would not kill the whole family at every turn.

The murderer is someone else.

"Tell me carefully."

"This morning, the neighbors found that Zeng Shaoan's house door was open, and there was a strange smell coming from the yard, so they looked up and saw a dead man lying on the ground. Shedu came, and a few daring people entered the door to check, and found that Zeng Shaoan's family was all dead, Zeng Shaoan was dismembered into eight pieces, the blood was blurred all over the place, and the corpse was incomplete." Yin Lan sighed.

Dian Wei: "Then how do you know the murderer is the White-browed Eagle Man?"

Yin Lan: "The White-browed Eagleman left blood on the scene, saying that he wanted to kill everyone in the Viper Gang."

Dian Wei's heart froze.

The Viper Gang has offended too many people. Besides me, there are others who can't bear to take action. Who could it be?

A few days later, another one of the Thirteen Taibao was killed.

The man's name was Huang Fugui, who entered an abandoned house alone and never came out.

When he was discovered, his method of death was similar to that of Zeng Shaoan. He was stabbed by thousands of knives, and the ground was blurred with blood.

At this time, the feng shui turns, and the Viper Gang is in a state of turmoil, and the members of the gang scramble to quit.

But two days later, another family was killed. The owner of the family was Wang Huhu, and he was also one of the Thirteen Taibaos of the Viper Gang. He just announced his withdrawal from the gang that day.

After that, Yan Jiang, Su Shaojiu, Xiao Kui...

Thirteen Taibaos were killed one after another, and the methods of death were extremely tragic.

For a time, the name of the White-browed Eagleman resounded throughout Cangtong Town.

"A **** storm..." Dian Wei frowned, always feeling that there was something wrong with this matter.

That night, Old Man Zheng arrived on time and suddenly said, "The town is not peaceful recently, so try to avoid going out as much as possible."

Dian Wei's mind moved: "Mr. Zheng, do you know something?"

Old Man Zheng was silent for a while and sighed, "I'm not sure, I hope I'm wrong."

This is a no-brainer.